America Is a Failed State

hmmm. Not what I asked.

When has turning the other cheek to fascism ever turned them out of power?

Feel free to answer and I'll be glad to debate.
There was plenty of violence against Nazis and Brownshirts in the 1930s. In both cases, the government used that violence to justify ever more severe crackdowns.

Seems to have played into their hands, according to the history books.

Why do you think doing the same thing would lead to different results today?
There was plenty of violence against Nazis and Brownshirts in the 1930s. In both cases, the government used that violence to justify ever more severe crackdowns.

Seems to have played into their hands, according to the history books.

Why do you think doing the same thing would lead to different results today?
Are saying brownshirts were pacifists and radicalized by government crackdowns in the 1930's?
We had a black president who did not do much for unity. People are more interested in policy and results than skin tone.

I'm all for a female non white president- as long as she fights for the issues important to me. The criteria doesn't change based on the person.
Ya I agree with all that. Still think shes a good choice for pres and can win. Theres less about her I disagree with than other options I see out there.
Methigan is already playing the Jew card while spouting trumptard rhetoric

You’re late to the party you phony fuck
I'm not claiming anything, your equating the hallowcaust to what's happening at the boarder.
I'm equating trump's, obama and Clinton's treatment of people at the boarder.
Pretty sure your the one being more offensive here.
The holocaust was far more than just concentration camps

There were also labor camps and death camps and ghettos and more

Just because you’re too retarded to understand basic history, how ethnic cleansings start, or the straightforward definition of concentration camp doesn’t make my correct use of the term offensive, you phony fuck
Your saying trump is putting children in concentration make that statement is very inaccurate. Are you a holocaust denier or one of those that says "it wasnt that bad"? Starting to seem like it.

These dont even relate
Your saying trump is putting children in concentration make that statement is very inaccurate.

no it isn;t, look up the definition

what is inaccurate is to equate what obama did to what trump is doing. obama got hit by about 60,000 unaccompanied minors. he worked as hard as he could to unite them with family members here

trump is taking accompanied minors who are coming here with their 100% legal, asylum seeking families, tearing the families apart, then caging them in separate concentration camps

why are you pretending to be a liberal when it is clear you are 100% a trump cocksucker?
no it isn;t, look up the definition

what is inaccurate is to equate what obama did to what trump is doing. obama got hit by about 60,000 unaccompanied minors. he worked as hard as he could to unite them with family members here

trump is taking accompanied minors who are coming here with their 100% legal, asylum seeking families, tearing the families apart, then caging them in separate concentration camps

why are you pretending to be a liberal when it is clear you are 100% a trump cocksucker?

I'm saying we need easier paths to legal citizenship, looking for a democratic candidate that can beat trump, and trying to be friendly.
You refuse to talk about anything aside from trump and call names.
Are you SURE your not a closet Republican? All you talk about is trump..
I'm saying we need easier paths to legal citizenship, looking for a democratic candidate that can beat trump, and trying to be friendly.
You refuse to talk about anything aside from trump and call names.
Are you SURE your not a closet Republican? All you talk about is trump..

why would you try to equate obama and trump's handling of minors at the border? they were polar opposite approaches

seems kind of a stupid thing to say, right?
why would you try to equate obama and trump's handling of minors at the border? they were polar opposite approaches

seems kind of a stupid thing to say, right?

A ton closer than calling the situation on the boarder nazi or concentration camps.
As I've already said DNA testing has shown a large number of those kids were with people who claimed to be their parents but where not. Were these kids sold into some sort of pedophile ring? Theres a lot going on that we the general public are shielded from. As far as I can tell we are trying to help them. Maybe not the best way possible, and as I've said, we need a better path to legal citizenship.
You need to work on reading, and things you dont understand seem to be abundant. Your people skills are sorely lacking.
Maybe you could go help these people in some way aside of ranting at people online? Theres limitless volunteer work available.
I'm saying we need easier paths to legal citizenship, looking for a democratic candidate that can beat trump, and trying to be friendly.
You refuse to talk about anything aside from trump and call names.
Are you SURE your not a closet Republican? All you talk about is trump..
@ttystikk do you see anything about tulsi gabbard that makes you think she would be a bad president, or a worse option than what we've been offered recently?
Do you have any suggestions of a better candidate?
A ton closer than calling the situation on the boarder nazi or concentration camps.
As I've already said DNA testing has shown a large number of those kids were with people who claimed to be their parents but where not. Were these kids sold into some sort of pedophile ring? Theres a lot going on that we the general public are shielded from. As far as I can tell we are trying to help them. Maybe not the best way possible, and as I've said, we need a better path to legal citizenship.
You need to work on reading, and things you dont understand seem to be abundant. Your people skills are sorely lacking.
Maybe you could go help these people in some way aside of ranting at people online? Theres limitless volunteer work available.
no, there is nothing even remotely similar to the handling of minors at the border between trump and obama. they were polar opposite

however, trump's concentration camps fit the definition of concentration camps exactly

we can all see you trying to attack democrats while defending trump ya know
Boy did you get that post backwards. Not uncommon.

Did you read the article in the OP?
I read what you said and asked a clarifying question.

I'll ask again,

Are you saying brownshirts were pacifists and radicalized by government crackdowns in the 1930's?

A yes or no followed by an explanation if you wish to give it would suffice. This is how debates work, tty.
@ttystikk do you see anything about tulsi gabbard that makes you think she would be a bad president, or a worse option than what we've been offered recently?
Do you have any suggestions of a better candidate?
I don't know much about her other than that she's a decorated and disabled combat veteran and that she's popular in Hawaii. I need to do some more homework on her and the others.
no, there is nothing even remotely similar to the handling of minors at the border between trump and obama. they were polar opposite

however, trump's concentration camps fit the definition of concentration camps exactly

we can all see you trying to attack democrats while defending trump ya know
Keep telling yourself it's so differant. The photos tell a differant story.

I'm not attacking anyone, including Democrats. I'm saying the treatment is about the same, and its nothing remotely like nazi treatment of the Jews or concentration camps like you keep saying.

I'm also saying we need a better path to legal citizenship.

It is kinda funny is a thread that calls you out in the OP you act exactly representative of the claim.

Any time you want to examine your behavior would be fantastic. The sooner the better.