Computer Thread

That's one of these ones that's very much open to question as the 4th has not kept up with the advances in technology since that time.

What is a byte of data flowing across someone else's network?

That's why we all end up with clusterfucks called "Data Protection" laws which generally don't do that.
It's intellectual property, my thoughts, ideas and expressions. Doesn't matter if it's on parchment, paper, wax cylinder, records, 8 tracks, cassette tapes, laser disk, vhs, cd, DVD or digital media, it's mine. The fact the fuckwads that run this country want to ignore that fact is the problem. If they can take my emails because its not legally mine once it's transmitted, then im downloading all the music I can, because no one owns it once it's transmitted.
Here is one place where you're slyly refocusing the argument from data analysis to data interpretation. Who decides who is a suspected terrorist and by what criteria?

This shifts the goalposts away from the purely technical argument I thought we were having, into the morass of a matter of policy.

ceterum censeo simply because you say repeatedly that claiming [that] the capability [is real] makes me and your other interlocutors "lunatics" (a lovely example of argumentum ad hominem) does not make it so. Aristotle would have never countenanced such a plain departure from rational discourse.

Well, no, because the allegation is that all the data collected so far can be analysed NOW so that means they should have an incredible amount of evidence on various people, yet these issues mentioned seem to be growing.

Then you take it to the level some have by saying things can be monitored in, effectively, real time. Yet, again, we see no decrease in said activity.

And, as said, if you cannot effectively monitor and analyse the data collected from a small proportion of the entire population then you sure as hell ain't doing it for the entire population, not with the amount of absolute shite the average person posts online in a day as they hit the "share" button like automatons.

You can't have it both ways, they either have the capability to do what is being wildly claimed or they don't, and if they do why is the US seeing such growth in the aforementioned fields.

Simple as that, explain it.
Well, no, because the allegation is that all the data collected so far can be analysed NOW so that means they should have an incredible amount of evidence on various people, yet these issues mentioned seem to be growing.

Then you take it to the level some have by saying things can be monitored in, effectively, real time. Yet, again, we see no decrease in said activity.

And, as said, if you cannot effectively monitor and analyse the data collected from a small proportion of the entire population then you sure as hell ain't doing it for the entire population, not with the amount of absolute shite the average person posts online in a day as they hit the "share" button like automatons.

You can't have it both ways, they either have the capability to do what is being wildly claimed or they don't, and if they do why is the US seeing such growth in the aforementioned fields.

Simple as that, explain it.

I would be interested in the list of simple points, simply stated.
No, she's only confirmed what I said earlier and what has been known about for many a year.

Which is a huge difference from the lunatic claims that every single bit of data in the US can be collected and analysed in real time at any given moment.

Of note is how you did not answer the part about how the entire population can be monitored, yet known potential terrorist suspects, a tiny part of that entire population, cannot. Neither will Annie. Nor will anyone else.

For you cannot without admitting your entire premise is built upon chicanery, paranoia, obfuscation and outright lies.

Or it's a conspiracy where the Government allows that to happen so they can impose more laws allowing them to do what you are alleging they are already openly doing.

Hmmm... I wonder which one will be the choice made...
You keep moving the goalposts and creating strawmen. You poo-pooed the fact of hubs, then poo-pooed data collection/storage centers, then you posit that unless it's real-time analysis it's worthless. You are all over the map. No one here said that all data was or could be analyzed in real time; you created that strawman. However, we get it; you are the fearless and brave voice of rationality in a sea of chicken littles.
It's intellectual property, my thoughts, ideas and expressions. Doesn't matter if it's on parchment, paper, wax cylinder, records, 8 tracks, cassette tapes, laser disk, vhs, cd, DVD or digital media, it's mine. The fact the fuckwads that run this country want to ignore that fact is the problem. If they can take my emails because its not legally mine once it's transmitted, then im downloading all the music I can, because no one owns it once it's transmitted.

And that depends on what the terms and conditions of whatever service you use, your internet provider, email provider, this forum, social media, whatever, what they say can be done with said "intellectual property", you did read them, didn't you?

I mean, an email does have a reasonable expectation of privacy, much as it was written on paper with a quill pen and sealed with wax. But that changes if it's a "work" email as any communications related to or on behalf of the business via their services belong to the company, you have no expectation of privacy using a corporate or government email service.

Same goes for telephones, cellphones, etc.

You posting on social media, or openly on a forum such as this, has no reasonable expectation of privacy, you are making your words public, open to anyone.

So there are distinctions that have to be made regarding your thoughts, there are things that have to be realised, it all depends on the bytes and the context in which they are sent.
I would be interested in the list of simple points, simply stated.
You keep moving the goalposts and creating strawmen. You poo-pooed the fact of hubs, then poo-pooed data collection/storage centers, then you posit that unless it's real-time analysis it's worthless. You are all over the map. No one here said that all data was or could be analyzed in real time; you created that strawman. However, we get it; you are the fearless and brave voice of rationality in a sea of chicken littles.

There's one right there in front of which you are still ignoring.

I wonder why that is.
There's one right there in front of which you are still ignoring.

I wonder why that is.
OK; as Tangie noted ... I think we're done here
It's intellectual property, my thoughts, ideas and expressions. Doesn't matter if it's on parchment, paper, wax cylinder, records, 8 tracks, cassette tapes, laser disk, vhs, cd, DVD or digital media, it's mine. The fact the fuckwads that run this country want to ignore that fact is the problem. If they can take my emails because its not legally mine once it's transmitted, then im downloading all the music I can, because no one owns it once it's transmitted.

Off topic.
No one owns airwaves. Data flying through the air is open ground. Hence stingray cell towers on every corner.

Im not high enough for this yet, sorry for my gibberish ;-)

In the meantime for your viewing pleasure..
You keep moving the goalposts and creating strawmen. You poo-pooed the fact of hubs, then poo-pooed data collection/storage centers, then you posit that unless it's real-time analysis it's worthless. You are all over the map. No one here said that all data was or could be analyzed in real time; you created that strawman. However, we get it; you are the fearless and brave voice of rationality in a sea of chicken littles.
++ rep
Thank you
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