Really small,, but the first flowers on my zucchini have arrived... Hopefully I get something from them this year,,last year's zucchini didn't pan out well.. I got one zuke and the rest kept rotting before they were ready..
My corn shot up another three inches,, the corn seed I used was from 09'-2010.. so only a handful came up.. yesterday i planted last year's country gentleman seed in the blanks.. I got my three sisters patch going.. so far the pumpkins and beans are doing good.. still waiting for the corn to come in for the beans to climb.. I may transfer one of the biggest stalks of corn over to them today so the beans to tangle them selves into the pumpkins..

I had the chickens out free ranging the other day and they chucked this little guy out of his hiding spot and in to the yard.. he was covered in fly eggs ad fleas.. Im his new mamma.. LOL

i don't have the heart to let baby animals die.. so far he's doing very well..