mod issue


Well-Known Member
some moderators are abusing they're power, fdd2blk provokes people to snap at him/her and then bans them when they lash back.. this is unacceptable, what should someone be allowed such power? if 0849 is going to be banned then so should fdd2blk. how people are picked to moderate must go by lowest intelligence and lack of maturity not to mention this guy knows as much about growing as my 12 yo sister. this is an injustice, and this guy was such a dick i myself would beat him/her senseless if i knew where he/her was. fdd2blk needs to be reprimanded for abuse of power.


stays relevant.
We've yet to see a single thing you've grown, and you want to criticize fdd's abilities? Psh... you've got A LOT of learning to do... Also, people who deserve to be banned get banned, and those deserving of infractions get infractions.

You're aware that there are rules on the forum right? You're lucky that he takes the time to baby sit little punks like you.

The fact that you think you have a position to judge fdd, his work, or his grows make me sick... You haven't contributed shit here.


Well-Known Member
As i said in the other thread you made..

if FDD knows as much about growing as a 12 year old, the 12 year olds gotta be fuckin clever huh.


Well-Known Member
i agree with growtech,,and u should stfu,,fdd is very helpful,,,he bans people who are fuckin assholes,dont be a fucking asshole and maybe he wont ban u as well.
we dont like shmucks on riu, carry on FDD,,.,i said good day sir!!!..good day!!!


stays relevant.
This guy wants to talk about maturity.

"this guy was such a dick i myself would beat him/her senseless if i knew where he/her was"

^The words of an emotional dwarf.


stays relevant.
man this kid is going to regret posting this thread more than his parents regret not opting for a contraceptive.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Oooh, Fdd, he wants to beat you up! :roll:

Well, vanauken, since you've been here all of 1 month, I'll tell you how things are around the Rollitup forums. The Mods here simply try to keep the forums running smoothly. We do that with every members best interests in mind. We don't go around looking for troublemakers, they are reported to us by other members. So we spend a lot of our time here trying to satisfy other members concerns by sending PMs and typing posts like this one.

We're happy that you are paticipating in the Rollitup forums, and thank you for your suggestion.

HTH :mrgreen:


stays relevant.
^ the words I was searching for... but for some reason my middle finger just kept popping up instead.

I would +rep you but it appears i'm at capacity for today.


New Member
Did 0849 break the rules? Was 0849 using personal attacks and name calling? I don't think a person will be banned just because. There had to be some kind of rule breaking going on.

Personally I see the problem is that too many young people today have no debating skills. To them an intelligent point is to call someone names or attack their person. Maybe the problem is that FDD made intelligent points without name calling and the person on the other end had nothing left to say so they resorted to calling names and saying foul things, which is against the rules.

Speaking of rules, how many of the "banned" just accepted the agreement without even reading the rules? Ignorance of the rules is no excuse.


Well-Known Member
some moderators are abusing they're power, fdd2blk provokes people to snap at him/her and then bans them when they lash back.. this is unacceptable, what should someone be allowed such power? if 0849 is going to be banned then so should fdd2blk. how people are picked to moderate must go by lowest intelligence and lack of maturity not to mention this guy knows as much about growing as my 12 yo sister. this is an injustice, and this guy was such a dick i myself would beat him/her senseless if i knew where he/her was. fdd2blk needs to be reprimanded for abuse of power.
Could you give us an example of fdd doing this? Quote the posts where fdd provoked someone into snapping at him, and post them here. Thanks :grin: