Lumpy feeling in throat!!!


Well-Known Member
Hay guys hope this is in the right area,
So this is kinda hard to explain so bare with me here, sometimes after having a few bowls I get a lump feeling it's not all the time but I can smoke one lot no problem get something a little different and that feeling comes back its not painful or hard to breath just a little irritating after a sesh,
Any ideas guys?
Your body is saying it doesn't like the smoke, your throat and lungs are being irritated by the smoke so the throat closes a bit to restrict the intake of what it doesn't want, but not enough to choke you.

Find another way to use for a while, edibles or vaping as an example, so your throat and lungs have a chance to recover.

All depends on what you're smoking too, different weeds have different terps, etc, and therefore a different effect on the airways when burned, so changing what you smoke could make a difference too, as could smoking hash instead of weed, and so on.
Gonococcal pharyngitis?
Tonsil stones?

In all seriousness...just call your doc or find a walk-in clinic and ask to have a culture done.
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I use to have that all the time in my late 20's. The lump in throat feeling is probably your esophagus not digging what your putting down into your gulliver mate. Eat some raw fruit & veggies, non GMO grains, no salt, beer in moderation and drink water you will be fine.
Your body is saying it doesn't like the smoke, your throat and lungs are being irritated by the smoke so the throat closes a bit to restrict the intake of what it doesn't want, but not enough to choke you.

Find another way to use for a while, edibles or vaping as an example, so your throat and lungs have a chance to recover.

All depends on what you're smoking too, different weeds have different terps, etc, and therefore a different effect on the airways when burned, so changing what you smoke could make a difference too, as could smoking hash instead of weed, and so on.

Thanks for the replys guys, some of the answers were amusing lol

It turns out it was something in the green, I switch to some other stuff for awhile and no problems at all,
But just to make sure I had some of the first mentioned bud and bam she came back pretty quick lol haven't had any for awhile and it's all good, so I put it down to something in the bud, probably turps like fubard said lol
I'm the same way. I always have a lump on my throat every time I smoke. I thought my lungs are pretty healthy but apparently, they still don't like me smoking. So I decided to stop smoking and just consume via eating them or soaking them in alcohol to have something like a solution so it could be more potent as well.