Is God responsible for EVIL in the world?

But the thing is I'm not a Christian or any other organized religion. Slow down and read what I posted. Or let me retype it so it's clear. Evil originated with man not a spaghetti monster from outerspace

ok, that makes more sense.

but i am here to expose fake christians...

so who created man, since you aren't religious? evolution?

so man is inherently evil at birth?
Man (Like you like to put it) is a animal homosapien that inherently does all these "evil" things that can be linked to our own genetics.
I never said I wasn't religious I just can't read a book that men wrote thousands of years ago and have twisted to what they see fit.
Man (Like you like to put it) is a animal homosapien that inherently does all these "evil" things that can be linked to our own genetics.
I never said I wasn't religious I just can't read a book that men wrote thousands of years ago and have twisted to what they see fit.

so who created man's evil genetics?
Kind of interesting having a conversation about evil and then trying to quantify evil while insisting there isn't a god. I'm not religious, but I also don't believe in evil. When a dog mauls a person, is it evil? When that pet chimpanzee mauled that lady and ate her face off, was it evil? Human beings are animals, just like any other creature on planet Earth. The difference between us and other animals is that our brains are so much more advanced. We can conceptualize, through empathy, something called "evil," or something called "goodness." At the end of the day we're a slave to our internal instincts.... greed, which is really just our natural instincts pushing us to "win." Food, sex, reward. Just like a wolf pack has its alpha dog, humans are driven to dominate, just like a chimps do. Our amazing brains allow us to dwell on these thoughts, while an alpha male chimp wouldn't think twice about destroying a rival, nor would he dwell on it. Our ability to conceptualize our behavior and create deep thought, or, critical thinking, about our actions, in fact "creates" evil, or, rather, our idea of evil and what it means. So, yes, in a very real sense, mankind has created evil, or at least our own definition of our animalistic tendencies, "evil."
Kind of interesting having a conversation about evil and then trying to quantify evil while insisting there isn't a god. I'm not religious, but I also don't believe in evil. When a dog mauls a person, is it evil? When that pet chimpanzee mauled that lady and ate her face off, was it evil? Human beings are animals, just like any other creature on planet Earth. The difference between us and other animals is that our brains are so much more advanced. We can conceptualize, through empathy, something called "evil," or something called "goodness." At the end of the day we're a slave to our internal instincts.... greed, which is really just our natural instincts pushing us to "win." Food, sex, reward. Just like a wolf pack has its alpha dog, humans are driven to dominate, just like a chimps do. Our amazing brains allow us to dwell on these thoughts, while an alpha male chimp wouldn't think twice about destroying a rival, nor would he dwell on it. Our ability to conceptualize our behavior and create deep thought, or, critical thinking, about our actions, in fact "creates" evil, or, rather, our idea of evil and what it means. So, yes, in a very real sense, mankind has created evil, or at least our own definition of our animalistic tendencies, "evil."

interesting take, thanks for sharing...
Kind of interesting having a conversation about evil and then trying to quantify evil while insisting there isn't a god. I'm not religious, but I also don't believe in evil. When a dog mauls a person, is it evil? When that pet chimpanzee mauled that lady and ate her face off, was it evil? Human beings are animals, just like any other creature on planet Earth. The difference between us and other animals is that our brains are so much more advanced. We can conceptualize, through empathy, something called "evil," or something called "goodness." At the end of the day we're a slave to our internal instincts.... greed, which is really just our natural instincts pushing us to "win." Food, sex, reward. Just like a wolf pack has its alpha dog, humans are driven to dominate, just like a chimps do. Our amazing brains allow us to dwell on these thoughts, while an alpha male chimp wouldn't think twice about destroying a rival, nor would he dwell on it. Our ability to conceptualize our behavior and create deep thought, or, critical thinking, about our actions, in fact "creates" evil, or, rather, our idea of evil and what it means. So, yes, in a very real sense, mankind has created evil, or at least our own definition of our animalistic tendencies, "evil."
Well said
It's not "God" who caused evil.

One person said, "are we born with this evil."

I say, no. We are born a clean slate, with the potential for doing good works. What Hindu/Vedic thought teaches is Maya (illusion) is the root of evil. We see evil actions and make wrong conclusions of their cause, which makes the effect snowball.

The only way to stop the snowball is to stop feeding it. No amount of reparation, repentance, guilt, sorrow, or explanation will change a thing. You must first acknowledge what you can do, stop wrong views, thoughts, and actions, trying as hard as possible never to do again.

The notion of "original sin" was a scam of the medieval Catholic Church to keep followers and make money. If you can convince a person they are bad, will always be bad, but if you accept Jesus, you can continue your bad. It's a win win for the criminals in the church and the criminals who control government, etc etc etc.
Well said

That's not well said, it's what's called sophistry. A theory of moral relativism.

Just because you're gifted with speech doesn't mean excuse douche behavior.

A person who can bullshit and confuse, but because he says so in an eloquent way, is still a douche.

Sophists in the day had the reasoning if you could get away with it, no one but yourself knew, did I actually do it? Well, of course you did!

Science to this day also does the same, "If I poison a cat, but never open the box, did it die, because an event only takes place when there's an observer!" :dunce:
That's not well said, it's what's called sophistry. A theory of moral relativism.

Just because you're gifted with speech doesn't mean excuse douche behavior.

A person who can bullshit and confuse, but because he says so in an eloquent way, is still a douche.

Sophists in the day had the reasoning if you could get away with it, no one but yourself knew, did I actually do it? Well, of course you did!

Science to this day also does the same, "If I poison a cat, but never open the box, did it die, because an event only takes place when there's an observer!" :dunce:

Sooooo..... are you trying to say that I'm a douche because I don't believe in god and that mankind's take on what evil exists as is only an opinion on our animalistic tendencies? That's not very zen of you, friend. Also, I'm not a sophist, nor am I making a lawyer's argument. How can I bullshit and confuse anybody by answering a question with my own opinion of what evil in this world actually is? Just because you don't agree with it doesn't necessarily make you right. Just because you read a book about the sophists and their propensity for arguing a point doesn't make your argument intelligent. I could easily turn around and claim that you're making a sophist's argument. And by the way, if you knew anything about quantum mechanics, you'd know that the cat is dead and it is alive until somebody observes it. Douche-hole. :dunce:
People bitch about evil and pain and suffering and fairness. LOL.. you idiots do this while you mistreat every other living thing around you. You are god, everything you take for granted is god. The ability to hate is as much a blessing as the ability to just don't see it that way because you're a hater.
Sooooo..... are you trying to say that I'm a douche because I don't believe in god and that mankind's take on what evil exists as is only an opinion on our animalistic tendencies? That's not very zen of you, friend. Also, I'm not a sophist, nor am I making a lawyer's argument. How can I bullshit and confuse anybody by answering a question with my own opinion of what evil in this world actually is? Just because you don't agree with it doesn't necessarily make you right. Just because you read a book about the sophists and their propensity for arguing a point doesn't make your argument intelligent. I could easily turn around and claim that you're making a sophist's argument. And by the way, if you knew anything about quantum mechanics, you'd know that the cat is dead and it is alive until somebody observes it. Douche-hole. :dunce:

Since when is the cat not an observer?

Second, I'm not zen. Read my Buddhist Sunday School thread, I'm a Pure Lander.

We don't have "animalistic tendencies" we are above animals, who've once been animals, and remember our past lives as an animal. Somehow in a past life we did something good enough to get reborn a human, the first state in animal samsara(cycle of rebirth) which can reach enlightenment. Some who remember their animal life, think therefore that animal life was correct.

People become evil, and aren't born evil. Everyone can become a Buddha, it's the person, and their life experience which makes or breaks Buddhahood, based on past life karmic actions. Otherwise, how do some who grow up amongst thieves become police, yet some police become criminals?

You say evil doesn't exist. It sure does exist. Every action you do causing purposeful harm out of greed, ego, lust, ignorance, or hate puts that much more evil in the world. To claim otherwise is a sophist argument.

The whole, "forgive them father for they know not what they do." Sure you can forgive, that makes you better, but it doesn't excuse their evils. Only those who do evil can change their evil ways.

Your "argument" is, if I can convince myself it's not evil, then it's not evil is a wrong view.

It's like a feminist who hates Christians who hates gays, but goes to a rally to have Barabas the Muslim out of jail for cutting off his daughter's clitoris and then throwing her off a high rise building once he found out she was gay, because "Imperialist America intervened!" :dunce:
Since when is the cat not an observer?

Second, I'm not zen. Read my Buddhist Sunday School thread, I'm a Pure Lander.

We don't have "animalistic tendencies" we are above animals, who've once been animals, and remember our past lives as an animal. Somehow in a past life we did something good enough to get reborn a human, the first state in animal samsara(cycle of rebirth) which can reach enlightenment. Some who remember their animal life, think therefore that animal life was correct.

People become evil, and aren't born evil. Everyone can become a Buddha, it's the person, and their life experience which makes or breaks Buddhahood, based on past life karmic actions. Otherwise, how do some who grow up amongst thieves become police, yet some police become criminals?

You say evil doesn't exist. It sure does exist. Every action you do causing purposeful harm out of greed, ego, lust, ignorance, or hate puts that much more evil in the world. To claim otherwise is a sophist argument.

The whole, "forgive them father for they know not what they do." Sure you can forgive, that makes you better, but it doesn't excuse their evils. Only those who do evil can change their evil ways.

Your "argument" is, if I can convince myself it's not evil, then it's not evil is a wrong view.

It's like a feminist who hates Christians who hates gays, but goes to a rally to have Barabas the Muslim out of jail for cutting off his daughter's clitoris and then throwing her off a high rise building once he found out she was gay, because "Imperialist America intervened!" :dunce:

People bitch about evil and pain and suffering and fairness. LOL.. you idiots do this while you mistreat every other living thing around you. You are god, everything you take for granted is god. The ability to hate is as much a blessing as the ability to just don't see it that way because you're a hater.
Again. Well said