[Thrips] How bad is Dimethoate to spray on my flowering plants?

thrips move really fast , it's like they blink , a bit hardy to catch them by hand without damaging some buds ,

You've obviously never hunted thrips. Easy as hell to kill them by hand. You just give the leaf a gentle run between your fingers quickly.

You'll never kill them all but can keep the population down to a few per plant and that is low enough that it doesn't affect the crop. They don't climb all over the top buds like mites and prefer to chow down on leaves.
OldMedUser I have so far washed the infected leaves with a very small amount of water and soft dish soap

Soapy tasting buds suck and they will taste of soap. If you must use it add some canola oil to the mix. 7 - 10ml/L. Put it in a smaller amount of water with the soap and gently mix it inn by rocking the container back and forth so it doesn't foam up then add the amount of water needed to get the level you want. Canola oil is actually the killing ingredient in a lot of so-called organic bug sprays. Neem oil works too but will really make your buds taste nasty.

If I were to spray anything I'd try 5% peroxide or even some diluted iso-propal alcohol. ISO Won't leave a taste or residue.

How much leaf damage are you seeing? Thrips make little windows in the leaves as they suck the juices out of one area in a block and not randomly over the leaves like mites. New damage looks shiny on the surface of the leaf so it's fairly easy to see where new feeding activity is going on. Gets dull after a day or two.

Not my first rodeo with those little f'ers. :)
Go to wal mart and get some cedarwood essential oil for about $4.87 for 1 oz.



You can also get some Ivory white dish soap for $2.87 for 32 ozs.

Or get Dr. Bronner's Peppermint oil soap at any grocery or drug store.

I would use 10 drops of cedarwood oil and 1/2 teaspoon of Bronners per gallon of water or Ivory or shave Castille soap and liquify.

Lemongrass with cedarwood is also a good combo. You can get both at Wal Mart. I prefer online at Piping Rock but you need it NOW. Maybe 10 drops of cedarwood with 5 drops of Lemongrass and a few drops of soap per gallon or half gallon of water.

Soapy tasting buds suck and they will taste of soap. If you must use it add some canola oil to the mix. 7 - 10ml/L. Put it in a smaller amount of water with the soap and gently mix it inn by rocking the container back and forth so it doesn't foam up then add the amount of water needed to get the level you want. Canola oil is actually the killing ingredient in a lot of so-called organic bug sprays. Neem oil works too but will really make your buds taste nasty.

If I were to spray anything I'd try 5% peroxide or even some diluted iso-propal alcohol. ISO Won't leave a taste or residue.

How much leaf damage are you seeing? Thrips make little windows in the leaves as they suck the juices out of one area in a block and not randomly over the leaves like mites. New damage looks shiny on the surface of the leaf so it's fairly easy to see where new feeding activity is going on. Gets dull after a day or two.

Not my first rodeo with those little f'ers. :)

How about Everclear or 200 or so proof alcohol from the liquor store?

BTW - you can get stronger hydrogen peroxide at the grow store or hair supply places like Sally's. Be careful and do not get it on your clothes. The drug store usually sells 3%. Old Med User knows his stuff.
BTW - you can get stronger hydrogen peroxide at the grow store or hair supply places like Sally's

I used to get the 35% food grade peroxide from the health food store but now they only have the 29% and the other store I was at only had 17% and they wanted $20/L for it. I just dilute it down to the strength I want with a simple algebraic equation.

Say I want to make 500mls of 3% from the 35% stuff.

35% x Xml = 3% x 500ml

35X - 1500

X = 1500/35 = 42.86ml

Just change the numbers at the start for different strengths or volumes.

So put 43ml of the 35% in a 500ml bottle and fill with RO or distilled water to get 3% food grade. We keep a bottle like that beside the sink and I use it to wet my toothbrush before and after use. Keeps it white long after the bristles are worn and the battery is dead. Handy for cuts etc too. Clean with peroxide then spray some homemade colloidal silver on it and you're good to go. :)

I would use 10 drops of cedarwood oil and 1/2 teaspoon of Bronners per gallon of water or Ivory or shave Castille soap and liquify.

That stuff probably works as good as anything but will still ruin buds if sprayed in flowering. I use Safer's Ends All II with a little neem or canola oil added to get rid of thrips, mites etc. A bottle of the concentrated Safer's is only $14 and makes 10L of mix at 50ml/L and only 10ml or less of neem or canola oil to make it more effective. Sprayed one branch on an AK47 plant 2 weeks into flowering and cropped the plant about 2 weeks ago. I tagged that branch and tried smoking a bit of that bud and it's horrible! Tossed out those buds as I don't even want to use them to make oil with. I can only imagine what the buds would have been like if I sprayed 6 weeks into flowering. Might as well toss the plants now and save the hassle of spraying at all.

I'm determined to make sure the plants are bug free before starting to flower them now. At least in winter I don't have to worry about them coming from outside. Got my mites from free plants I got off a buddy. Never again! :D

So much valuable info up in this thread, thank you all for lending a helping post. The war with these bastards scared me at first pretty badly. Guess I had to learn one day about this too.

Lady bugs fly. Did you check the link i posted?

Yes, will just have to see if I can find any to buy in my area or if I can order from abroad.

You've obviously never hunted thrips. Easy as hell to kill them by hand. You just give the leaf a gentle run between your fingers quickly.

You'll never kill them all but can keep the population down to a few per plant and that is low enough that it doesn't affect the crop. They don't climb all over the top buds like mites and prefer to chow down on leaves.

That's exactly what I'm doing once a day now, and so far it doesn't seem like more damage is done to the leaves. I caught it pretty early stages with only 2 plants having a couple of leaves each affected so it's not impossible to kill them by hand at this point. Hope I can keep this up 'til harvest.
That's exactly what I'm doing once a day now, and so far it doesn't seem like more damage is done to the leaves. I caught it pretty early stages with only 2 plants having a couple of leaves each affected so it's not impossible to kill them by hand at this point. Hope I can keep this up 'til harvest.

If you keep at it now they will be gone in a couple weeks or less and you shouldn't have any when you go into flower.

Always make sure your plants are bug free before flipping to flower 'cause once you got buds going anything you spray other than alcohol or peroxide will make the buds taste nasty.

Title says it all. Basically I have thrips which I just found yesterday. I looked for Spinosad and there is none available at my location and the only thing I found that kills them is Dimethoate.

Reading about Dimethoate I see that is extremely toxic and so here I am wondering if it's really worth spraying my leaves with it or not?

My babies are in week 6 of flower

Many thanks in advance for your help!
Spinosad, man, spinosad.

Spinosad straight fucks up a thrip, and is significantly safer than many plants that might be growing out in your yard. Do it. So worth it to keep some around.

Get it, even if you have to have pirates smuggle it to you.
I would think so, the brand I use is called Monterey Garden Spray.

Local feed and seed stores will have it too, store brand or what have you. Just gotta read those labels, bring a loupe.
i've been using the bonide brand, "captain jack's dead bug brew", pretty effective, the concentrate is pretty cheap, 25-30 bucks a quart, and a quart lasted me almost two years. i use it in my garden outside too. if you spray it in the evening, it's safe for bees. until bug's start to develop resistance to it, it's the shit. if you alternate spinosad and pyrethin, they never get used to it and it wipes them all out
"Dimethoate is a widely used organophosphate insecticide and acaricide. It was patented and introduced in the 1950s by American Cyanamid. Like other organophosphates, dimethoate is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor which disables cholinesterase, an enzyme essential for central nervous system function.
There's not enough bud on your plants to risk it. In my medical opinion . No need to post pics.
What, no Trump hate to go with your usual copy/paste and babble?
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