Shroomin with Dick

I like little shop of spores but there are several reputable vendors out there. Several vendors sell growing "kits" but they are typically overpriced and either ill equipped or you end up buying a bunch of stuff you didn't need. You are always better off DIY-ing as much as you can anyway.
I try to source most of my supplies from local stores but ordered the coir, vermiculite, and gypsum for the substrate in this tub from Amazon. I will be starting up another tub in the coming weeks if everything goes right....stay tuned
Can you grow really easy not insane killer ones ? Like with a ready to go kit just add water kind of thing?
I like little shop of spores but there are several reputable vendors out there. Several vendors sell growing "kits" but they are typically overpriced and either ill equipped or you end up buying a bunch of stuff you didn't need. You are always better off DIY-ing as much as you can anyway.
I try to source most of my supplies from local stores but ordered the coir, vermiculite, and gypsum for the substrate in this tub from Amazon. I will be starting up another tub in the coming weeks if everything goes right....stay tuned
The spore depot is super fast shipping and have good prices.
I'll check them out.
You have the exact same dehydrator I have. It works really well.

Cheapest one I found. Think it was like $30 at target. I prefer to make tea from fresh shrooms but I just didn't have time. Once the veils break it's pretty much eat em or dry em out for storage.

Can you grow really easy not insane killer ones ? Like with a ready to go kit just add water kind of thing?
Nope growing insane killer shrooms is par for the course and there's no super easy way to grow cubensis. Potency can vary from fruit to fruit but all cubensis are very similar. That is why I prefer the shroom tea; dosing is a bit easier and you can always dilute too strong a batch. Plus there's no weird stomach effects.
It takes a long time to get where you have a tub producing daily or weekly. There's no "ready to grow" kits for cubensis but you can find them for like blue oysters or shiitakes if that is your goal. The old PF tek with brf cakes is about as easy as it gets but this is the advanced class here. It is always a long process but anyone with a lotta patience can do it.
This tub was spawned from oat grains & inoculated from a clean culture on agar. To start a drip of spore solution was dropped onto a sterile swab and streaked across agar in a Petri dish. Spent weeks isolating a clean culture until I was sure there were no contaminants and the agar was then dropped onto grains. Grains took another month to colonize and then the jars were spawned to coir. This project was started in late March.
I heard the pans are very strong. Stronger than cubensis. The agar just picks up everything doesn't it?
Its not faster to start by any means but agar is a way to get your project going without using a whole spore syringe. If you have shaken up the syringe enough you will only need a drop of spore water on the agar. Its also a way to clean up wild spores and clone. You can then take a slice of colonized agar and do a master jar to use for grain2grain transfers. A glove box/still air box is helpful for all of the agar parts. Anyway, once you have agar and grain spawn going you can consider it faster and more accurate since you have a monoculture or damn close. I prefer liquid culture over grain to grain since it takes out the jar opening step and everything is always behind glass or a syringe.
Wow that is amazing. I am glad i didnt buy a kit and just try and do it. I need to find a friend who already has :D
anyone have any good experience with mushrooms . Com ?! Its a shroomery sponsor ..was thinking about growing a small amount (a quarter oz) for the first time..what about those midwest grow kits 'pre sterilized pf jars?' I heard nothing but good reviews and am tryna do it as easy as possible
anyone have any good experience with mushrooms . Com ?! Its a shroomery sponsor ..was thinking about growing a small amount (a quarter oz) for the first time..what about those midwest grow kits 'pre sterilized pf jars?' I heard nothing but good reviews and am tryna do it as easy as possible
Doing pf tek is easy to do. Never used that site but the site drysift and myself suggested are good spore sites. Grow kits are a waste imo.
I need to get back into this. I have a syringe that has been sitting in a dark bag inside a bag inside a dark box etc for a few years now (maybe 5?) you think it is still viable? Also I have only ever done BRF cakes in a poor mans pod is there another tek that you would recommend and maybe a decent thread on it? I think I saw some people using bird seed maybe too? Your "Bin" sounds ez pz though and that is what I like!
I need to get back into this. I have a syringe that has been sitting in a dark bag inside a bag inside a dark box etc for a few years now (maybe 5?) you think it is still viable? Also I have only ever done BRF cakes in a poor mans pod is there another tek that you would recommend and maybe a decent thread on it? I think I saw some people using bird seed maybe too? Your "Bin" sounds ez pz though and that is what I like!
Probably not but it doesn’t hurt to try and see.
anyone have any good experience with mushrooms . Com ?! Its a shroomery sponsor ..was thinking about growing a small amount (a quarter oz) for the first time..what about those midwest grow kits 'pre sterilized pf jars?' I heard nothing but good reviews and am tryna do it as easy as possible

Yes they are a reputable vendor but kits are a waste of money. You will learn absolutely nothing if you pay for pre-sterilized jars. Vendors love selling stuff to lazy people but honestly the recipe for PF cakes is stupid easy and you don't need a PC:
2 cups vermiculite
1 cup water
Mix well and then add in:
1 cup brown rice flour

I need to get back into this. I have a syringe that has been sitting in a dark bag inside a bag inside a dark box etc for a few years now (maybe 5?) you think it is still viable? Also I have only ever done BRF cakes in a poor mans pod is there another tek that you would recommend and maybe a decent thread on it? I think I saw some people using bird seed maybe too? Your "Bin" sounds ez pz though and that is what I like!
You probably need to order fresh spore. Monotub grows are not all that much more difficult than brf cakes but if you fuck up it's more devastating a loss due to the higher material cost of spawning to bulk. Of course you also need a pressure cooker to do grain jars.
If you got a PC and have done cakes already search the shroomery for grows from wild bird seed (WBS). You can innoculate WBS with a syringe directly although agar is the standard. This link helped me a lot: