How Does Your Garden Grow??????


Well-Known Member
I posted a picture of my mail order tomato plants a few days ago. A little update: I transplanted them shortly after that post was made and they've been kept in an area where they get some morning sun, and indirect light the rest of the day. They look like they're starting to come around. Stems are firm, no rubbery feel to them and they're greening up. I think they'll be ok...tomatoes are tough.



Well-Known Member
@socaljoe, glad they are doing better. I would still send Amazon a picture of them. You might get free ones. Or at least a $5 gift card. They did something to piss the wife off and she bitched at them about it. They offered the gift card as a way of making up.
They we're sold and shipped via third party, so I'm not sure Amazon would do anything, they might just to make me happy. As long as they make it, I'm willing to let it be water under the bridge. I definitely won't order live plants from Hirt's Gardens again though.

too larry

Well-Known Member
My last few Amazon orders were shock cord. Tent. Tarp. Folding trowel. Shock cord.

A couple three months ago I picked up a tent with a stuck zipper at one of my thrift stores for 5 bucks. It turned out to be a beach cabana, not a tent. And the shock cord in the poles was gone. So I bought 100' of shock cord. Too big to fit in the poles, so I have used about a foot and a half for shoe laces. Only 98 1/2 feet left to do something with. {I did replace all the shock cord on my packs} I've bought more shock cord now, I just need to dig out the poles and thread it through them.


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
My last few Amazon orders were shock cord. Tent. Tarp. Folding trowel. Shock cord.

A couple three months ago I picked up a tent with a stuck zipper at one of my thrift stores for 5 bucks. It turned out to be a beach cabana, not a tent. And the shock cord in the poles was gone. So I bought 100' of shock cord. Too big to fit in the poles, so I have used about a foot and a half for shoe laces. Only 98 1/2 feet left to do something with. {I did replace all the shock cord on my packs} I've bought more shock cord now, I just need to dig out the poles and thread it through them.

View attachment 4145677
unless you like the little "tassels", hit those with a lighter for a few seconds and you'll get a little black wad you can cut most of off

too larry

Well-Known Member
unless you like the little "tassels", hit those with a lighter for a few seconds and you'll get a little black wad you can cut most of off
Yep, I need to do that. I work with a lot of paracord, so I know how to do it. {also know nothing burns quite like molten paracord} Thinking of it when I have a lighter handy is the thing.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 4145575
Really small,, but the first flowers on my zucchini have arrived... Hopefully I get something from them this year,,last year's zucchini didn't pan out well.. I got one zuke and the rest kept rotting before they were ready..
My corn shot up another three inches,, the corn seed I used was from 09'-2010.. so only a handful came up.. yesterday i planted last year's country gentleman seed in the blanks.. I got my three sisters patch going.. so far the pumpkins and beans are doing good.. still waiting for the corn to come in for the beans to climb.. I may transfer one of the biggest stalks of corn over to them today so the beans to tangle them selves into the pumpkins..View attachment 4145579
I had the chickens out free ranging the other day and they chucked this little guy out of his hiding spot and in to the yard.. he was covered in fly eggs ad fleas.. Im his new mamma.. LOLView attachment 4145580i don't have the heart to let baby animals die.. so far he's doing very well..
That is really small. I had so many zucchini last year I couldn't pick them fast enough. Got sick of eating them and people refused to accept them after awhile. I couldn't give them away.

I hear you about animals. I only kill if I'm going to eat it. I even make sure to bury worms on a sunny day if I dig them up while working in the garden. I like animals more than most people.


Well-Known Member
Today is are second rain of the spring.. it's been an incredibly dry start this season here as well... I've had to give heavy waterings daily .
We didn't get any rain in May here in Portland. The average is something like 2.5" and we only got 0.15". I just spent well over an hour watering plants around the house that I normally don't have to water this time of year.


Well-Known Member