DIY with Quantum Boards

Well , one more went to choppy chop town ....

Dr. Earth veg garden mix
Dr. Earth ( liquid Solution 3-3-3 ) / Seaweed Solution and MaxiBloom
Tap water 6.5 / 6.7
QBs : QB 288 dual ( 260w ) 3000k + QB 304 ( 120w dimmer ) 3500k single

Desktop corner grow. Mylar walls.

Note : This Plant is the same plant " flowering " in the FRINGE FOOTPRINT area of the quantums. It was there for about 5 weeks parked outside the direct light. I rotated the pot a few times but it was lighted as is. She smells great and buds look more purple than I expected.

I also pollinated a few branches with the BD S1 fem pollen ( branch with tag ) and am looking to run this ( GG4 X HSO BD s1 ) .... Blue dream is a no brainer Chuck . So it's tentatively named : Blue Gorilla .... Maybe I will call it Blue Ape Ass ... IDK . *shrug

Buds are tight and chunky , did a simple trim for drying. Again I do grows only for my use , so I don't need 12 plants going .... I run pairs / threes EVERY 2-3 weeks to get a perpetual grow .... The QBs is the " SHIZNIT " ( :lol: ) and it has kept the bud Rollin on in .

Mephisto TOOF is going to get the axe in about a week or less .... Not sure yet.

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6 grams spreader several type of tests. I don't see that as an accurate reflection of the THC content of an entire plant. And what other purpose does THC % serve, except in medical uses for dosing? How many people can tell by smoking, a 20% THC bud from a 25% THC bud? Not many if any!

THC content tells you nothing about a strain. Buying based on THC content is like buying whisky based on proof, most people don't or everyone would drink 151 rum! I see it as a marketing ploy because people will be temped to try something based on THC metrics, however smell and taste will be the most important factors and are what will sell bud the majority of the time.

Does THC level tell you how high you'll get? If so, why do Southeast Asian Sativas totally scramble your brain, yet have an average of 10-14% THC?

Quality bud reflects the total cannabinoid profile. THC percentage is marketing, just like the ridiculous names given to strains!

6 grams per sample THC, pesticide, fungicide, and mold. Not sure why that's marketing bullshit.
Here we go again... There have been tests that favor HPS, and there have been tests that favor LED. The myriad factors that go into every grow make it impossible to declare one or the other the "winner" when it comes to potency. Does anyone remember Greengenes' famous side-by-side? Some folks were insisting that it was the final proof that LED outperforms HPS in every way. Not only did the LED side yield more, but the THC was higher as well. However, one test does not empirical evidence make, and those of us who weren't wearing rose-colored glasses cautioned a little reservation; you can't draw firm conclusions based on such little input data. There simply haven't been enough potency face-offs between the different types of lights.

What is clear is that - when properly dialed in (and that can take a few cycles, folks, so hang in there) - LED can certainly yield more weight per watt. The preponderance of evidence that supports this is too great to ignore.

So we have a wealth of data which shows LED to be the clear front-runner when it comes to everyone's favorite metric of "grams per watt", and a dearth of data when it comes to the metric of potency. This is obviously because your average grower (HID or LED) isn't sending his product to a lab for testing.

In the end, only you can decide what works for you. But whatever happens, don't expect to change something as significant as your light source without a learning curve and some speed bumps. Yes, some people make the switch without issue, but many others need a cycle or two to lock it in.

Lastly, if peeps are seeing higher temps with fewer watts of LED, then there's something very wrong with their environments. The laws of physics dictate that it is impossible to generate more heat from lower input power. Perhaps the extraction configuration needs to be adjusted.
Not doubting you or your skills, etc. Not calling you a bad grower. Just do me a favor and take the wheels off your goalposts.
Why don't y'all have a grow off and get to the bottom of it? I just want to learn how to grow good weed,not be a witness to a pissing contest... Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but when the name calling and all that gets brought into it, you sound like a bunch of cackling hens... Get it together, men... Just saying...
Why don't y'all have a grow off and get to the bottom of it? I just want to learn how to grow good weed,not be a witness to a pissing contest... Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but when the name calling and all that gets brought into it, you sound like a bunch of cackling hens... Get it together, men... Just saying...
Are you kicking up drama where there is none? Why? I'm not interested in dick measuring contests, I have nothing to prove. I think this was stated already. Just stop.
@Humple extremely well put!

Is there a thread out there that discusses the environmental and input differences of led and hps? Like you said, how can anything be compared until you have dialed in your setup? It is clear to me that HPS will be slightly easier to grow with because less concern is about temp and humidity due to IR. As you pointed out though, that doesnt make HPS better or worse.
Are you kicking up drama where there is none? Why? I'm not interested in dick measuring contests, I have nothing to prove. I think this was stated already. Just stop.
Im not a drama starter,i just want peace in a place that's supposed to be about that... We grow weed here,let it be about that... It just seems like everytime there's a difference in opinion ,shit gets hostile... There are issues that are way bigger than the bull that you guys are always arguing about is the point that I'm trying to make... Peace brother...
Im not a drama starter,i just want peace in a place that's supposed to be about that... We grow weed here,let it be about that... It just seems like everytime there's a difference in opinion ,shit gets hostile... There are issues that are way bigger than the bull that you guys are always arguing about is the point that I'm trying to make... Peace brother...
We aren't arguing. We had words, now it's over. Nobody started any shit, I made a sarcastic comment. Other people addressed his comment as well, are you asking them for a grow off, too? For someone who says he doesn't want to start any drama, it sure sounds like you want to start drama.
We aren't arguing. We had words, now it's over. Nobody started any shit, I made a sarcastic comment. Other people addressed his comment as well, are you asking them for a grow off, too? For someone who says he doesn't want to start any drama, it sure sounds like you want to start drama.
Not me... Those days are over for me... Forget that I even said a word... Have a nice day...
Im not a drama starter,i just want peace in a place that's supposed to be about that... We grow weed here,let it be about that... It just seems like everytime there's a difference in opinion ,shit gets hostile... There are issues that are way bigger than the bull that you guys are always arguing about is the point that I'm trying to make... Peace brother...
You feel me, pop22? Im not looking for any trouble...
Lastly, if peeps are seeing higher temps with fewer watts of LED, then there's something very wrong with their environments.
This is wrong. As a grower you need to figure out why you are wrong when stating this. You mentioned the law of physics, but you forgot to mention a super key part of something.
@a mongo frog, can you elaborate on how the quality is down compared to hps? Is it the bag appeal or potency is down or both? I seen GML had lowest ever percentage on his QB grown death bubble strain, guys will say it wasnt perfect run but i dont buy it. I too have high hopes for quantums but I trust your opinion more then others here since we both have similar lengthy backgrounds with 1k hps's and you invested money in quantums, ran them and now speaking your honest opinion which I appreciate!

The led side was his lowest, but the hps side was also like his second lowest. So, what went wrong? Something on both sides?