Stress+Recovery time=Better yield & potency

This was getting way to serious, needs a lot more absurdity. So thank you good Sir for getting back to the important things in this thread.
Not on this thread sir I decide who's a factor when I make the thread. So how bout y'all meet y'all new grower Pwezzy lmmfao cause I ain't going no where so get use to me being around.
You don't own this thread, RIU does and we are the face of RIU. Enjoy your stay here, you have a poor start. May I suggest you visit the Politics forum where you will be welcomed with open arms. I also hear there are openings in the Flat Earth thread as well. You would be an exceptional fit there.
You admit you're wrong? About what exactly, explain the mistake you've been making to show you've learned something. That is a challenge because I don't get the sense that you do understand.

This is why I doubt that you understand because you're still making unsubstantiated claims without backing them up & seem to expect us to take that seriously when we've all been saying since page 1 that these myths have never passed any sort of objective test.

We all know you've been asking that & trying to find some justification, some crack to validate your unjustified belief that these myths have value. Which is what I'm trying to point out to you, that someone said exactly what you finally acknowlged somewhere between page 30-35, that beginners are much better off focusing on proven ways to increase yield & potency by creating a stress free environment.

You said then that if people had said that off the bat without jumping down your throat you would have listened.

When I proved by going back to replies from page 1, you ignored the point I was making to fixated of your point about the stress from topping/healing later boosting potency. That is incredibly disrespectful to ignore a valid point to fixate on an irrelevant fact (that you later acknowledge you were wrong about). You keep saying people don't listen, no one respects you & other nonsense when it's clear you are not communicating. You are not listening. You are being disrespectful.

So, back to gibberish for you. Saying gobbledy gobbledy blup blup snugglefoot has just as much value as trying to explain a basic concept.

Prove me wrong by refuting my point about how someone pointed out on page one that a stress free enviro is the best but you've ignored it because you'd rather argue minutia or semantics instead of learning something & acknowledging you were wrong.
You don't own this thread, RIU does and we are the face of RIU. Enjoy your stay here, you have a poor start. May I suggest you visit the Politics forum where you will be welcomed with open arms. I also hear there are openings in the Flat Earth thread as well. You would be an exceptional fit there.
Fucked up face of riu lmao
You admit you're wrong? About what exactly, explain the mistake you've been making to show you've learned something. That is a challenge because I don't get the sense that you do understand.

This is why I doubt that you understand because you're still making unsubstantiated claims without backing them up & seem to expect us to take that seriously when we've all been saying since page 1 that these myths have never passed any sort of objective test.

We all know you've been asking that & trying to find some justification, some crack to validate your unjustified belief that these myths have value. Which is what I'm trying to point out to you, that someone said exactly what you finally acknowlged somewhere between page 30-35, that beginners are much better off focusing on proven ways to increase yield & potency by creating a stress free environment.

You said then that if people had said that off the bat without jumping down your throat you would have listened.

When I proved by going back to replies from page 1, you ignored the point I was making to fixated of your point about the stress from topping/healing later boosting potency. That is incredibly disrespectful to ignore a valid point to fixate on an irrelevant fact (that you later acknowledge you were wrong about). You keep saying people don't listen, no one respects you & other nonsense when it's clear you are not communicating. You are not listening. You are being disrespectful.

So, back to gibberish for you. Saying gobbledy gobbledy blup blup snugglefoot has just as much value as trying to explain a basic concept.

Prove me wrong by refuting my point about how someone pointed out on page one that a stress free enviro is the best but you've ignored it because you'd rather argue minutia or semantics instead of learning something & acknowledging you were wrong.
Like I said no response on page 1-4 was hostile and you keep saying something about page one that was in the first post, has nothing to do with getting defensive with y'all. Like I said nobody admitted that these was even claims at all and that they tried them until after they got done having a comedy show about my thread
You don't own this thread, RIU does and we are the face of RIU. Enjoy your stay here, you have a poor start. May I suggest you visit the Politics forum where you will be welcomed with open arms. I also hear there are openings in the Flat Earth thread as well. You would be an exceptional fit there.
I considered telling ub how much pousy loves trump.
But, Im not there yet

Is that "that" somehow a response to your avoiding addressing that someone pointed out on page 1 you were wrong without being confrontational? If that that is your answer, well then I reply with;

The ducks of new south wales are the most delightful colour, like that of a buttermilk sky covered in static from a dead channel speaking to me elegantly of feathers unplucked by geese of yore. Their quacks of divine rage echoing across the bossom lot of nurgles palace while Morloch demon prince of Azgon defiles the yellow fungi of saturn.

Is deflecting each others reply with nonsensical gibberish fun for you? Everytime you avoid/deflect from answering I'll write you a longer & longer random gibberish, literally just throwing out words I've heard at some point without thinking about forming a sentence. That seems to be your style, maybe we'll connect at some point & start to actually communicate. At this point it's literally insane to rationally argue so why not throw sanity to the wind.