Seamaiden's gifted seeds journal


Well-Known Member
You did NOT just say Ethopian watching the Food Network! And I am certainly not stoned and laughing about it. Ahem.

Thanks for putting up pics of plants, they look a lot like mine, so I feel like I'm doing stuff right.

Have you thought about all the strains we're going to have access to come next spring? CI/BB, Conquistador, Jillybean, Querkle, 3D, and the good-smellin' mystery girls. (I think we should name them "Seamaiden Skunk," ha! We'll end up on the cover of High Times! Or the Rolling Stone! Or something!)

I'm particularly intrigued by the ones you called "Black Velvet" or something like that. What's the word with that?

Next summer is gonna ROCK. :)


Well-Known Member
You did NOT just say Ethopian watching the Food Network! And I am certainly not stoned and laughing about it. Ahem.
I did.. :oops: That was crass, wasn't it?
Thanks for putting up pics of plants, they look a lot like mine, so I feel like I'm doing stuff right.
You're doing a lot of things right, lb. :D
Have you thought about all the strains we're going to have access to come next spring? CI/BB, Conquistador, Jillybean, Querkle, 3D, and the good-smellin' mystery girls. (I think we should name them "Seamaiden Skunk," ha! We'll end up on the cover of High Times! Or the Rolling Stone! Or something!)
Oh no, not me on the cover of the Rolling Stone..! :lol: I have not thought about next summer at this point. I've decided on a re-veg, but I also looked at my clones yesterday and a few of them just EXPLODED under the fluoro lights. :shock: Didn't expect that.
I'm particularly intrigued by the ones you called "Black Velvet" or something like that. What's the word with that?
I'm waiting to find out if there are viable seeds available, it's a new strain available through another site.

One of my Bagseed Girls, I'm fairly certain, is strong on the Sativa trait of taking longer to finish. She's the one who showed sex first, way back in the first week of August. Yet, she's at about the same stage as my youngest Conquistador girl. Cali. Indica x Big Bud WILL be finished first, fo' sho'. Papaya I actually expect to be next (and her sample buds give good high). The others.. they're all gonna be close except for the two youngest Conquistadors and that #15 I mentioned. I'm afraid they're gonna go til the end of October easily. Keep your fingers crossed that there's either no frost or that I get my HID lights before then.
Next summer is gonna ROCK. :)
Hey, what about this winter, eh? Yeah? Yeah? :)


Well-Known Member
Oh hell yeah, I've got two each of Jillybean, 3D, and Querkle going in the cab!! I'm so excited! If I get more females than males, I'm not sure what I'll could be that I end up with homeless female plants unless I figure out another way to grow them. I cannot have homeless Subcool strains!!! It sucks that I don't know any other growers in NYC.

My Connie is for sure going until the end of Oct. Yeldah looked at her last night and said she at least had two more weeks, probably three. So right now I'm planning a Halloween harvest! I got a magnifying glass today but I'm not sure exactly how to tell when they're ready...trying to figure it out.


Well-Known Member
I like using the pix that fdd has in his harvesting and curing sticky thread, but now I can't remember the title. I don't think he uses any kind of magnifier, and my son does not, he goes by overall appearance. I have both a loupe and a 30X scope, but the scope is hard for me to use because I can't quite focus my own eyes.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how I missed your posts from two days ago, but... Yeah, I'm a sick puppy, hg. :lol:

Green, my son goes for an overall amber color, but mostly he says he "just knows". I figure if it's that easy for him, I, too, will know it when I see it. But, I did check out all the ladies yesterday with my loupe, and now they look like someone has sprinkled them with milky dots.


Well-Known Member
Excellent! They are almost there then if they are milky. If you dont want to have couch lock stuff get them after the ambers start to show. Guess it really depends on what kind of med you want too. If yan need that pain killing type, amber up. I need to hook up with him. Never know what an old dog can learn. I would love to see those connies in color


Well-Known Member
hey maiden
been reading your juornal off and on all summer
good to see them almost ready
go ahead and take some samples

and stop watching the food network haha
i always get a laugh out of you


Well-Known Member
:D No Food Network at all when I have the munchies (nom nom nom nom). The scent off the Conquistador is becoming almost "heady". Two of them have this strong, slightly rotten cantaloupe scent, all I have to do is brush up against them. If I can successfully re-vegetate them, I'll have something better to pull clones from.

I need medicine, green, not to be locked on the couch. But I keep reading different things about this harvest window, and fdd said that using the trich color to help you decide when to harvest (based on the high) is bullshit, it's all about strain. So... I don't know, I figured I'd just let them fatten up as much as possible and then see how it goes. If I could see some sort of science that would indicate some change, any change, in trichome coloration corresponding with cannabinoids, etcetera, that would be helpful.

I was initially thinking mid-October for harvest, but now I think only the Cali. Indica x Big Bud is going to be ready. Nights and days are getting COOOLLLDDD!!


Well-Known Member
ya you can can reveg that
your are right about needing a medical strain
they are different strain for different pains
but the ripeness can still affect it some what


Well-Known Member
hey sea... ive seen a slight difference from different trich colors. when milky i felt like it was a little more of an awake wanna get up and go high. when amber i just was more relaxed and giggly. i dunno i coulda been in a different mood.... but it was a little different.
strain has alot to do with it tho!


Well-Known Member
I've never known or paid that much attention to strain to be able to say one way or the other, and this is my first own homegrown I've taken this far before. So... ! :D

I wonder what Subcool thinks.


Well-Known Member
Thats interesting you mentioned Sub. Here is his link to an article he did called Amber Alert (BreedBay - FAQ: General Questions for Harvesting & Curing its near the end of that long list of articles). Most of what I know about this subject came from these articles and their references. I also agree with FDD about strain and potency in that I dont think you can get blood out of a turnip thing, meaning it wont get more potent whatever the color the trichs get than the genetics allow. I will clarify with FDD though. Expert growers like FDD and your son may have that farmers sense where they can look at it and tell when its ready. I think I will need to do some testing on this subject.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for this, gt, I'll get started reading. I can't quote fdd verbatim, but the impression I was left with was that you basically cannot gauge or influence the kind of high you'll get by when you harvest. I assume that implies that whether you harvest during this milky trichome time or wait for the amber coloration, the high will be the same. This BreedBay link looks to have a lot of information in there for me.


Well-Known Member
Yea its a good read and has some reference docs cited in them. THere's also some that you can skip. Sub's article is almost to the end. Remember Sub doesnt like the couch lock so he harvests a when clear to milky I, think. I will ask FDD to clarify for me and will let you know.


Well-Known Member
the way i remeber it is that
thc is not the only active ingrertant
cbd might have letters in wrong order
they become more present the more ripe the bud is
causing the hight to be more couch loch
if the weed is known for being couch lock
harvest early less counch lock
if you want more couch lock harvest later
if you got a strian not couch lock the longer you leave the more it will be
but not as much as strian that started as couch lock
hope it makes sense
i once had a seed bank that listed what stains where best for what pains
i will try to fine it for you
what are your hi/low temps thier this time of year ??