Rasmussen poll: Nearly 1 in 3 Americans think a 'U.S. civil war likely soon'

Here is a fact for you. 75000 dead Frenchmen in vietnam. 55000 dead Americans. I dont think they figured it out fast enough. America wasnt suckered, most of our wars are driven by the capitalist war machine. There is a lot of money made in war.
The French occupied Vietnam for 57 years. You guys were there for 20, because you were scared to shit of Communism infecting the world. That is the only reason you were there, otherwise you would have not even taken note of that tiny place in the world. Even during the beginning of it all, US citizens had no idea where Vietnam was and never heard of it.
and my 300 blkout
A case of mosin-nagants is nice to have around. Not pretty but they are reliable, accurate and cheap. The ammo is dirt cheap as well.

I have a couple ar's as well.
He is the commander and chief, just like the Bush puppets and useless Obama they were my Presidents, like it or not
You don't have to blindly follow the commander in chief.

I wouldn't. I've refused orders in the military.
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A case of mosin-nagants isnnice to have around. Not pretty but they are reliable, accurate and cheap. The ammo is die cheap as well.

I have a couple ar's as well.

You don't have to blindly follow the commander in chief.

I wouldn't. I've refused orders in the military.
Mosins went up in price. I remember a few years back when you were able to buy a whole crate of them for a few hundred
The French occupied Vietnam for 57 years. You guys were there for 20, because you were scared to shit of Communism infecting the world. That is the only reason you were there, otherwise you would have not even taken note of that tiny place in the world. Even during the beginning of it all, US citizens had no idea where Vietnam was and never heard of it.
I thought you said the French figured it out fast? Communism was the excuse, capitalism is the reason.
Come to think of it, boots didn't even hit the ground until after Kennedy, so 65ish, if my memory serves me right.

Kennedy send 400 Green Beret to train the south's for counter insurgency war in 1961. By the time Kennedy was murdered in 1963, there were 16000 U.S. military advisers in Vietnam, and more than 100 Americans had been killed. In 1964 L.B.J. got his "functional" declaration of war in the Tonkin Resolution. They started bombing and sent in the marines the following year.
I thought you said the French figured it out fast? Communism was the excuse, capitalism is the reason.

Never said anything about "fast". I said they figured it out and got out, in 54. You guys entered the stage in 55 to fill in the vacuum.
Kennedy send 400 Green Beret to train the south's for counter insurgency war in 1961. By the time Kennedy was murdered in 1963, there were 16000 U.S. military advisers in Vietnam, and more than 100 Americans had been killed. In 1964 L.B.J. got his "functional" declaration of war in the Tonkin Resolution. They started bombing and sent in the marines the following year.
Yup. That's right. But the real toll on US lives came when ground forces entered, underestimating the enemy, and I'm pretty sure that was after LBJ won his own Presidency.
A case of mosin-nagants is nice to have around. Not pretty but they are reliable, accurate and cheap. The ammo is dirt cheap as well.

I have a couple ar's as well.

You don't have to blindly follow the commander in chief.

I wouldn't. I've refused orders in the military.
I don't blindly follow anyone