Stress+Recovery time=Better yield & potency

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Some people never learn they just keep walking into walls. Between the educational system that hands out participation trophies and their parents who defend their every indefensible act I think we are going to be seeing an entire generation of entitled snowflakes unable to think their way through any issue. It appears that ignorance has become a valued virtue.
I think social media also has a big influence as it promotes accepting poor quality info that matches your belief over critical thinking. Especially as it's monetised & weaponized for political gain.


Well-Known Member
I read some of it dumbass. But not all of it. I see what you’re trying to do. It’s just a waste of time. But everybody’s already told you this and you’d rather not listen.
The insane part is that I have but since you don't read which I wouldn't with all these comments but I have already agreed with optimal conditions things but the thread to over crowded with spectators


Well-Known Member
View attachment 4161940

The most stress these plants see is when I first top them, slowing growth by a week by my estimates and experience. They also see stress when I up pot from cups to #1 pots and from the #1s to #3s.
I don't strive to stress my girls, but it happens. Does it make my weed more potent? Mmmm, I don't think so. If anything, it's when I harvest that makes a difference, trichome maturity.
I'm fortunate to be in coco as I see quick recovery, at least faster than what I experienced with soil.

Shush, trichome maturity & other proper horticulture is a tightly guarded secret we hide from noobs by distracting them with "spiking plants with nails while boiling their roots & freezing their branches" gibberish.

If you keep blabbering he'll learn about the "inner circle"...

(sorry, bad joke from CW days).


Well-Known Member
Shush, trichome maturity & other proper horticulture is a tightly guarded secret we hide from noobs by distracting them with "spiking plants with nails while boiling their roots & freezing their branches" gibberish.

If you keep blabbering he'll learn about the "inner circle"...

(sorry, bad joke from CW days).
This thread might actually turn into something.


Well-Known Member
"Of course didn't read any of it" lmfao my point exactly yall crack me up
Except I have read it all, have made rational replies to most of your gibberish since page 17'ish (can't remember when exactly I got sucked back into this black hole of self delusion, starting to worry that it's sheer density has enough mass to distort time & physics. Is this how black holes form?) and despite selectively agreeing with me briefly when you misinterpreted me as an ally, have now decided I don't make the cut and you roundly ignore me.

Sad muffin...

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
The insane part is that I have but since you don't read which I wouldn't with all these comments but I have already agreed with optimal conditions things but the thread to over crowded with spectators
Look, I’ll give you some advice. How you take it will determine if I ever try to help you again. Go back to page 2 of this thread and you decide if I’m worth listening to or not.

You’re a new grower so the best thing for you is to simplify things and focus on growing a happy and healthy plant. Once you get that down, then you can experiment. But I’m sure you’ll always end up right back at happy and healthy as opposed to all these old “new” techniques.


Well-Known Member
The insane part is that I have but since you don't read which I wouldn't with all these comments but I have already agreed with optimal conditions things but the thread to over crowded with spectators
What a second, when did you agree we were right & you were wrong? It seems like one of us would have caught that if you actually acknowledged that. I agree that you've selectively agreed up to a point before doubling down on being right but misunderstood.


Well-Known Member
Yes. I leave all fan leaves on. Chopping them off hurts the plant.

The reason to top and other training techniques is to break apical dominance and redistribute auxins.
Definitely will try this and yea already know bout the apical dominance I topped, fim, LST, haven't supercrop might so I can avoid my stem breaking again.


Well-Known Member
Like I said wasn't trying to split stem but plant didn't slow down growth at all and no one stated at the beginning of this thread about what they tried and what worked and didn't work would of been more constructive at the beginning but like I said it's a comedy show now and that's my point every post got the word stupid and dumb but u clearly understood wtf I was saying lmao smdh
Dude. Come on. How do you know it didn't slow down after the split. Have you grown that strain before to know how fast it grows at various stages of it's life?

It not slowing down is not the same as improving yield.

If anything it's just luck.