I Will Not Buy from The Attitude Seedbank Again


Well-Known Member
I've ordered from Attitude and got my seeds. I successfully germed 10 out of 10 femanized seeds but two of them are a little weak. Not Attitudes fault though, that's Barney's Farm's fault.

I have to say though, even as a non-paranoid person I'm getting paranoia feelings from that place. They just seem to have come out of no where and now they are GIVING AWAY seeds? Sounds like those "free" vacations you win only to find out you're being arrested for parking tickets when you show up to get it.

And I don't underestimate the US Government's ability to do really, really pointless stings. They did one with Canada and Mark Emery, why not with British seed sources.

Of course if it is a sting then they are responsible for a hell of a lot of seeds and pot getting out there so...


Well-Known Member
Well Mark Emery was challenging the US government and was very outspoken, "overgrow the government". They decided to make an example of him.


Well-Known Member
The latest Greenhouse seeds has souvenirs printed right on the package they come in, I personally think they are trying to get around the law somehow, why else would greenhouse print it on all their packages ? Anyone else experience the same thing from Greenhouse or are we all going to stop ordering from them also ?


Well-Known Member
The latest Greenhouse seeds has souvenirs printed right on the package they come in, I personally think they are trying to get around the law somehow, why else would greenhouse print it on all their packages ? Anyone else experience the same thing from Greenhouse or are we all going to stop ordering from them also ?
It's the product that Greenhouse ships out of Holland, so they have to legally send them as "souvenirs". Attitude is UK based and they can legally sell seeds as "souvenirs". If you go to the seed shop in amsterdam some seeds will be labeled as souvenirs too. :peace:


Well-Known Member
is mark emercy the guy that planned to plant seeds every where... i'd fill a plain with seeds and just open the hatch over a forest


Well-Known Member
is mark emercy the guy that planned to plant seeds every where... i'd fill a plain with seeds and just open the hatch over a forest
No he is the publisher of Cannabis Culture magazine and owned a seed bank in Canada that distributed seeds to the United States. He is a very outspoken activist all of the proceeds from seed sales went to the marijuana legalization movement. He was the original guy to preach "Overgrow the Government!". He has since been extradited to the US to serve a reduced sentence so his buddies don't go to jail.


Well-Known Member
ordered from Attitude 2 times and got my seeds quick, got A 5 Pack and a 3 Pack and all of them Germed successfully 5 outta 5 cant beat that


New Member
You can send all the unsatisfactory souvenirs and packaging back to us and
we will forward these to Greenhouse Seeds where they will carry out tests
with a view to a replacement. As mentioned all packaging and souvenir
seeds must be returned.'

theyre basically telling you they can get a replacement. whats your complaint? you ordered something defective and youre getting a replacement. seems fair to me.


Well-Known Member
yeah but it is an inconvinience i agree. but feminized seeds are pretty unreliable from what ive heard


New Member
well u cant blame a store for a product that is defective. attitude doesnt breed, they sell. blame greenhouse. i ordered a 5 pack of white widow from greenhouse once and only 2 out of 5 germinated. greenhouse is the walmart brand of the seed industry. stay away from their shit.


Well-Known Member
ya and Attitude is replacing it, like someone said above Attitude just SELLS the seeds, they dont breed them, its not their faulty products and the fact they are replacing them is wonderful... not to mention the fact that you got your seeds in the first place, thats a lot more to say than half of the other seed sites


Well-Known Member
attitude is cool, so is jim from dope-seeds. hes a goodguy to. but attitude to me is godsend being from chicago. i can get key strains i need, with guaranteed stealth. if ur smart, thats like hittin the lottery in a way. every cupple months that is. wut up ng


Well-Known Member
I don't like attitude seed bank bought from the twice, 1st time I thought it was seeds....

2nd time I knew it was attitude seeds

I reccomend you use some where, like a reliable dutch seed bank


Well-Known Member
they may not breed them but they must ensure they have fresh seeds all the time, my guess is that maybe on some strains they aren't the freshest...


Well-Known Member
I don't like attitude seed bank bought from the twice, 1st time I thought it was seeds....

2nd time I knew it was attitude seeds

I reccomend you use some where, like a reliable dutch seed bank
I agree my greenhouse seeds had a poor germ rate from attitude, the batch before that was great . . . too bad.