What’s the most dry weight you have pulled from a autoflower

Dude, I put soooo much gh nutes into those plants that its not even funny!!! I measured out a mix for 5 gallons and put it in a 1 gallon milk jug and didn't realize it until I had already watered them... I thought it wss over for them cause even after I flushed they were still looking bad, except for the small auto... It was never affected at all... Its short because I started her later and I topped her... So yeah ,I made a lot of rookie mistakes...
They dont look like they have nute burn. The bigger one's center cola has two clawed leaves. The plant in the bottom right, in the first photo, has N toxicity. Other than that they do look normal. How much you pull off one of them?The reason I say autos are harder to grow is because the age of the plant is something we cant control(to an extent) unlike photos where you can. Some kind of stress along the way in the life of an auto "can" keep it from growing to its maximum potential. I used to listen to the old information that autos cant be topped, transplanted, given high amounts of nutrients etc. Now that autos have come along way I see others topping and transplanting without causing the autos stress. Autos have come along way.
A friend told me that autos can take a crazy amount of nutes
In the photo I posted a while back of an auto I had in a 15 gallon, I got burnt tips and I checked the runoff and it was around 1800ish ppms. I was feeding around 1400-1500ppms. I guess its true what they say about the bigger the size of the pot, the bigger the size of the root system, the bigger amount of nutrients the plant can take on (if root system is fully established of course).
LOL, that's why we have to try things ourselves, we've all heard a lot of things. So far what I've found is that it all can be true -- depending on the strain you are growing -- some like a lot, some like a little (the person who I was talking with was growing Mephisto strains, if that makes any difference). I also read a comprehensive article that largely went over my head about how all plants need a dark period for certain necessary metabolic processes... on the other hand I've read consistently that autos can thrive under 24/0. So who knows.

I'll hedge my bets next winter (my first auto indoor) and go 20/4, I doubt I'll lose too much growth with 4 hours of darkness and maybe the "rest" will do them good. I suppose that's my answer to most things, some path down the middle. I'm not trying to break any records, I just want them to finish well. I'd rather have a plant that ended at 75% of it's genetic potential, than one that I burnt to a crisp attempting to squeeze 100% out of it. :bigjoint:
Well as far as the lights go, Mephisto even said they run 24 lights so seems good to me. I mean they know what there genetics like more than scientists getting columns in magizines XD
They dont look like they have nute burn. The bigger one's center cola has two clawed leaves. The plant in the bottom right, in the first photo, has N toxicity. Other than that they do look normal. How much you pull off one of them?The reason I say autos are harder to grow is because the age of the plant is something we cant control(to an extent) unlike photos where you can. Some kind of stress along the way in the life of an auto "can" keep it from growing to its maximum potential. I used to listen to the old information that autos cant be topped, transplanted, given high amounts of nutrients etc. Now that autos have come along way I see others topping and transplanting without causing the autos stress. Autos have come along way.
If you mean how much weight, this is my first auto grow ever... Haven't grown anything in years... This is why i like autos: I just wanted to see what they were all about. I have some photos that I am going to plant one day soon...
They dont look like they have nute burn. The bigger one's center cola has two clawed leaves. The plant in the bottom right, in the first photo, has N toxicity. Other than that they do look normal. How much you pull off one of them?The reason I say autos are harder to grow is because the age of the plant is something we cant control(to an extent) unlike photos where you can. Some kind of stress along the way in the life of an auto "can" keep it from growing to its maximum potential. I used to listen to the old information that autos cant be topped, transplanted, given high amounts of nutrients etc. Now that autos have come along way I see others topping and transplanting without causing the autos stress. Autos have come along way.
Ive never heard of a plant that couldn't be transplanted...
Why are people so nitpicky? I deal with stuff like that with my girlfriends... Oh yeah, im mackin!!!
Damn dude,. and here you are a day later still talking about it. Why you holding onto it? Scientists publish into journals, periodicals, magazines, books, reference guides, all kinds of shit, it was a joke. lighten up on the internet, you'll have a better time.
Damn dude,. and here you are a day later still talking about it. Why you holding onto it? Scientists publish into journals, periodicals, magazines, books, reference guides, all kinds of shit, it was a joke. lighten up on the internet, you'll have a better time.
Its cool dude, I just don't like to see people arguing about weed/growing weed when this is supposed to be a chill spot to share opinions without the heat.
Happy Father's Day to you, if you happen to have kids! What am I talking about? These plants are the kids!
Thanks Frank you as well. Unfortunately i do have a daugher that will be 3 2 days after i turn 31 in July, but when i split with her mother because it wasn't working out she has refused to let me see her in over a year. We also found out she was pregnant before the split(i assumed it was mine at the time), but i never got a call to the hospital, birth certificate in the mail so have no clue if she gave birth, didn't, wasn't mine, so i try to live with the fact that it can't last forever.
Thanks Frank you as well. Unfortunately i do have a daugher that will be 3 2 days after i turn 31 in July, but when i split with her mother because it wasn't working out she has refused to let me see her in over a year. We also found out she was pregnant before the split(i assumed it was mine at the time), but i never got a call to the hospital, birth certificate in the mail so have no clue if she gave birth, didn't, wasn't mine, so i try to live with the fact that it can't last forever.
.......wow...... I will never understand women... Or children either for that matter.. .Spent the last 8 yrs in the slammer, son and daughter basically disowned me, my daughter just turned 18 and graduated and i didn't get an invitation to the graduation or her birthday party ,and we live about 10-15 minutes away from each other... Babymama has poisoned them against me...
.......wow...... I will never understand women... Or children either for that matter.. .Spent the last 8 yrs in the slammer, son and daughter basically disowned me, my daughter just turned 18 and graduated and i didn't get an invitation to the graduation or her birthday party ,and we live about 10-15 minutes away from each other... Babymama has poisoned them against me...
Really sorry to hear. Its part my fault. I was 27, she was 20. In all honsety, she is very smart, mature and caring. Why she thinks its right to keep our child/children from me out of anger is beyond me but she didnt want to be married or a mother so i feel she holds it against me. She doesn't know how to be in a relationship with another person. Her dad had cancer and stayed in his room all day basically pushing her, her brother, sister and mom away. She just doesn't really let anyone in. Things were incredible untill she got pregnant than became distant and never was the same. My anger that dhe keeps my daughter from me can't take away the honest feeling that i believe she'll be good to my girl. I just try to do the shit i can control to take care of me untill she wises up.
Really sorry to hear. Its part my fault. I was 27, she was 20. In all honsety, she is very smart, mature and caring. Why she thinks its right to keep our child/children from me out of anger is beyond me but she didnt want to be married or a mother so i feel she holds it against me. She doesn't know how to be in a relationship with another person. Her dad had cancer and stayed in his room all day basically pushing her, her brother, sister and mom away. She just doesn't really let anyone in. Things were incredible untill she got pregnant than became distant and never was the same. My anger that dhe keeps my daughter from me can't take away the honest feeling that i believe she'll be good to my girl. I just try to do the shit i can control to take care of me untill she wises up.
Word... She sounds like me... I did the same thing when my mom died, and my sister and aunt blamed it on me and my brother cause we were in the streets heavy!!! He was smoking crack and I was selling it... Thays not why she died though, she had a bad heart and never told anyone but me when it was too late... I wanted to do something really bad to them ,but instead I internalized all of it and I stayed away from them... I don't hate them, but i don't like them all that much... Its crazy how much family can hurt you and then think that if they apologized then things will be all good... Anyway, enough of that shit, I'm into this grow thing full time and it helps to take my mind off of the bs out there... Im so glad that I found this site even though there are some not too cool people around...