Trained veg plants first thing this morning. I gave up on the manifolding experiment. The growth didn't fit my schedules and my regular plants I let grow out, then bend and tie down, are out pacing them with more tops. I can't see the end results being worth what looks like would be 2-3 weeks more veg to get the same vegetative mass. Went outside to move wood, i still have, well had, 4 big piles of oak that I cut up from this past winter. I started collecting worms for a worm bin I've had for like 6 months now while I moved it. I also made a worm grunting stick out of a couple branches and this shit actually worked, I drove a couple dozen worms out from under each pile after picking up the ones I could see. It's a notched stick you jamb in the ground and rub with another stick
It's dusk out so I'm going to go grunt up some worms.