First grow looking for advice


I got this plant from a co-worker so I don't know very much about it and i want to know what I need to be doing at this point. I've switched the light schedule to 12/12 and it's about 4 1/2 months old. Im using a 300w dual spectrum led and some organic soil with worm castings from home Depot (I know it's probably not the best, suggestions for my next plant?) Its in a 4x4x2 mylar tent. Thank you for any feedback I appreciate it. IMG_20180527_153843.jpg IMG_20180527_153835.jpg IMG_20180527_153812.jpg IMG_20180527_153802.jpg IMG_20180527_153752.jpg IMG_20180527_153743.jpg IMG_20180527_153752.jpg IMG_20180527_153743.jpg


Well-Known Member
Somethings up with the plant tho, look at the way the leaves are curling. Not sure what it is but that's something.


Yes the leafs have the claw look to them, Which probably saying too much nitrogen. What kind of nutrients are you using? What is your schedule? how often are you feeding them? and since you’re in 12/12 I wouldn’t top. But you can do some low stress training on her. By spreading out the branches to make a wider canopy

dr greenthumbs

Well-Known Member
Feeding a little too much and the ph of the soil is probably a little low. Dolomitic lime, alfalfa meal, and some crushed oyster shell. After that just water her and skip a feeding. It will straighten out

dr greenthumbs

Well-Known Member
Ok buddy, I like to make sure I give good advice, so I went back over the whole thread. First, your definitely feeding and my guess is watering to much. It's just as important to get her dry. Second, it's not to late at all. Get some lime, alfalfa, and oyster shell and top dress the pot. Knead it in with your fingers. Let it get dry before this though, water heavy after. Heavy on all of it. Third, slow down on the nutes. What are you using? And how often? The amendments I suggest are organic and you cannot cause a problem with them unless you just go ape


Ok buddy, I like to make sure I give good advice, so I went back over the whole thread. First, your definitely feeding and my guess is watering to much. It's just as important to get her dry. Second, it's not to late at all. Get some lime, alfalfa, and oyster shell and top dress the pot. Knead it in with your fingers. Let it get dry before this though, water heavy after. Heavy on all of it. Third, slow down on the nutes. What are you using? And how often? The amendments I suggest are organic and you cannot cause a problem with them unless you just go ape
I'm not using any nutrients but I'm thinking the soil I'm using has too much nutrients. And I was giving it water every 4 days but it started to droop after about 2 so I recently started watering it every 2 days. Will the top dress help with the claw look or just the overall health of the plant?


Yes the leafs have the claw look to them, Which probably saying too much nitrogen. What kind of nutrients are you using? What is your schedule? how often are you feeding them? and since you’re in 12/12 I wouldn’t top. But you can do some low stress training on her. By spreading out the branches to make a wider canopy
Are you suggesting tying down the branches with plant ties? And I haven't used any nutrients but water every 2 days


I'm not using any nutrients but I'm thinking the soil I'm using has too much nutrients. And I was giving it water every 4 days but it started to droop after about 2 so I recently started watering it every 2 days. Will the top dress help with the claw look or just the overall health of the plant?
Another thought is if I top it should just top the main stem or also the other branches too?