Shroomin with Dick

Planning ahead here: after the first flush with cakes, how would you recommend proceeding? I've seen conflicting opinions on prepping for later flushes. Some people say dunk and roll, others say dunk but don't roll. Either way should I scrape off the old verm? Also some say to let the cake dry out for several days. What are your thoughts, Dick?

I realize you're asking Dick but seeing how he hasn't replied yet I'll kick in my $0.02 until he can reply... dunk. Mushrooms are 90%+ water and need a lot of it. I don't like letting the sub dry out because once the myc is digesting stuff, it's a race to beat the contams. I want my myc nice and healthy so it outcompetes any funky business.

Keep up the good work dick... I've agreed 100% with all your advice so far.
Planning ahead here: after the first flush with cakes, how would you recommend proceeding? I've seen conflicting opinions on prepping for later flushes. Some people say dunk and roll, others say dunk but don't roll. Either way should I scrape off the old verm? Also some say to let the cake dry out for several days. What are your thoughts, Dick?
Sorry I haven't been around; vacation and festival season had me away from computers and cellphones for awhile. Don't let your cakes dry out keep on misting or dunking as needed to keep them moist. Sometimes you'll need to just mist the perlite if you've got your cakes in a shotgun chamber. I never rolled in verm again after the first time. Siracha is correct and thx btw for the assist. By all means noob up this thread; it was created for the distribution of knowledge about magical fungi. Feel free to ask anything or share whatever is relevant.
Here's a pic of my tub on its 4th flush & still going strong. Was surprised all it needed after a few days of doing nothing was a heavy misting or 2 and the pins came back again for another round.
EDM festival season?
Nah I'm old school; have not been to anything like a rave since the 90s. Can't even find decent molly anymore....
My friends are GD family; once upon a time long ago we used to camp out on the lot but going "on tour" has become prohibitively expensive for most of us. So these daze we meet up at small local music festivals when we can.
Nah I'm old school; have not been to anything like a rave since the 90s. Can't even find decent molly anymore....
My friends are GD family; once upon a time long ago we used to camp out on the lot but going "on tour" has become prohibitively expensive for most of us. So these daze we meet up at small local music festivals when we can.

I started raving in the 90s, thought I grew up but last 2 years have been a 40yo acting like a 20yo lmao. Good molly is still around, lets get lit, fam!
Sorry I haven't been around; vacation and festival season had me away from computers and cellphones for awhile. Don't let your cakes dry out keep on misting or dunking as needed to keep them moist. Sometimes you'll need to just mist the perlite if you've got your cakes in a shotgun chamber. I never rolled in verm again after the first time. Siracha is correct and thx btw for the assist. By all means noob up this thread; it was created for the distribution of knowledge about magical fungi. Feel free to ask anything or share whatever is relevant.
Here's a pic of my tub on its 4th flush & still going strong. Was surprised all it needed after a few days of doing nothing was a heavy misting or 2 and the pins came back again for another round.
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Thank you,sir. I was sans electronics(by choice, mostly) for awhile myself. We made our yearly trek to the Beer and Bluegrass festival in Keystone, CO. Great time as always. And I left jealous of CO people per usual. Recreational weed, what a concept!
Thought this tub was finally dead because it wasn't doing much but after a heavy misting I noticed these pins....will be flush number five.
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Is it even worth it at this point, legitimate question I mean how long will it take each flush to fruit? Would it be better to start new or no in fact it 8s better to get as many flushes as possible? Assuming you have limited space and can only do so many tubs at a time. What would be better to start new after 3, 4 , 5 flushes? As far as producing the most dry weight possible.
Once there are pins it's only a few days for the fruits to grow to full size. This tub owes me nothin; already pulled several ounces from it. In past seasons I've only done one tub and usually had plenty enough shrooms for me and my friends to munch on. This year I tried doing an agar method and ended up with way too much clean spawn so I did 2 tubs. The first went for 2 strong flushes and a weak 3rd then contaminated. This is the 2nd tub that I left for dead after 4 good flushes; it has done basically nothing for a couple weeks now. I used more spawn in this tub then I ever have before...9 full quarts...I think that's why this tub keeps producing. Most times contams set in before you get too many flushes; it's inevitable. I am gonna give most of them away; cannot possibly consume all these anytime soon. But if maximum weight was my goal then yes I would've started another tub into fruiting by now. 3-4 decent flushes is pretty much the best one can hope for in a monotub.
Ok well the tub is now dead. Pulled the last fruits out and noticed my old nemesis Trichoderma encroaching on the substrate. Unplugged the lights and guess I'll just toss the spent sub onto the compost pile. That's it for this season! Time to nom nom nom and Lock'N peace
So I've got my brf cakes in a sgfc. They've pinned, slowly. They seem to be very fat and squat. With some mutant looking ones growing. I've removed some aborts(black, squishy caps). Also some of the caps at times look shiny and almost carmelized. I think I may have gone a little nuts with the misting and they've been too wet(I'm misting and fanning 3 or 4 times a day, think too heavy on the misting. I've attached some pics. Opinions/feedback? 20180913_195348.jpg


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Not sure and I hate to say this but that last pic looks possibly contammed. You should only need to mist your cakes once or maybe twice a day. Spray the perlite very well to keep up RH but only mist the cakes until they glisten. If your sgfc is drilled out properly you shouldn't need to fan it all that much either. Problem with cakes is you'll get pins poppin off at all different times; that is just how it goes when you nocc directly from a ms syringe. Toss out those cakes if they start to look worse. Put your face inside the shotgun and take a deep whiff; if it smells like anything other than fresh mushrooms it's no good.
Thanks, Dick. Are you looking at the dark patch on that fat shroom in the lower left on the last pic? I'll pull it off and see if it comes around.
If it's a contam its already a goner; you don't want to spread it to the rest. Looks like maybe some kind of mold on the last pic; it's on the shrooms too. No idea what it is but if it smells bad get rid of those. Most of the other cakes look ok. It could just be from over misting; best case something might have dried on the cake like unrinsed verm or worse case scenario it is mold/bacteria.
When your cakes are pinning stand back & generally let them do their thing; moisture is a pinning trigger but once fruits are poppin out they shouldn't need external water. As each cake stops growing the current flush dunk them again and leave the aborts intact. Mist once a day and leave them alone. Take the cakes out and mist the perlite real heavy about every other day.
Honestly now that you have a grip on doing cakes think about spawning to bulk. It is much less effort and yields are exponentially better.
If it's a contam its already a goner; you don't want to spread it to the rest. Looks like maybe some kind of mold on the last pic; it's on the shrooms too. No idea what it is but if it smells bad get rid of those. Most of the other cakes look ok. It could just be from over misting; best case something might have dried on the cake like unrinsed verm or worse case scenario it is mold/bacteria.
When your cakes are pinning stand back & generally let them do their thing; moisture is a pinning trigger but once fruits are poppin out they shouldn't need external water. As each cake stops growing the current flush dunk them again and leave the aborts intact. Mist once a day and leave them alone. Take the cakes out and mist the perlite real heavy about every other day.
Honestly now that you have a grip on doing cakes think about spawning to bulk. It is much less effort and yields are exponentially better.
Are you talking about the powdery looking coating? I'm wondering if it might be hard water deposits. Our softener shit the bed about 10 days ago and the last fill or 2 of my mister was with the hard water.
I'll step away a little and quit loving them to death. We're going out of town this weekend, so a couple of days left to their own devices might do them some good. That or they'll prove themselves too far gone and I'll move on.
I think if this sorts itself out Ill try a bulk grow. If goes totally sideways, I'll try the PF tek again, just to prove I can do it without fucking up. After that I'm going to move to a monotub.
Thanks again.
Oh yeah could be just hard water deposits; probably nothing to worry about but I would try to mist them with some spring water or something to get that off. You have already proven you can do this; read up about agar on the shroomery. Pasty's plate method is easy AF and cheap way to get started doing bulk.
Oh yeah could be just hard water deposits; probably nothing to worry about but I would try to mist them with some spring water or something to get that off. You have already proven you can do this; read up about agar on the shroomery. Pasty's plate method is easy AF and cheap way to get started doing bulk.
That does look easy. At this point I would be using a spore syringe. Just a drop would do it, I take it? In the future, I like the idea of cloning with a LC, there's a tek by creamcorn on shroomery that looks simple as hell and sounds like it would give an unlimited supply indefinitely.
That does look easy. At this point I would be using a spore syringe. Just a drop would do it, I take it? In the future, I like the idea of cloning with a LC, there's a tek by creamcorn on shroomery that looks simple as hell and sounds like it would give an unlimited supply indefinitely.
Also, when transferring the colonized agar, how much are you transferring? Thanks again.