Looking for advice on setting up multiple aircooled lights.
My room is 12 x 40 x 9ft ceiling cinder block.2x6 wood ceiling.
The plan is to hang 14 1000w Sunsystem A/C DE 8"in air cooled hoods.
Length ways in rows of 7.
I have two 48000 BTU mini splits for hvac
I was hoping to connect the lights in groups of 3 to 4 and cool by using10in centrifugal fans exhausting outside.
Where do I intake from?
Could I hook up 7 or 8 lights in a row and run a over sized centrifugal fan?
I do not have experience in a/c lights.
What are your thoughts?
How would you set it up?
I would run Gavitas, my concern is lack of ceiling height.
Pics attached
Looking for advice on setting up multiple aircooled lights.
My room is 12 x 40 x 9ft ceiling cinder block.2x6 wood ceiling.
The plan is to hang 14 1000w Sunsystem A/C DE 8"in air cooled hoods.
Length ways in rows of 7.
I have two 48000 BTU mini splits for hvac
I was hoping to connect the lights in groups of 3 to 4 and cool by using10in centrifugal fans exhausting outside.
Where do I intake from?
Could I hook up 7 or 8 lights in a row and run a over sized centrifugal fan?
I do not have experience in a/c lights.
What are your thoughts?
How would you set it up?
I would run Gavitas, my concern is lack of ceiling height.
Pics attached
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