The Real Reason Brett Kavanaugh is So Dangerous to Democracy


Well-Known Member
you're intolerant of anyone who doesn't pledge allegiance to bernie

hence why pada and schuy are your ONLY two allies here
I disagree but only get bath when the likes of you get on me enough to make me come down to your level.

Then, just as Sam Clements warned, you beat me with experience.


Well-Known Member
You say things like this as if they had any relevance to the topics under discussion.

If you're here because of a need to build a cadre of similarly hateful 'allies', I feel truly sorry for you.
that you befriend bigots and racists is relevant to EVERY topic

that fact colors every comment you make in my mind. i can't speak for others but i'm sure many feel the same

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
thank you. that at least strikes me as sincere.

unlike when @pabloesqobar said he hoped my daughter didn't die of jew diseases, or when methigan said he was gonna invite himself over because he thought my daughter would enjoy it
I sincerely hope your daughter is potty trained before dad was...cuz... know, Wendy.