America Is a Failed State

I read what you said and asked a clarifying question.

I'll ask again,

Are you saying brownshirts were pacifists and radicalized by government crackdowns in the 1930's?

A yes or no followed by an explanation if you wish to give it would suffice. This is how debates work, tty.

i think he is saying...

'brownshirts were radical and were pacified by government crackdowns in the 1930's?'
I don't know much about her other than that she's a decorated and disabled combat veteran and that she's popular in Hawaii. I need to do some more homework on her and the others.
Def look into her! I think now is well past time for calls for unity and moving forward with a plan. Everyone losing there skulls over trump isnt going to do anything. Bush was impeached, and was absolutely horrendous but still got a second term. Trump will also get a second term unless he gets a very good opposing candidate.
Keep telling yourself it's so differant. The photos tell a differant story.

I'm not attacking anyone, including Democrats. I'm saying the treatment is about the same, and its nothing remotely like nazi treatment of the Jews or concentration camps like you keep saying.

I'm also saying we need a better path to legal citizenship.

It is kinda funny is a thread that calls you out in the OP you act exactly representative of the claim.

Any time you want to examine your behavior would be fantastic. The sooner the better.
Oh, maybe you forgot to answer, so I'll ask again.

The Holocaust was a Zionist plot or the Holocaust is a Zionist lie. Either choice,

yes or no
Keep telling yourself it's so differant.


obama got hit by about 60,000 unaccompanied minors. he worked as hard as he could to unite them with family members here. trump is taking accompanied minors who are coming here with their 100% legal, asylum seeking families, tearing the families apart, then caging them in separate concentration camps

complete polar opposites, smart girl

I'm not attacking anyone, including Democrats. I'm saying the treatment is about the same

it's not though

its nothing remotely like nazi treatment of the Jews or concentration camps

you know there was a big difference between the ghettos, the concentration camps, the labor camps, and the death camps, right?

i'm not sure you do. you seem dumb.
Def look into her! I think now is well past time for calls for unity and moving forward with a plan. Everyone losing there skulls over trump isnt going to do anything. Bush was impeached, and was absolutely horrendous but still got a second term. Trump will also get a second term unless he gets a very good opposing candidate.

your continued false statements are not gaining you in any ground in this forum, even if we agree with some of what you say.

you need to educate yourself before you try to debate with adults.

obama got hit by about 60,000 unaccompanied minors. he worked as hard as he could to unite them with family members here. trump is taking accompanied minors who are coming here with their 100% legal, asylum seeking families, tearing the families apart, then caging them in separate concentration camps

complete polar opposites, smart girl

it's not though

you know there was a big difference between the ghettos, the concentration camps, the labor camps, and the death camps, right?

i'm not sure you do. you seem dumb.
So let's see some of these pictures of the concentration camps your equating to where these kids are. You are really coming across like someone who's saying the holocaust wasnt that bad when you relate the situations in ANY WAY. They are not remotely related.

Your a disservice to the cause you claim to champion.
your continued false statements are not gaining you in any ground in this forum, even if we agree with some of what you say.

you need to educate yourself before you try to debate with adults.
I can say you need to educate yourself too but then we are getting nowhere. Are you also going to claim trump carting these kids off to concentration camps in nazi fashion? Let's see some side by side photos of real nazi concentration camps and the facilities these kids are being held in. I'll wait.
Ok, well maybe it was never finalized before the end of his first term and he was re-elected but from the wiki : "During the presidency of George W. Bush, several American politicians sought to either investigate Bush for possibly impeachable offenses, or to bring actual impeachment charges on the floor of the United States House of RepresentativesJudiciary Committee. The most significant of these efforts occurred on June 10, 2008, when Congressman Dennis Kucinich, along with co-sponsor Robert Wexler, introduced 35 articles of impeachment[1] against Bush to the U.S. House of Representatives.[2] The House voted 251 to 166 to refer the impeachment resolution to the Judiciary Committee on June 11"

If you remember the times public outcry for his impeachment was MASSIVE. He was extremely hated, even more so than trump.

Fact is incumbant presidents almost always get a second term. You can sit here losing your mind like a chicken with its head cut off an you'll get just as far.
Ok, well maybe it was never finalized before the end of his first term and he was re-elected but from the wiki : "During the presidency of George W. Bush, several American politicians sought to either investigate Bush for possibly impeachable offenses, or to bring actual impeachment charges on the floor of the United States House of RepresentativesJudiciary Committee. The most significant of these efforts occurred on June 10, 2008, when Congressman Dennis Kucinich, along with co-sponsor Robert Wexler, introduced 35 articles of impeachment[1] against Bush to the U.S. House of Representatives.[2] The House voted 251 to 166 to refer the impeachment resolution to the Judiciary Committee on June 11"

If you remember the times public outcry for his impeachment was MASSIVE. He was extremely hated, even more so than trump.

Fact is incumbant presidents almost always get a second term. You can sit here losing your mind like a chicken with its head cut off an you'll get just as far.

wow, i am willing to bet you are a white american.

because the dumbing down of white america has been pretty complete.
I can say you need to educate yourself too but then we are getting nowhere. Are you also going to claim trump carting these kids off to concentration camps in nazi fashion? Let's see some side by side photos of real nazi concentration camps and the facilities these kids are being held in. I'll wait.

if you defend anything trump does, and i mean anything, you and your mother can both suck my dick
So let's see some of these pictures of the concentration camps your equating to where these kids are. You are really coming across like someone who's saying the holocaust wasnt that bad when you relate the situations in ANY WAY. They are not remotely related.

Your a disservice to the cause you claim to champion.
This makes absolutely no sense, but please carry on.
So let's see some of these pictures of the concentration camps your equating to where these kids are. You are really coming across like someone who's saying the holocaust wasnt that bad when you relate the situations in ANY WAY. They are not remotely related.

Your a disservice to the cause you claim to champion.
If you search in the US Congressional record, where every debate, quashed debate, congressional members official statements on the floor of Congress while in session and every vote is recorded, you won't find reference to Bush's impeachment.

I wasn't personally there all the time but unlike in Russia, the Congressional record is very hard to modify after the fact. I think you have your facts wrong on this.
If you search in the US Congressional record, where every debate, quashed debate, congressional members official statements on the floor of Congress while in session and every vote is recorded, you won't find reference to Bush's impeachment.

I wasn't personally there all the time but unlike in Russia, the Congressional record is very hard to modify after the fact. I think you have your facts wrong on this.
Since I was there, I can tell you that everyone i knew was doing everything possible to get him out. During 9/11 the cc TV footage a missile was clearly seen hitting the Pentagon. Then within a week all the footage was scrubbed from the internet. To watch it unfold, and hear the stories from store owners where "men in black" show up and confiscate all recordings was a strange time. Not saying 9-11 was a hoax or didn't happen, or there were no plans. But it was all extremely questionable and for good reason. Then we declare a war over "WMDS" that were never found, and people beyond counting were killed for. People were out in the streets and at government offices with signs protesting all over the nation. We are still seeing the effects today.
The anti trump protests are nothing like what those were.

As you'll see I was wrong about it being finalized, but you'll see the numbers of the vote in the house of representatives.
Bush was really a aweful person. Not saying trump is a good person or whatever. Just saying we have seen that simply hating one person doesn't get someone else elected. A really cmgood candidate must be presented to take their place!

I'm trying to work up support for a candidate to take trump's place.

If you want to present someone who can beat trump I'm all ears, personally I think tulsi gabbard is the best chance out of anyone by a huge margin.
Let's see some side by side photos of real nazi concentration camps and the facilities these kids are being held in.



trump's concentration camps:

i think he is saying...

'brownshirts were radical and were pacified by government crackdowns in the 1930's?'
I'm saying they were attacked by others in the country (all this being before WWII broke out) but that did not stop their spread or their influence.