didn't you want to cite the forum post from 2009 that you "pirated" this from? or just claim it as your own so others are impressed?
Idiot, nobody is trying to "claim" candles. I didn't invent fucking candles. As far as whatever one "post" you're talking about, I've literally sourced a dozen various sources and cited a half dozen in the vain attempt to enlighten a half dozen short-bussers on the basic principles of your common, everyday fucking candle, and the record shows it. You, nothing, at all. And just to put a bowl on it, here is some of the data and sources I've actually given, while you essentially giggled in the corner drawing dick pics. Followed by ever single word you've been able to muster on the matter. You'll see, your part easily could have been played by a retarded goat :
Here's an article saying one parrafin wax candle creates 13 lumens and 11grams of co2 per hour
What garden wouldn't benefit from an extra 13 lumens and 11 grams of co2 per hour?
4 candles = 44 g of co2 per hour. 44X12 = 492 g of co2 per 12 hour day... that's over a lb of co2 per 12 hour day! The equivalent of emptying a 20lb co2 tank every 18 days! (plus a bonus 52 lumens

for veg, 44 x 18 = over 1.5 lbs of co2 per day
Jeez, ok man, be the guy worried about the toxicity of burning a candle. Burning. A. Candle...
Here's two articles, one by a guy explaining how "toxic" a paraffin candle is:
And OSHA's analysis of paraffin wax fumes, from paraffin candles, the most widely burned candles in the history of the world:
One candle would be 11-14 grams per hour. It takes 4 candles to get to 1 lb co2 in bloom, 1.5 in veg. Paraffin is a hydro carbon = hydrogen + carbon.
Formula for paraffin is C25H52
(Atomic Mass: Oxygen 16g, Hydrogen 1g, Carbon 12g per mole)
Molecular Mass: CO2 44g per mole
Mass of 1 candle 80g
duration of burn with 50 mm tea wick 17 hours
rate that wax burns: 4.7g/hour
Paraffin contains C(25 x 12g) / (C(25 x 12g) + H(52 x 1g)) x 100 = 85% carbon
Therefore when 4.7g wax is burnt, 85% x 4.7g /12g(atomic weight C) = 0.333 mole C is burnt
to produce 0.333 mole of CO2 per hour
That is just to show the long explanation for anyone who seriously doubts. You can google a dozen sources in 5 seconds to tell you a candle burns 10-12 grams of co2 per hour. That's not controversial.
Also, if you'll notice, I adjusted the formula. The guy who posted that estimated the burn rate of paraffin to be about half of what it is, thus decreasing the co2 potency of his figures by half

C'mon bro, first you were worried house would burn down, then that the flame would burn all the oxygen, now you're worried about carbon monoxide? Which is it?

Other people are worried about benzene and toluene, "clogging and slowing stomata with smoke"... Well, then, if it's carbon monoxide that you're now worried about, you don't need to worry at all!!!

It's a candle, bro. candles produce spurts, just tiny spurts, of carbon monoxide in the smoke when you blow them out. You can find an article talking about the "sulfur poisoning" when you light the match that lights the candle, but let's be real. When there is a flame, the carbon monoxide is so, so infinitesimally small, that.... they're able to make a cheap as hell product known as a "candle", lab tested, grandmother approved, enjoyed the world over, every day in a variety of applications

Even the people who ARE afraid of candles aren't afraid of carbon monoxide! They are afraid of other things they shouldn't be afraid of, like "
benzene and
toluene" oooh... (Here's a study) "Even though the high-soot candles generally produced greater levels of emissions than the reference candles, they were still far below the most stringent of the applicable air-quality standards. Emission behaviors of the sooting soy and paraffin candles were very similar to that of their reference candle counterparts, although interesting differences were noted with the TVOC and aldehyde emissions. Volatile Organic Compounds The VOC profiles of the high-soot candles were essentially the same for the reference candles. However, the total VOC (TVOC) emissions for the high-soot soy and paraffin samples (1.79 and 2.84 µg/g) were lower than for their respective reference counterparts (3.07 and 4.08 µg/g wax)...
If you want visual aid, here. This is a guy who IS afraid of carbon monoxide in candles!!! And, he feels he has proof, and made a video to warn people.. I don't know the man, but I will go ahead and classify him as a bummbling idiot of the highest regard, and his own video proves it a half dozen ways.. Can you find them? It's like Where's Waldo

... Don't be like this dude... as an aid, here is a list of various agency standards for carbon monoxide:
And... a reminder what we're talking about:
I mean, I don't know what to say. I don't know how much documentation is needed here. I never guessed so many people were afraid of candles.
As far as a "damn candle".. it's simply hydrocarbon, it's C25H52, It's 85% carbon, it produces 1/4 lb co2 a day. It is what it is. Photosynthesis is 6CO2 + 6H2O + light energy = C6H12O6 + 6O2...
Paraffin is a hydro carbon. it is simply C25H52, from head to toe. When it burns, it becomes CO2 and H2O, water vapor. with a 50 mm wick, it will produce about 12 grams of co2 per hour, or a little over 1/4 lb per 12 hours.
It's co2. co2 + h2O + light = plant. It can be twisted a bunch of ways, just like the water and light. Haters gonna hate, but plants gonna 6H2O + 6CO2 → C6H12O6 + 6O2, and paraffin gonna C25H52(s) + 38 O2(g)→ 25 CO2(g) + 26 H2O(g) + Energy, and bunnies gonna C6H12O6 + 6o2 = 6CO2 + H2O + energy...
So, that's carbon monoxide. Concentration for CO2? absurdly, impossible to reach high. The earth is foating around 400 ppm right now. Mankind would go extinct at 60,000 ppm, or 150 fold what's in our atmosphere. Here's the breakdown science. Life is very adapted to carbon, being carbon based and all.
Can we be somewhat real here? I post these pictures because what the hell are we talking about? These are designed to 1. light the candle 2. walk the fuck away...
the CO doesn't hurt plants, so yeah you could run a completely air tight room and you'd get all the co2 and plants would be fine... Just don't go in that fuckin' room until it's 100% clean air, and it better be 100% sealed. Like actually air tight, not grow room air tight.
The essential inputs in whatever the hell it is you're arguing is: 1. Plant 2. Candle ... Those are the only required components.... you have the REST OF THE KNOWN UNIVERSE to modify the equation... and ALL you can come up with is "Grow room good, fire bad."
One more time, for you stupid "fire hazard" Monkey motherfuckers who need every facet of physics explained:
This is a co2 burner:
This is a candle lantern:
...Do you idiots need further explanation? Do you see the parallels in form and function? Idiots? No? One more time.
This is a co2 burner:
And, Lantern:
I prefer tiki torches. that citronella keeps teh bugs away too. lol.
my grow room looks like the set from Gilligan's Island.
can you break down the theory of relativity for us? seems like you got candles vs burners down pat already. maybe M-Theory if you have time in your busy day?
So your grasp on Physics is limited to candle vs burner argument? Get your GED kid.
didn't you want to cite the forum post from 2009 that you "pirated" this from? or just claim it as your own so others are impressed?