Home remedies


Hey I just started my first grow a few months ago and I ain' had any problems with insects until now. I had a grass hopper on my plant this morning. So I just want to know if any of y'll use any home remedies for insecticides and what they work for. I found different stuff online about using different things but they don' tell you what they are for and I don' think one can work for all of them. So I'm just interested in any home remedies for anything plant related not just pesticides (even though that is my main priority right now) I'm trying to keep the cost as low as possile so any remedies is appreciated.
I've gone the organic, home remedy route in the past with mixed result.
I just use Neem oil. Works for most problems I have run into.

Good luck on your hunt for home remedy.
You could also try some neem seed meal as a top dress, I love it. Fucking grasshoppers suck. They can and will fuck your shit up.
Go buy yourself a few cayenne peppers. Boil them up and strain thru a cheese cloth. Fill up a spray bottle with the cayenne juice and a bit of dish soap. Give your plants a spray. I bet those grasshoppers won’t like that very much!!
Thanks for y'alls suggestions iv seen a alot of stuff online about neem oil and seeds, peppers, and garlic so I guess these must be what works so I'm gonna try the peppers and garlic first just because that' what I have right now. Thanks what other remedies does any one have.
Thanks for y'alls suggestions iv seen a alot of stuff online about neem oil and seeds, peppers, and garlic so I guess these must be what works so I'm gonna try the peppers and garlic first just because that' what I have right now. Thanks what other remedies does any one have.
be careful with neem oil if your plants have started flowering, get any on a bud and you can just throw it out, that shitty taste will NEVER go away
Make sure you wear eye protection and even breathing protection when spraying a chili/garlic concoction. When I tried it in the past the air was like pepper spray, made it difficult to breath without coughing. Most home remedies are minimally effective in my experience.
Make sure you wear eye protection and even breathing protection when spraying a chili/garlic concoction. When I tried it in the past the air was like pepper spray, made it difficult to breath without coughing. Most home remedies are minimally effective in my experience.

Thanks probably would have sprayed it on there with no protection if you didn't tell me
What about home remedies for a magnesium deficiency. I think my soil is a little low because my plants lower leaves are turning yellow with brown spots and a few of the youger plants have purple stems. From what I have researched I think it is magnesium. So what can I use to try to correct that. I have heard of using Epsom salt but I don't have any and don't really want to make a trip all the way to town just for that, I live very far from even a gas station. So is there any thing else I could use possily.
Indoor or out?
Outdoor I never really have devastating bug problems because there is an ecosystem present, But I recently ran off leaf hoppers and aphids with compost tea.

The compost tea also prevents pm from taking hold I think. Plus tons of other benefits. Outdoor its no brainer once a month or even more if you want.

Compost (worm castings etc)
Liquid kelp
Cold pressed fish oil.

Tons of recipes online but those are my ingredients. I make 5 gallons and bubble it for 24 hrs at 76f
Spray entire plant, then dump the leftovers in the soil.

A grasshopper here or there is gonna happen.
Indoor or out?
Outdoor I never really have devastating bug problems because there is an ecosystem present, But I recently ran off leaf hoppers and aphids with compost tea.

The compost tea also prevents pm from taking hold I think. Plus tons of other benefits. Outdoor its no brainer once a month or even more if you want.

Compost (worm castings etc)
Liquid kelp
Cold pressed fish oil.

Tons of recipes online but those are my ingredients. I make 5 gallons and bubble it for 24 hrs at 76f
Spray entire plant, then dump the leftovers in the soil.

A grasshopper here or there is gonna happen.

I been trying to start a compost bin but I don't know what I'm doing wrong but in the past when I have composted the pile will get very hot and from what I have read this means it's starting the compost process. But this one is not. The only thing that I have done different this time from the before is instead of just having a pile on the grown I have it in a bin but I don' see why this would make a difference.
I been trying to start a compost bin but I don't know what I'm doing wrong but in the past when I have composted the pile will get very hot and from what I have read this means it's starting the compost process. But this one is not. The only thing that I have done different this time from the before is instead of just having a pile on the grown I have it in a bin but I don' see why this would make a difference.
Im not a composting expert but I think the moisture content is suppised to be like 50%
The brown to green ratio needs to be right 60/40? Don't quote me on that.

Also i was reading that the size of the pile matters.

But you can just buy worm castings for tea very inexpensive which Is what I was talking about.

I know composting is supposed to be simple but the more I read the more I freak out. Lol

I have analysis paralysis
Im not a composting expert but I think the moisture content is suppised to be like 50%
The brown to green ratio needs to be right 60/40? Don't quote me on that.

Also i was reading that the size of the pile matters.

But you can just buy worm castings for tea very inexpensive which Is what I was talking about.

I know composting is supposed to be simple but the more I read the more I freak out. Lol

I have analysis paralysis

Yeah reading about it can be confusing. I stoped trying to make it prefect just because it alway in the past has been simple. I normally put about twice as many brown and greens in my compost piles. As far moisture I have always guessed at it and has always worked. But idk this time. But I'm going to keep working with it and see what happens. Thanks for the info and also what do you mean by pm?
Yeah reading about it can be confusing. I stoped trying to make it prefect just because it alway in the past has been simple. I normally put about twice as many brown and greens in my compost piles. As far moisture I have always guessed at it and has always worked. But idk this time. But I'm going to keep working with it and see what happens. Thanks for the info and also what do you mean by pm?
Powdery mildew,
And im not saying it cures powdery mildew jyst that I think it makes it harder for it to get established on the treated leaf.
So for me bang for buck is compost tea.

As for the compost pile im sure ambient temp comes into play as well
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What about home remedies for a magnesium deficiency. I think my soil is a little low because my plants lower leaves are turning yellow with brown spots and a few of the youger plants have purple stems. From what I have researched I think it is magnesium. So what can I use to try to correct that. I have heard of using Epsom salt but I don't have any and don't really want to make a trip all the way to town just for that, I live very far from even a gas station. So is there any thing else I could use possily.
Dolomitic lime is calcium carbonate (like oyster shell) and magnesium carbonate.
I understand you can't use it all the time because the mag doesn't get used as much as Cal and can build up in the soil, and using too much in one go can lock out iron.

More of a preventative than a fix because it works slow (carbonates aren't very soluble)