

Well-Known Member
they look nice. if i had to order 1 right now i would go with the skunk #1

mr west

Well-Known Member
dave im jus bout to order a couple of sensi fems, super skunk and jack flash#5. I think ill be savinf theses for next years crop lol


New Member
I didn't think it would take you long - but that really is quick! Are you single handedly making sure that no strain ever goes extinct?!


Active Member
hi dave, i stumbled along your post whilst looking for people who actually grown and harvested the church plant (still scouring lol!).

Just wanted to say ta for the top notch service from ur company, i bought two church seeds, (both germinated but ive only one plant left cus my cats got hold of one in it's infant stages and ate it beyind repair! :( :( but other one ok! ) got the seeds like next day, great work dude! and i like that u put a bit of the packaging in too.

i'm a first time grower, but he is doing well and looking good! cant wait until it's harvest time!

Thanks dude!


New Member
No problem, that's for the praise!

Lucky the plant was still infantile, who knows what it may have done to the cats!

I'm sure there's people on here that have grown The Church. mr west has recently started it, but only germed it a few days ago. Someone else was talking about it recently too, but can't think who!

Do you have a grow journal?

mr west

Well-Known Member
I didn't think it would take you long - but that really is quick! Are you single handedly making sure that no strain ever goes extinct?!
Quickly stands up and says " im doing my best" as useual i spotted something i wanted after orderuing lol. I want laughing budda cheese to grow longside my ghs cheese lol but i can get that later hopef ully


Well-Known Member
i was talking about the church in this thread. i was gonna buy some but i heard they had germ problems and then u told me u didnt know when u was getting any in stock,lol so i gave the church a miss.


New Member
Yeah, The Church isn't available at the minute. Possibly for that reason.

mr west, we've not shipped your order, so if you want to add to it, drop me an email and I'll give you a discount code for free postage (then we'll post the 2 together).

mail [at] pickandmixseeds [dot] co [dot] uk


Active Member
No probs vcsdave, just keep up the good work and i'll keep singing your praises to all who'll listen lol!

"Lucky the plant was still infantile, who knows what it may have done to the cats!"

my sentiments excatly! i have three and one in perticular has been known to snatch a lil bud while i'm rollin and munch it on down, she never gets hold of much thankfully...id never on purposly get them stoned but she aint half funny when she does get hold of a lil lol. i usually shut them out when im toking but they have figured out that if they jump on the door handle and then push the door they can get it!
I've had to move my remaining plant to a friend who's kindly agreed to let me house it there,so i've not got a grow journal yet but i will soon as i don't think there is much literature and pics about of the church (either that or im really not looking very well lol!)

yeah ill keep on hunting through the posts and im sure i'll find someone who has


New Member
No probs vcsdave, just keep up the good work and i'll keep singing your praises to all who'll listen lol!

"Lucky the plant was still infantile, who knows what it may have done to the cats!"

my sentiments excatly! i have three and one in perticular has been known to snatch a lil bud while i'm rollin and munch it on down, she never gets hold of much thankfully...id never on purposly get them stoned but she aint half funny when she does get hold of a lil lol. i usually shut them out when im toking but they have figured out that if they jump on the door handle and then push the door they can get it!
I've had to move my remaining plant to a friend who's kindly agreed to let me house it there,so i've not got a grow journal yet but i will soon as i don't think there is much literature and pics about of the church (either that or im really not looking very well lol!)

yeah ill keep on hunting through the posts and im sure i'll find someone who has
Sounds like it could be pretty funny, even if it is a bit cruel!

thats mean.us poor Americans.:-?
Sorry! :(


New Member
No problemo!

I refunded the second lot of postage too, so that should show on your statement if it hasn't already.

Will it be time for yet another journal soon?!

mr west

Well-Known Member
No i think all the seeds i have now will be for next year, Ive got a lemon skunk, master kush, train wreck and whit widow seedling oh and my the church and big bang to grow out before i can start any more projects. I think my eyes were bigger than my belly already lol.


Well-Known Member
No i think all the seeds i have now will be for next year, Ive got a lemon skunk, master kush, train wreck and whit widow seedling oh and my the church and big bang to grow out before i can start any more projects. I think my eyes were bigger than my belly already lol.
i can help u out. send some my way ;) :-P