First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants


Well-Known Member

Section 505 authorizes the use of what's essentially an administrative subpoena of personal records. The subpoenas require no probable cause or judicial oversight.

Before Patriot, these letters could only be issued against individuals who were reasonably suspected of espionage. But Patriot loosened the standard by allowing the letters to be used against anyone, including U.S. citizens, even if they themselves are not suspected of espionage or criminal activity. These letters may now be issued independently by FBI field offices, rather than by senior officials. And unlike Section 215 warrants, they are not subject to even perfunctory judicial review or oversight.

The records that can be obtained through the letters under Patriot include telephone logs, e-mail logs, certain financial and bank records, and credit reports, on the assertion that such information would be "relevant" to an ongoing terrorism investigation. THEY CANNOT BE USED IN ORDINARY CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS. Unlike 215, no court order—not even a rubber-stamped order—is required. Those forced to turn over records are gagged from disclosing the demand.

i dont think we have anything to worry about unless any of you guys happen to be terrorists...


Well-Known Member
I don't think terrorists are real interested in growing marijuana lol If the terrorists are Islam then it's against their religion to use marijuana anyway..


Well-Known Member
well see there you go haha just dont go blowin any buildings up and growin at the same time... wait dont blow up buildings anyway...
whats the size of your flower tent again?are you flowering in the homebox xs??i think i have to get 1 so i can pack more plants..i want to use another 400 or a 250..


Well-Known Member
400w is pushin iy wy, its only a 2x2x4 i do 400 and a 250 in one of each and it's kind of a waste of light unless you shooting for 100w per sq. ft.

ps; and fuck all that gov't shit they gonna have to prove that's my ip.


Well-Known Member
prove its your ip and then prove that you were the one using it haha but yeah wyte i just use the XS for veg. the other half of my closet is for flowering its 3x5 no tent just floor space...
damn i gotta do something about light leakage,im thinking about getting a growtent with vent ports already.The closet i have now has no holes so i gotta cut it and i dont want it to breakdown..lmao...I could use the closet to veg then get a tent to flower in,but then i would have to hold on getting the cooltube..
400w is pushin iy wy, its only a 2x2x4 i do 400 and a 250 in one of each and it's kind of a waste of light unless you shooting for 100w per sq. ft.

ps; and fuck all that gov't shit they gonna have to prove that's my ip.
my closet now is 2x2x6 so its just 2 feet higher tahts why i didnt put the 400 in yet..I figured it will get too hot but i might have to take a bullet this grow...


Well-Known Member
don't shit relate to me until I'm charged or I see a warrant in my face.
they gotta go thru RIU and then thru me, and if they get thru RIU they aint getting thru me.


Well-Known Member
dk,did ureport me or some ish?..why is a name in the reputation area on my RIU page and it says warrant fuck...i dont get it