Does a plant stop growing in the flowering cycle?


Well-Known Member
Think i read in a post somewhere that at a certain stage of the flowering cycle they stop growing to concentrate on the buds, is this true and roughly how many days into flowering do they hault ?


Well-Known Member
yes its true, about 4 weeks in they stop almost all vertical and horizontal growth and concentrate on the flowers.


Well-Known Member
Thats just great thanks for the responses guys, mines just over 3 week into flowering and is about 4 n half foot tall (5 n half with pot included), and i think i have roughly about a weeks growing space before she hits the roof, so it should be just enough room, phew! thanks once again.


Well-Known Member
Well shes stopped growing exactly 25 days into flowering shes exactly 4 and a half feet tall, what a reliefe!!


Well-Known Member
Yea lol i was getting worried as i was running out of room, only had about a foot to play with lol