Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
tried something difdiffrent 2 day instead of using the water seaweed I had I mixed up 0.2ec of eco and tje rest I used the humic and fulvic and the base it endead up putting tje ec ip that 0.2 that I wanted 2 do at thise point ec is like 0.8 1.0 next week I may go up anotjer 0.2 tent is really crowded ay


Well-Known Member
ye next round I wanna have maybie a 2 or 3 plant scrog getting the hps on teus tho so im hoping enought light hits every thing vs some being in the shade


Well-Known Member
shit I dident think of it its pretty mutch gunna be on a nigjt in tje pics iv posted where u can see the thing u put the bulb in im thinking ill eather get a reflecter or cool hood later on maybie im better off getting a 250 watt cfl or something for suplamentation maybie ill just finish this out n upgrayed ormsomething idk tbh