Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

I did and most on this blog seemed to have gone that route.

And no my understanding talking with the IDPH a few weeks ago; the medical group you used will have process that payment for IDPH and that seems to be the date the IDPH will have received your application... the date that payment hits your CC.

My group sat on my application for 10 days ... 3/16 was the office visit and 3/27 was when the payment posted to my CC and the IDPH received my application

I think this is all correct???

And BTW for all new members, and Purple you are too nice about medclock :) ... medclock sucks, don't even bother
Yea that's what I was afraid of. That payment only means they received. Not that I'm approved or any closer to receiving it. I think payment hit may 24th, so it looks like I have at least a month most likely 2...
Will they tell you if your card is mailed vs at the printer?

I just spoke to a very nice man who helped me switch dispensaries. He didn't know that I have informed delivery lol. He told me that I was approved and my card was mailed last week. So they must be aware when it is in the mail system. I wonder if they get a tracking number or something.
I'm trying to not drive myself crazy with the wait given that my application was just received 6/6/2018 but I was able to calculate out a wait time for myself based on purpleflower's time (thank you for being such an active poster!)

I reached out to IDPH to make sure my application has been received and yesterday they confirmed it was - purpleflower took about 87 days to receive their card so given that I'm thinking my timeline will be around 9/9/2018 (or hopefully a few days earlier since I calculated my timeline based on when they confirmed they had my application yesterday 6/14 and not when it was actually received on the 6th according to IEC). Definitely have a good wait on my hands but it's nice to not stress about it so much now.
Profex -

that's awesome! I hope the wait isn't too terrible for you. I think it got better for me after day 60. Can't wait to share my experience tonight/tomorrow with you all!
I just spoke to a very nice man who helped me switch dispensaries. He didn't know that I have informed delivery lol. He told me that I was approved and my card was mailed last week. So they must be aware when it is in the mail system. I wonder if they get a tracking number or something.
Thanks purps... I have already called 2 times I don’t think I should hound anymore it won’t help Anyone else. Maybe even slow things down for others, mine was at the printer last I checked and hopefully I have it soon JUST LIKE YOU!! Congrats!!!
Profex -

that's awesome! I hope the wait isn't too terrible for you. I think it got better for me after day 60. Can't wait to share my experience tonight/tomorrow with you all!
for sure, definitely plan to check in around day 45-60 to see where things are but until then I hope you have fun getting medicated yourself! I'm not too stressed because I do have access to flower but it'll be nice to be able to have more controlled access soon!
Here’s my experience...
First appt 3/20 Invonative Express Care. all paperwork photos and fingerprints taken at appt. extremely helpful and organized. Got $25 off first visit to dispensary. State received app 3/23
Sent to printer early this week 6/11-6/12
Card received 6/15. 84 day wait time total.
Went to MedMar dispensary. Very quick service. Nice staff. Got a cbd vape pen, cartridge, 8th dead cherries, and some cannabis oil. $180 total tip: remember its cash only.
Hoping to sleep tonight!!! ✌❤️ good luck to everyone waiting.
Here’s my experience...
First appt 3/20 Invonative Express Care. all paperwork photos and fingerprints taken at appt. extremely helpful and organized. Got $25 off first visit to dispensary. State received app 3/23
Sent to printer early this week 6/11-6/12
Card received 6/15. 84 day wait time total.
Went to MedMar dispensary. Very quick service. Nice staff. Got a cbd vape pen, cartridge, 8th dead cherries, and some cannabis oil. $180 total tip: remember its cash only.
Hoping to sleep tonight!!! ✌❤️ good luck to everyone waiting.
I’m really happy for you. That sounds great! Three cheers for sleep! It’s so important.

My card was sent to printer a week ago so I have hope my card will arrive tomorrow (or very soon!)
Here’s my experience...
First appt 3/20 Invonative Express Care. all paperwork photos and fingerprints taken at appt. extremely helpful and organized. Got $25 off first visit to dispensary. State received app 3/23
Sent to printer early this week 6/11-6/12
Card received 6/15. 84 day wait time total.
Went to MedMar dispensary. Very quick service. Nice staff. Got a cbd vape pen, cartridge, 8th dead cherries, and some cannabis oil. $180 total tip: remember its cash only.
Hoping to sleep tonight!!! ✌❤️ good luck to everyone waiting.
For oil...did you get tinctures! Let me know what works well for sleep!
Congratulations Purple, TinyHat and WeJammin... that's FANTASTIC news!!!

The time has come for the Ganja Gang :)

I called IDPH this morning, again very nice lady but I have to admit I'm confused... she couldn't find me by name or birthdate and told me I'd need to call the application processor because apparently it was filed incorrectly. I told her "that that sounds off because 30 days prior I called, spoke to you (same voice, same lady) and you told me there where two applications under my name and one wasn't complete... That you said it was like it was started and not finished."

She then confirmed my DB and spelling of my name.... she then said the application processor did not put in my birthdate at all and that they misspelled my name. While I was talking to her, she said she was correcting everything. The weird part is she said it was approved and at the printer.

Either she just then approved it, or it didn't matter that my name and birthdate were wrong or she was lying to me about the errors???

Anyway, I asked what she thought about timing ... she said it's at the printer and the printer is on the east coast, so I should give it 12-14 days.

I hope to be joining the rest of the crew soon.

Travis, any news on your end?
aye waiting patiently, nothing here yet. I'm not the only one hitting the refresh button on the informed delivery page am I, Does anything new show up after one piece of mail? lol
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