going on third week! how they look


Active Member
i got 4 but these the two are the best looking! Im going on my third week. I got a 20W flouro, no nutes yet*( on the way!) swith my soil to fox farm, the other two looks burned only by the bottom two leaves(not posted), the big one in the pic looks like it got burn on the tip just a lil bit. i let the smaller one sit in water before i replanted it for about 4 days, it looks like its doing better than the other three! also my plant look like they are growing slow( maybe cuz no nutes and water is does not have a good balance of ph)(ph tester on the way) Also, where u can tell the plant sex, close to it looks like flower bout to grow, is that what it is? How r they,am i going in the right direction? any advice would be great.



Well-Known Member
I think i would invest in some real light before i spent all my dough on the fox farm. i mean it's great soil, but 1 20w fluro? That's just not gonna cut it.


Well-Known Member
yar 20 W is not enough for 1 plant much less 4. also you can't tell sex when they come up you have to wait until you have vegged them to the size you want then you cut light back & find out what you have. 3rd, if you are a youngster growing in your parents house, trying to hide it from them... well just don't do it.


Well-Known Member
I started two plants, each plant had 4 23w cfls's, 8 cfl's total. The cfl's got me a couple nice bushy plants, but now that theyre bigger, i use 2 cfl's each as a light supplement for my hps. Trust me, u don't wanna skimp on the lighting or it'll bite u in the ass later, hard.


Well-Known Member
Yea and cfls are fine for veg but for flowering you definitely should go with an HPS. You also are gonna wanna move them out of the solo cups and into some large pots so the roots can grow.


Active Member
I'm going to agree with what the majority of people are talking about here and say your lighting in inadequate at the moment, CFL's are fine for both vegging and flowering so long as you do it correctly... ( which means have alot of them and super close to your plant... )

your plant appears to be stretching already, and by week 3 you should have MUCH more growth than you currently do...

what light schedule are you keeping them on? and btw you want that CFL almost sitting on top of these plants if you want even a shot at good growth with only one cfl...

right now I've got 2, about.. 2 1/2 week old seedlings and their on their 5-6th node already and the node spacing is about..a tiny bit less than 1/2'' apart... and I'm using 6, 100 equiv cfl's on them at the moment and there maybe 2'' from the bulbs

my last seedling stretched and it sucked in the long run... a plant that stretches is going to get really tall and not produce as dense buds, you'll wind up with less bud and it'll be fluffy popcorn buds and it'll be taller than necessary...

long story short. more light.


Well-Known Member
Hey milenko, sound's like u did it just like i did mine, nice. My first grow was stretched BADLY and i'll never let it happen again. Now I got two BUSHES in my closet, both under a foot tall, and both have 15-20 nodes an inch apart! hopin to start flowering soon, but idk if i can wait.... patience sucks ha ha


Well-Known Member
i agree with rookie , not much grow for 3 weeks. I have 1 thats 3 weeks and its easily 2 times bigger than yours advice= more lights :)