Well-Known Member
so this FAT 12" T bridgesii cutting just arrived from a cacti grower in Cali. This is my first cactus so i'm kinda confused about a few things so bare with me lol:1. Do I just stick the bridgesii in the pot? and if so does it need an initial watering? 2. how often should I water it as I heard bridgesii is prone to rot (My soil is comprised of 50% cactus/palm/citrus mix from the nursery 50% perlite/lava rock. + some EWC). 3. Can I keep her in the same room as my cannabis (any cacti pests/fungus I should worry about). 4. Can she get the same amount of light as the cannabis plants? - Thanks !
ps: what are those growths/spots on the cactus? not the spines