Free energy VS Fossil Fuel

Edward Snowden proved beyond a doubt that James Clapper had lied to the public about mass public surveillance showing that long maligned "conspiracy theorists" had been right.
You think that was the first time?
Of course not.
i find it a lot more likely that someones ego or reputation was involved. academics are as fierce about their egos as any drunk college boy.
someone made a bad choice, then defended it till it was confirmed. once things are built, it's practically impossible to get the government to admit they were wrong, and scrap the built installation for a new set up.
it's not a conspiracy, it's complacency, it's the status quo....
America's nuclear power infrastructure grew directly out of the Manhattan Project. The military aspect was baked in from the beginning.
Thorium use is another simple conspiracy theory. If Thorium was better they’d use it.
In this case, history supports @choomer's contention.

Thorium might well be better. How likely are we to make the switch? I'm thinking not very.

Apparently we rather throw billions at fusion power pipe dreams.
Cute, but human stupidity has been proven throughout millennia and justifying it doesn't make it less stupid.
Use that insight above when you think about all the global warming hype (conveniently relabeled "climate change") during a solar grand minimum that we've known was coming since the 70's scientifically termed as a:.

"Maunder Minimum," which refers to the seven decades, from 1645 to 1715, when the sun's surface ceased its heat-releasing magnetic storms and coincided with the Little Ice Age, a period of chillier temperatures, from around 1550 to 1850 in Europe, North America and Asia, according to NASA.​

You know, a little thing like the sun, which is responsible for the weather of the entire solar system.

Re-read the last 2 sentences and think about it instead of lapsing into the complacency of the status quo.
You do know that "conspiracy theory" was coined by the CIA to discredit questioning of the Kennedy assassination, don't you?

So you do understand that the gov't routinely lies to the public and what tools they use to discredit anyone that knows enough to point that out.
Incontrovertible proof was found on

by the same gov't funded effort used to create the atomic bomb.

Why are you defending the practice and saying "there's nothing anyone can do" when you know there has been a slow, but inexorable change in public sentiment about the schedule 1 criminalization of marijuana?
Maunder Minimum theories and Kennedy assassination conspiracies- even if true- have nothing at all to do with the use of thorium as an energy source and conflating them does nothing to advance your case.
There is free energy tty.. I've seen several videos and even some that show you how to make your own.. it's quite simple really.. it has to do with the fact that to many rich fuckers are so financially involved in crude oil they don't want to loose on their investment . To the point some states are even banning and outlawing people who harvest wind for energy... A man in I believe Oregon was jailed over a small wind turbine on there home.. and if I'm not mistaken in most states it's illegal to be off the grid so to speak,,fuck it's illegal to collect rain water in many states.. last parts of topic but you get the idea...
Yes, he ran afoul of a city ordinance against home power generation. He should simply have moved outside of town.

It is also true that such laws and ordinances are outdated, protectionist and even corrupt, such as the law against connecting any home generated power to the grid in the entire state of Florida.

Most cities have ordinances requiring homes to be connected to the grid, in order to ensure a large enough base of customers to handle distribution and maintenance affordably.

In my city you have to be connected to the city grid but you can install grid tied renewables. My next door neighbors have a solar power installation on their rooftop, no problem.
The bitch is - if thorium were better it would be used. That’s the way shit works. It’s stupid simple tech. Tens of thousands of nuclear engineers would know thorium was better over the past 60 years, but they all stay quiet? Silently bite their tongue and continue to work with plutonium ?

Never gonna happen. The rest is all historical bullshit conspiracy theory.
no, Thorium actually is better, it was entirely someone's ego (i think Wernher von Braun's) and the military wanting fissionable material that caused them to go with uranium. it's not really a secret, you can look it up.
a lot of other countries are going with thorium reactors, but since we went with uranium, it would cost too much to destroy all the existing reactors and rebuild thorium reactors.
Assange is a traitor because he used evidence created by the people he reported on and they can't even say it is fake, but instead was "hacked"?
Perfect logic topped off by the conviction that an foreign national can be a traitor to the US.
Have some more Koolaid.

Roger's argument that the reason they didn't/aren't going to change reactors types is money:

which is later belittled with the sarcasm

It doesn't reflect very well on our cognitive abilities not to be able to see the hypocrisy in that and reflects the hubris needed to discount the possibility there is a motive force they haven't discovered yet when the use of electricity as a motive power source is less than 200 years old (Faraday 1821) and nuclear is 75.

BTW.....why are you guys using the same avatar?
sorry, i had julian assange and edward snowden's names confused
Maunder Minimum theories and Kennedy assassination conspiracies- even if true- have nothing at all to do with the use of thorium as an energy source and conflating them does nothing to advance your case.
"Conspiracy theory" came into the conversation here:
Thorium use is another simple conspiracy theory. If Thorium was better they’d use it.
and I thought the person using the phrase should know it was coined to, and continues to be used for, discrediting anyone questioning an "official story".

The conflation you claim I would term more as a comparison of how fluidly scientific theory is used when framed by/for political ends; but it sounds like you can believe in the suppression of superior, cheaper, and less impacting technologies in the latest discovered source of energy even though it was discovered at the same time just because it can't be used for military purposes.

You have successfully skirted the question I initially asked though so let me phrase it a different way:
Wouldn't a country that has based the value of its currency on the predominate energy source of our age use national security to safeguard the value of their currency?

The more I see of things denied dissemination by the codification of "national security" the more I think it's just a convenient way to keep gov't malfeasance from being discovered until decades later when most people don't care anymore.
"The more I see of things denied dissemination by the codification of "national security" the more I think it's just a convenient way to keep gov't malfeasance from being discovered until decades later when most people don't care anymore."

BINGO!, we have a the question is, what do you propose to do about it?

here's your prize, by the way

No new aspect on the arguement presented. The conspiracy theory requires simple, old technology suppression in an extremely well understood academic arena.

You cannot suppress that, as has been mentioned already. They are not teaching incorrect science at PhD level so as to keep generations of nuclear engineers in the dark on Thorium

You are whittling the round pegs to fit the square holes of a weak theory
Replies out of order -
No new aspect on the arguement presented. The conspiracy theory requires simple, old technology suppression in an extremely well understood academic arena.
You cannot suppress that, as has been mentioned already. They are not teaching incorrect science at PhD level so as to keep generations of nuclear engineers in the dark on Thorium
You are whittling the round pegs to fit the square holes of a weak theory
I used Thorium as an example of a suppressed technology. It's not unknown (except to the layman) but it is like Beta vs. VHS, a better technology obsoleted due to the porn of warfare.
Is it so hard to contemplate that the patent application of an individual could be either buried under a national security order or bought, accompanied by legal hamstring agreement, and shelved by a shell company for big oil?

"The more I see of things denied dissemination by the codification of "national security" the more I think it's just a convenient way to keep gov't malfeasance from being discovered until decades later when most people don't care anymore."
BINGO!, we have a the question is, what do you propose to do about it?
here's your prize, by the way
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Most things proven true that had long been belittled as conspiracy theory relied on an insider leaking information that the general populace will never have access to (and which cost the leakers greatly) e.g.:

Chelsea Manning = disclosing to WikiLeaks nearly 750,000 classified, or unclassified but sensitive, military and diplomatic documents, and was imprisoned between 2010 and 2017.

Edward Snowden = On May 20, 2013, he flew to Hong Kong after leaving his job at an NSA facility in Hawaii, and in early June he revealed thousands of classified NSA documents to journalists Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras, and Ewen MacAskill.
Presently a citizen of Russia since the U.S. Department of Justice unsealed charges against Snowden of two counts of violating the Espionage Act of 1917 and theft of government property.

Julian Assange = WikiLeaks published a series of leaks provided by Chelsea Manning. These leaks included the Collateral Murder video (April 2010),[3][4] the Afghanistan war logs (July 2010), the Iraq war logs (October 2010), and CableGate (November 2010) <not to mention DNC and Clit'n campaign emails>. Following the 2010 leaks, the federal government of the United States launched a criminal investigation into WikiLeaks and asked allied nations for assistance.
This was furnished by Sweden alledging rape charges which, On 19 May 2017, the Swedish authorities dropped but has kept him in political asylum inside the London Peruvian Embassy since 2012 since he will be arrested by GB authorities for extradition to the US if he leaves.

Tommy Robinson = co-founded and served as spokesman and leader of the English Defence League (EDL), from which he resigned in 2013. He is currently serving a 13-month prison sentence levied on May 29, 2018 for contempt of court after publishing a Facebook Live video of muslim defendants entering a law court in defiance of restrictions on reporting on ongoing child grooming trials. The media has been forbidden to report on his imprisonment by the courts.
<Information provided by Wikipedia sometimes massaged to reveal the actual circumstances (Tommy Robinson).>

What can be done by the individual is to file FOIA requests of gov't agencies as has been used by Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch. to reveal a great deal of recorded information otherwise not released to the US public.
Unfortunately, it often takes a law suit to ultimately get the information released.

The other thing an individual can do is to call out any official story that has evidence which "smells south of cheese", the same as we would with information furnished by any other serial liar, and not fear being called a conspiracy theorist by the liar (or any unthinking supporter of it).
But that takes bravery and ultimately a willingness to be harassed or imprisoned.

A lot of people here chance prison every day to ignore a stupid law passed only to safeguard industry (paper, pharmaceutical, etc.).

But back to "free energy":

Tesla (responsible for that little tech that allows you to plug an electrical device into a wall socket for electricity) had a project called Wardenclyffe Tower financed by J. P. Morgan which lost all its funding once Morgan realized there would be no way to charge for the broadcast power.

The morning after the inventor's death, his nephew Sava Kosanovic´ hurried to his uncle's room at the Hotel New Yorker. He was an up-and-coming Yugoslav official with suspected connections to the communist party in his country. By the time he arrived, Tesla's body had already been removed, and Kosanovic´ suspected that someone had already gone through his uncle's effects. Technical papers were missing as well as a black notebook he knew Tesla kept—a notebook with several hundred pages, some of which were marked "Government."P. E. Foxworth, assistant director of the New York FBI office, was called in to investigate. According to Foxworth, the government was "vitally interested" in preserving Tesla's papers. Two days after Tesla's death, representatives of the US Office of Alien Property went to his room at the New Yorker Hotel and seized all his possessions.

It being Tesla is a proven genius who discovered alternating current, radio broadcast (Tesla died in 1943 and six months after his death the US Supreme Court ruled that all of Marconi’s radio patents were invalid and awarded the patents for radio to Tesla.), fluorescent light, xray, radio remote control, AC electric motor, robotics, etc., I wonder what other technologies he envisioned that have not been released to the public.
Hyperbole and fiction sprinkled about some facts and you have a conspiracy.

That’s all these paragraphs amount to. Circling logic that requires deep conspiracy to justify / explain.

You can’t suppress waves of scientists. This is bullshit talk
Hyperbole and fiction sprinkled about some facts and you have a conspiracy.
That’s all these paragraphs amount to. Circling logic that requires deep conspiracy to justify / explain.
You can’t suppress waves of scientists. This is bullshit talk
Then call out where the fiction and hyperbole is, otherwise you have brought nothing to the conversation equating to more than "You're stupid".
Name calling does sooooooo much to educate now doesn't it?
i think Tesla's biggest "enemy"was Edison. i wouldn't be surprised at all if it was discovered that Edison maneuvering behind the scenes wasn't responsible for most of Tesla's problems.
Edison (a hard worker, but not a nice guy which made him a good businessman) did have fun touring the US and electrocuting cattle w/ AC to prove its danger to the public, but Tesla's biggest enemy was himself as he would sign away his technology to get it realized or to finance his next venture and he called out stupidity even when it was that of his financiers.

It's always about money and politics. ;)
The bitch is - if thorium were better it would be used. That’s the way shit works. It’s stupid simple tech. Tens of thousands of nuclear engineers would know thorium was better over the past 60 years, but they all stay quiet? Silently bite their tongue and continue to work with plutonium ?

Never gonna happen. The rest is all historical bullshit conspiracy theory.
I respectfully disagree. The extremely high cost of nuclear technology would tend to make decision makers very conservative in terms of the technology chosen. Uranium had been far better researched, in part because of government sponsored weapons research.

Thorium represents a big break from the known body of knowledge and so it would have been very hard to justify such a big and expensive step into the unknown.

Nuclear power is so expensive that even now it isn't cost effective. A whole new and improved- but still extremely expensive- technology based on thorium would therefore be a very hard sell.

I don't see the conspiracy here. I just see a path taken and the fork left unexplored. Keep in mind that uranium based nuclear power was touted as 'too cheap to meter' when first proposed. Once bitten, twice shy is very real when talking about billions of dollars of investment.
On 19 May 2017, the Swedish authorities dropped but has kept him in political asylum inside the London Peruvian Embassy since 2012 since he will be arrested by GB authorities for extradition to the US if he leaves.

That one sentence is enough to label you and all you post here as irrelevant.

Fecking moonhowler