Do these buds look like “top shelf” or “mid”?

Got a lab report yet?
Or do they not require them there?

If you can get a good report it certainly helps around here

I know some dummies that only buy high thc numbers

I know its more about the ratio and terp profile but no matter
They want numbers
Pretty buds.

Send them to Aussie, you will get more than $45 an 1/8th in most states.
Did you grow them OP?
No I didn’t but the person who did seemed like they know what their doing, but they’re marketing them as “ca grown top shelf”. I wanted to get some well informed opinions on it. And I feel like sending it anywhere isn’t worth it. seems like there’s a good chance you would lose it.
Hope you have more than whats in these pictures ,Would not mind beans of that sunset sherbet
$25 Thats around £12.50 ,i would pay that for that ,The more i see whats going on once bud becomes Legal i think fuck that leave us outta that shit ,Get £25 a 8th where i am in the uk $50 .Just Sold some Pineapple Express i had ,for £150 on the oz,thats round about $300 or not far off,Rather play Cat and Mouse with the Dutty Stinking Babylon.Most of the time stuff Moves ,has long has its nice, for around £160/180,That bud does look very nice,any who says it does not,is a joker,i cant say about prices over seas,but i would like to pay £25 on a q.
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Ain't that the truth. Those buds would run out the door at $60 an 1/8th in Melbourne CBD.

Same in Sydney.

Cheap OZ - $250
Premium - $350

I'd happily pay in the range of 280 - 320bucks for an OZ to try it.

$300 would be very reasonable indeed.

Cant sell this stuff too cheap.

Price your product properly OP.
Dont be a cheap arse.
But be reasonable with your prices.

It wont fetch 350 here.
But buying an 8th. (we call it a 50. Fifty bucks is the standard price for an 8th).
People get away with selling schwagg in 20's and 50's.
Once you start getting into halves and ounces though. People are very criticizing.

Find your consumer market Op.

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Hard to judge from a pic but the effects and not the looks is what matters.. i havent paid that much for top shelf in a decade

Exactly my thoughts. People like to get caught up in looks alone. I'm not saying looks can't tell you at least a few things to the trained eye. But my most potent strongest bud I've grown to date was damn near embarrassing to look at. It was a SSH and took damn near a decade to finish. Not the tightest bud structure and had the lanky style sativa buds. Even after dry and cure it looked like fluff compared to my other strains. However it was by far the best bud I've ever grown. So those clubs will take tightly trimmed outdoor mids and sell them as "top shelf" I've also noticed they stick up lots of colorful strains. I'm not sure where the fad that colorful weed is just better. Pretty sure it's because the internet and rappers say so. I'll take a light green nugg over color any day of the week.

Also there are lots of baby boomers who are dabbling again because it's "Legal" So the clubs can take full advantage of people like that. Mostly because those types of people aren't going to try and score some dank on the black market.
I got some in The canary islands £ 25 the dude did not even weigh the fucker ,just put a hand full in a Sealer ,Got my mind running with how i could get a block home.

I have had a good look at this With Photo program and it looks very nice full of heads ,Just need a 8 ball to test for taste ,if the taste and high aint there it aint worth shit ,but some how i think it should be pretty nice going on looks alone
I know.

Just send a few blocks over.

I'll front for you, if you give me a cut.

Count me in on that ;-) .you get 200 an oz for dirty ol bush in van diemans land 250-350 for good shit.those strains above would go well down here..but like Roger said earlier,it all looks too well manicured.ive just purchased that sherbet actually 3 weeks ago and using them for my first grow :lol:
I like the looks of that blueberry pie also.those buds remind me of when the gear gets too dry and its crumbly...looks the go though.i wouldnt mind a couple caps of it..