So pointing out that her own family doesn't practice what she preaches isn't a worthy argument?
How about her firing the guy that refused to fire the guy that was divorcing her sister?
How about the way she drags that handicapped baby around for show?
How about the way when she's stuck and doesn't know the answer, which is often, she winks at the camera and gets all down home. That ought to go over really well in diplomatic relations.
Mrs. Palin, How can you help our country of Iraq get back on it's feet" "wink, wink, say it ain't so Joe, you little Maverick, in Alaska we could see Russia while we were building the highway to the bridge to nowhere"
America is already looking like a month old turd after Bush got done running us through the wringer, I don't see how our country can survive her or McCain. Her personal life is a train wreck, this country is already a train wreck. Let's add her personal train wreck with the train wreck that's already going on, yeah that's good, maybe it's like algebra and the 2 train wrecks will cancel each other out.
Now you point out that you never said you were jealous of obama, keep in mind I never said I was jealous of Palin I said I found her to be an EMBARRASSMENT.