How Does Your Garden Grow??????

Not exactly sure what bud end rot is but I'm going to look it up thanks for the input

I use Miracle Grow (tomato) at recommended dose per gallon every Sunday and Wednesday

They grow in reclaimed Fox Farm ocean Forest it's very lite and they seem to really like it, this is third year doing it this way

Has anyone ever tried tomato spikes ? I'm almost out of my first box of MG, & was thinking of buying them but I've never used them and don't know much about them
I think the name of the company is like Jobe?
Also known as blossom end rot. Squash and the like are real bad to get it, but tomatoes and peppers do too. Epson Salts does the trick.
I watered everything before I went hiking on Tuesday. But when I got back yesterday, it was all wilted. So I went ahead and laid down a soaker for my pepper pits and trenches. Looked much better this morning. I still have to rake leaves and pinestraw to go on these two.

This is how much water I had turned on. We had a good shower this morning. So it's off now.

Yesterday when I got home, I picked the pole beans. Got about a handful.


Then I picked the peas. They are grassy and buggy, and won't be around much longer.


Just to be on the safe side, I walked though the pole beans again, just to make sure I hadn't missed any. . . . . Finding beans in the corn is hard.

Do any of you guys have experience using blossom set spray?

I grabbed a bottle to hopefully give me a better chance at getting tomatoes all summer long, as the heat has proven to be problematic when it comes to setting fruit.

Just curious if you've used it and if it worked.
Never used it. If it works for you, I might might give it a try. My Armenian cucumbers have lots of blooms, but no fruit so far. I think the heat is the culprit.
Do any of you guys have experience using blossom set spray?

I grabbed a bottle to hopefully give me a better chance at getting tomatoes all summer long, as the heat has proven to be problematic when it comes to setting fruit.

Just curious if you've used it and if it worked.
Never used it. If it works for you, I might might give it a try. My Armenian cucumbers have lots of blooms, but no fruit so far. I think the heat is the culprit.
I will report back if it makes a noticeable difference.

I've seen conflicting reports online. Some say it causes the plant to fruit without needing pollination, resulting in a low seed, faster maturing fruit. Others claim it causes no noticable difference in warm weather, but does cause misshapen fruit.

So we'll see what we see.
i would if they ever seemed to need to be bushier, i usually have the opposite problem, they try to overgrow each other, have to keep training them to grow in different directions
No problemo. Hate to see them lovely plants get decapitated. :mrgreen:

Let us know how it works out for you. You may still need to tie the cage off to the fence behind it, but I think this will work just fine.
I grow in containers now and use Espoma Tomato-tone (3-4-6, 8% Ca) and never had a problem with end rot. When I used to grow in the ground and 7-8' plants, I had some of the smaller gauge wire cages collapse under the weight so like socal says you may want to tieoff/support the stacked cages to the fence. I used to use those green T posts for support

BTW, here's an interesting site by Linda Chalker-Scott Re: Plants and such
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