T. bridgesii cutting just arrived...should I pot yet? Pics


Well-Known Member
so this FAT 12" T bridgesii cutting just arrived from a cacti grower in Cali. This is my first cactus so i'm kinda confused about a few things so bare with me lol:1. Do I just stick the bridgesii in the pot? and if so does it need an initial watering? 2. how often should I water it as I heard bridgesii is prone to rot (My soil is comprised of 50% cactus/palm/citrus mix from the nursery 50% perlite/lava rock. + some EWC). 3. Can I keep her in the same room as my cannabis (any cacti pests/fungus I should worry about). 4. Can she get the same amount of light as the cannabis plants? - Thanks ! IMG_8312 (2).JPG IMG_8322.JPG ps: what are those growths/spots on the cactus? not the spines
Thank you - so on the subject of keeping her in the grow room..what are the chances (if there even is any) of the bridgesii carrying over some sort of disease to my plants
i'm not a cactus expert, i've grown a few, usually given them away when they get too big. depends on the rh i would think, i've always tried to keep the rh down where i grow cactus. the flower room ought to be ok, as long as you keep it under 50% rh.
i'm not aware of any pests or diseases that would be a problem. cactus are susceptible to mold and rot if they are kept too wet, but i don't think they just carry anything on their own. as long as the cutting is nice and firm with no soft spots, you should be fine.
i'm not a cactus expert, i've grown a few, usually given them away when they get too big. depends on the rh i would think, i've always tried to keep the rh down where i grow cactus. the flower room ought to be ok, as long as you keep it under 50% rh.
i'm not aware of any pests or diseases that would be a problem. cactus are susceptible to mold and rot if they are kept too wet, but i don't think they just carry anything on their own. as long as the cutting is nice and firm with no soft spots, you should be fine.

Cool thanks again man !
really? never saw any, but they really seemed to like my strawberry plants i was growing inside, maybe that kept them from the cactus
I haven't gotten any mites on my San Pedro or Peruvians but my beaver tail and mamarillias(spelling) have gotten them several times.. so I'm assuming they wouldn't have any problems sucking on sacred cacti.. lol..
Looks good! Fischer's advice is solid.

Id add rooting bridesii in perlite or vermiculite is nice and helps keep gnats to a minimum until you plant it.

Welcome to the club!
Thanks man!

Loving cacti already and It hasn't even rooted ! I'm excited about propagating her..was watching a ton of grafting/topping videos yesterday..I love the fact that you get an endless amount of cacti from just one soo cool..here she iss :D IMG_8325.JPG
what's up guys..any idea on what these black spots are? It's been about a month since I started the cutting in the pot. I saw her first new 'spike' or spine coming in at the top of the cactus today :D so I assume it's rooted. AVG temp 79-84 AVG RH 45-50 gets to 60 veryy rarely. She's in a partially shaded spot/low light(not directly under grow lights- on the side of grow room).
**I haven't watered it yet
The cutting came with a dried up black spot - is this normal or is it a type of fungus?

glad to hear you're getting some activity. the black spots are ok as long as they stay hard. if they get soft, cut the bad spot out, and make sure you get it down to healthy looking tissue. if you have to do it, i like to put a piece of blue painters tape over the hole. keeps any pests out, allows it to breath, and comes off without damaging the skin.