You lot complain about Trump and US politics?

i see boris johnson is bailing too, smartest thing he's ever done. looks like May's government isn't doing so well.
but at least she isn't a racist, empathy-less, crass, tasteless, moral-less moron, who practices cronyism, nepotism, and can't tell one truth without telling ten lies
@Roger A. Shrubber

There's 3 quit so far, more are expected to follow, and could you imagine the outcry if Trump sent out feelers to get support for something from the Democrats as his own side would likely reject it? That's what's happening in the UK now, the "Government" is having to beg to the opposition for help because they know their own people will tell them to do one.

Oh, and your description of Trump is actually a perfect description of the UK Labour party, Again, they make your lot look like amateurs thanks to their casual sexism and racism (the second you state candidates can only be a specific gender and/or racial ethnicity is the second you show your own sexism and racism, for you are deliberately practising racial and/or sexual prejudice no matter what you think you are doing) and their institutionalised anti-semitism. And all you have to do then is be a "human rights campaigner" who writes a so-called "independent" whitewash, erm, report saying that there's no such thing, even though your own party disagrees, and you quickly get a seat in the House of Lords where you can cream off thousands a month for not even turning up.

As I say, you guys have a lot to learn.
@Roger A. Shrubber

There's 3 quit so far, more are expected to follow, and could you imagine the outcry if Trump sent out feelers to get support for something from the Democrats as his own side would likely reject it? That's what's happening in the UK now, the "Government" is having to beg to the opposition for help because they know their own people will tell them to do one.

Oh, and your description of Trump is actually a perfect description of the UK Labour party, Again, they make your lot look like amateurs thanks to their casual sexism and racism (the second you state candidates can only be a specific gender and/or racial ethnicity is the second you show your own sexism and racism, for you are deliberately practising racial and/or sexual prejudice no matter what you think you are doing) and their institutionalised anti-semitism. And all you have to do then is be a "human rights campaigner" who writes a so-called "independent" whitewash, erm, report saying that there's no such thing, even though your own party disagrees, and you quickly get a seat in the House of Lords where you can cream off thousands a month for not even turning up.

As I say, you guys have a lot to learn.

That's a lot of words to not say anything coherent.
all the same shit goes on here, representatives make shady deals with businesses, some are racist, some are sexist, some are pedophiles.....
some are just bat shit crazy. not one single one is concerned about their constituents, they're concerned about their parties agenda, their personal agenda, and their secret bank acounts.
larceny comes naturally to some people, and all politicians.......
all the same shit goes on here, representatives make shady deals with businesses, some are racist, some are sexist, some are pedophiles.....
some are just bat shit crazy. not one single one is concerned about their constituents, they're concerned about their parties agenda, their personal agenda, and their secret bank acounts.
larceny comes naturally to some people, and all politicians.......

As I said elsewhere, the rise of the career politician was when it all turned to shit as they all try to outdo each other in the "snouts in the trough" stakes.

Some may be honest when it comes to fiddling expenses, and so on, but they're also the ones who would struggle to get the hang of squirting the right amount of sauce on a Big Mac, they would never be able to survive in "the real world" as they've never been exposed to anything outside of politics.

That's what we've landed ourselves with, the question is how do we get rid of them.
That can be said for most politicians here and there, pretty generic.

Yeah, but I'm talking about an entire political party insofar as the racism/cronyism/nepotism/etc goes. Yet, like with your side of the pond, there are some who are so blind that they would vote in a festering dog turd if it wore the right coloured rosette, purely because their father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and so on, voted that way irrespective of what shenanigans the Party gets up to.

And that's the frightening bit.
As I said elsewhere, the rise of the career politician was when it all turned to shit as they all try to outdo each other in the "snouts in the trough" stakes.

Some may be honest when it comes to fiddling expenses, and so on, but they're also the ones who would struggle to get the hang of squirting the right amount of sauce on a Big Mac, they would never be able to survive in "the real world" as they've never been exposed to anything outside of politics.

That's what we've landed ourselves with, the question is how do we get rid of them.
Yeah, but I'm talking about an entire political party insofar as the racism/cronyism/nepotism/etc goes. Yet, like with your side of the pond, there are some who are so blind that they would vote in a festering dog turd if it wore the right coloured rosette, purely because their father, grandfather, great-grandfather, and so on, voted that way irrespective of what shenanigans the Party gets up to.

And that's the frightening bit.

What do you think the GOP is here, they openly support candidates that are child molesters,Nazis,sex traffickers and felons of all kinds.
all the same shit goes on here, representatives make shady deals with businesses, some are racist, some are sexist, some are pedophiles.....
some are just bat shit crazy. not one single one is concerned about their constituents, they're concerned about their parties agenda, their personal agenda, and their secret bank acounts.
larceny comes naturally to some people, and all politicians.......

Roger, did you forget treason or did I miss it?
And it just gets worse as rumours emerge that there have been enough UK Conservative MP's sign a letter to trigger ANOTHER leadership challenge, looks like the fun's about to begin
Oy, mate! 'Ave you a loicence for that opinion? Don't be a Russian bot, bin that thought! Eat your taters raw, and don't you even dare say anything about those Asian rape gangs of peace!