How would you keeo drivers outside a tent?

I like the first two sketches. I suppose the 50w CXBs are supposed to be in the corners?
The big circles are the PcBs and he smaller ones are cobs. 50w ones are always in sets of 2.

But I think you're idea is better. Make the 4 outside ones the 50w and the 6 inner the 35. On sketch 1.
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I know I'm a little late to this post.. but here's how I ran mine.
I have 2 sets like this. I plan to solder at least the power and dimmer cables at some point. This was first setup.
I have 2 drivers on each power cord and dimmer. I hung the dimmers in each front corner for now, I may move these to the outside too.
I used 14/2 romex and wagos to run all the power. 18 gauge leads on each board are only like 8" long.


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Oh-je! I see! I knew my user name will make sense at some point, lol!
I would use a layout the looks like the first of your drawings with 50 COB's in the corners and 35w COB's and PCB's in between and in the center.
Maybe like this:

maybe like this.png

The left one has less center hotspot as the one on the right side so it's the better solution for a short distance. If you prefer a higher hanging heights you can use the right layout or something in between both. Best would be you take some lux measurings and slightly move the smaller COB's to the outside untill you get the most even coverage and uniformity. With the higher powered COB's in the corners it should be possible to create a light with up to 90% uniformity at 12-18".
Oh no! I have not thought enough..!
Forget the lux measurements, you already need a PAR meter, since the PCB's are equipped with monochromatic diodes too and luxmeters don't care much about red light because of its greenfilter. But also with no measurements I'm pretty sure you'll get a nice and even coverage this way. And whether it's 80 or 90% uniformity will not make a huge difference in the end. Your babies will get enough light in any case and 80% is already pretty good.
My 400w light has ~80% I would say and when I have center readings of 50klx I still can measure 40klx 2" apart from the corner struts. I should have