my girls are getting on now a month old just curious as to if its possible to clone from autoflowers. Searched it up and some people say they have successfully cloned from an autoflower and some people are saying its a myth.
yeh i thought so just wanted to take cuttings instead of planting again to save some timeAnswer to Question is yea it can be done,but not recommended.Autoflowers are for seed to bud plants ,the less you mess around with them the more they will produce.
The clone retains the timeline of the original autoflower.Cloning autos is pretty much pointless. They cant be induced to revert to vegatative growth. Any clone you took would be flowering immediately. You'd be extremely lucky if you got a joint worth of pot for your efforts.
That is a much better way to say it. Thank you.The clone retains the timeline of the original autoflower.