Stress+Recovery time=Better yield & potency

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Actually, no. Maybe I need more? I do start reducing nutes the last 3 weeks.
One of the lower fans looked a little fried from Ca deficiency, but I could be wrong.
I've waited too long for amber trics and someone suggested that cutting Ca a little ealy helps them finish properly.
Not sure if it's true, but I'm willing to try it on a few plants.


Ursus marijanus
Except I have read it all, have made rational replies to most of your gibberish since page 17'ish (can't remember when exactly I got sucked back into this black hole of self delusion, starting to worry that it's sheer density has enough mass to distort time & physics. Is this how black holes form?) and despite selectively agreeing with me briefly when you misinterpreted me as an ally, have now decided I don't make the cut and you roundly ignore me.

Sad muffin...
A sufficiently strong illiteracy field will wrap around a Webster's and collapse it into a tiny, malevolent nugget of infinite incomprehensibility. A Dictionarity. This leads to a narrative space dominated by a Red Hole. Navigating around that is not for the faint of heart.

Tomorrow we move from astronomy to paleontology. I have a lovely treatise on how the late Brodacious Period had an ecology shaped by the utter dominance of the genus Thesaurus.
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Well-Known Member
What a second, when did you agree we were right & you were wrong? It seems like one of us would have caught that if you actually acknowledged that. I agree that you've selectively agreed up to a point before doubling down on being right but misunderstood.
Have said I understand the basic training on plants that's how I got this far. I can't be wrong about a opinion I had about something I said I read about OTHER people trying and wanted to see who agrees and disagree but I got called stupid for trying to create conversation.


Well-Known Member
Just the title of this thread is enough.

His claim is
Stress plus recovery time equals better yield and potency.

So I ask once and for all.

Exactly what stress?
How much recovery time?
Exactly what benefits will I see.

But remember
The point of plant training is not stress
So don't bother listing pruning, topping etc.
Again those techniques aren't used for causing stress

So lets hear what stress causes yield and potency increase.


Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Definitely will try this and yea already know bout the apical dominance I topped, fim, LST, haven't supercrop might so I can avoid my stem breaking again.
I think you made a good decision to not supercrop if you’ve already broken stems before. I’ve been doing this forever and I’ve broke stems for being too aggressive with my supercropping. Lastly, I’m not the biggest fan of fimming. You have more control with just topping. Plus you don’t end up with that funky stage that the plant goes through after fimming. And I’m kinda anal about all my plants looking uniform.


Well-Known Member
Dude. Come on. How do you know it didn't slow down after the split. Have you grown that strain before to know how fast it grows at various stages of it's life?

It not slowing down is not the same as improving yield.

If anything it's just luck.
Guess I know at harvest


Well-Known Member
One of the lower fans looked a little fried from Ca deficiency, but I could be wrong.
I've waited too long for amber trics and someone suggested that cutting Ca a little ealy helps them finish properly.
Not sure if it's true, but I'm willing to try it on a few plants.
Well shit, I'm line feeding, so if I try it, I try with all my girls. Let me know what you end up doing and how it ends up.


Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Just the title of this thread is enough.

His claim is
Stress plus recovery time equals better yield and potency.

So I ask once and for all.

Exactly what stress?
How much recovery time?
Exactly what benefits will I see.

But remember
The point of plant training is not stress
So don't bother listing pruning, topping etc.
Again those techniques aren't used for causing stress

So lets hear what stress causes yield and potency increase.



Well-Known Member
I think you made a good decision to not supercrop if you’ve already broken stems before. I’ve been doing this forever and I’ve broke stems for being too aggressive with my supercropping. Lastly, I’m not the biggest fan of fimming. You have more control with just topping. Plus you don’t end up with that funky stage that the plant goes through after fimming. And I’m kinda anal about all my plants looking uniform.
By supercrop I mean cutting the stem down to a node instead of just pinching new growth. Cutting it allows you to leave a lil bit of the stem so it don't snap. But I like fim, got 6 new tops of the one cut but the plant turned out to be a male


Ursus marijanus
I think you made a good decision to not supercrop if you’ve already broken stems before. I’ve been doing this forever and I’ve broke stems for being too aggressive with my supercropping. Lastly, I’m not the biggest fan of fimming. You have more control with just topping. Plus you don’t end up with that funky stage that the plant goes through after fimming. And I’m kinda anal about all my plants looking uniform.
All this time I thought you were all bout the oral


Well-Known Member
Cold water, boiling the roots, sitting in the dark for 24-48 hrs none of it does anything. Colder temps can bring out some extra color but if you have a plant that’s genetically predisposed to color it will come regardless of temp. Potential of thc is solely depends on the genetics you can achieve the most out of a plant genetically if you keep everything in optimal conditions. Topping, fimming, nets moster cropping are proven methods to increase yields. Some of us here run hundreds of plants and have more than enough experience. Also not all of us are even over 35 yet:razz: so we’re not all old guys stuck in our ways. Most of us here have tried most everything written some even have tried dumping mtn dew in their plants claiming it increases something but doesn’t. A lot of what you read is in that category of the mtn dew grower pure, junk with zero science or real world proof.
Theoretically an extended dark time before chop should raise terpenes.

Never really tried it. I just know that when I chop right before lights come on the smell more than if I were to chop when lights on or day time.

Light evaporates terpenes. I just don't know at what point of darkness the plant peaks terpene production.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
By supercrop I mean cutting the stem down to a node instead of just pinching new growth. Cutting it allows you to leave a lil bit of the stem so it don't snap. But I like fim, got 6 new tops of the one cut but the plant turned out to be a male
That’s not supercropping. I don’t give 2 shits about what YOU mean. You don’t get to just make up a new meaning for old techniques.

Boy you’re beyond help