Durban Poison

Durban is almost tropical most of the year

I always have heared than marihuana (or strains) arround Durban looks inna "more tropical sativa" look, than what you was able to find in Ciskei or Traskei... Maybe you can tell me if is it true...

N thousand thanx for any info!
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It would be hard to tell pondo and DP apart just visually.

What "pondo" mean?: marihuana in Chosa or strains "lees sativa lookin" than D.P. like Ciskei's ones, or maybe "narcohybrids"? (I cant speak Chosa)
Thousand thanx for your info.
Pondo is what weed from the old homelands around the Kei river is called.
Sorry, you seemed somewhat familiar with them.
You can go on holiday there if you like it rough.... Kids walk around selling weed and mushrooms.
...So "pondo" in Chosa are Ciskei batustan strains then, isent it?

Sorry, you seemed somewhat familiar with them

Not really:
Ok, one of my aunts lived n worked there (in the petroleum refineries durin the Aparheit), n same of my friends goes n comes now to work in your thermic-solar power plants, but I have never been in S.A.

You can go on holiday there if you like it rough.... Kids walk around selling weed and mushrooms.

It sound really nice... At least kids dont sells heroine or cocaine like in some of the suburbs here, je, je...
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Yeah, I mean it's not like done with any malice, it is seen as traditional medicine.
Actually, many Afrikaners' great-grandparents would sell weed for medicinal teas to make pocket money as kids. It is just a cultural thing that has been ripped from humanity with the strike of a pen.
It would be hard to tell pondo and DP apart just visually.

I'ld like to ask you a lot more things about S.A. strains, if it dosent disturb you, sir: at least here, we think that strains like Durban Poison or Swazi looks more like tropical sativas & finishs later that "pongo" ( if Ciskei is a "pongo" strain, of course), that usually finishs earlier n lookin more like a (no tropical) highlands Sativa than a tropical one... Are we right?
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They both can start out looking like indicas when young, but as they age the leaves will get thinner and longer.
Both can grow into trees.
you seemed somewhat familiar with them.

...some of the breeders than colaborate with Tropical Seeds, the company that sells my Durban Poison'70 are from South África, aniway... Like African Herbman, I think...

As Spanish, we are more familiar with Argelia & Morocco, Western Spanish-Arabic Democratic Repúblic, Mali, Ecuatorial Guinea (Old Spanish Guinea), Cabo Verde, Senegal & Gambia, Angola or Mozambique.
(3 of the 19 "States" that compounds Spain are in África)...
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Flavor-wise, my favourite is old-school pondo, it brings back many good memories. It is seldomly encountered these days and will soon be going the way of skunk etc...
For many of the same reasons... the smell is well known to local law enforcement. You could grow fucking skunk or cheese under a police station window and they wouldn't suspect a thing.
Flavor-wise, my favourite is old-school pondo

Is it more fruity than the clasic Durban Poison's taste (n it high less energétic n it floration shorter)? At least, it happens with the SA lines we have here... I mean if pondo is like the Ciskeis we can see here... Becouse what is called Trankei here taste harder (spicy, Hash?) n has a more dirty psicoactivity than Ciskei (more fruity n more upliftin) n of course, than Durban Poison...
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Yes, pondo is a bit more on the spicy side, DP, is normally harvested late as red beard, that is when it gets really funky.
Well, here a real Durban Poison showin it's thin sativa leaves since the beggining:
(a new borned Durban Poison'70; (Tropical Seeds Company) that Im growin right now):





Another new borned right now Durban Poison'70 (Tropical Seeds Company, worked by the breeders African Herbman, Aeritos, & Charles Darweed):

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What "pondo" mean?: marihuana in Chosa or strains "lees sativa lookin" than D.P. like Ciskei's ones, or maybe "narcohybrids"? (I cant speak Chosa)
Thousand thanx for your info.
Ciskei looks less sativa bc it is a highland sativa which at its source is a higher elevation.

FarmerJoe, Tropical Seeds is one of the few places with a true Durban. Seed companies like Dutch Passion and Flying Dutchman have Durban’s that were worked with Dutch skunk lines. Their Durban Punch (which I believe you’re referring to) is a Durban Poison x Ciskei... but they also have a pure Durban Poison which is super legit. Don’t believe me, grow Dutch Passions version and Tropical Seeds version side by side.., the Dutch Passion will be done in a fraction of the time but will not have those true sativa effects.

I grew out their Durban Punch and liked it. Found a great male I used on 1989 Northern Lights #5 “noof” x BCSC Northern Lights #5 and a Girl Scout Cookies-Forum cut. Also used a male Sakura (Katsu Bubba Kush x Wookie15) on a great Durban Punch female.
Your Durban poison should look similar to this or its not pure anymore


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Hmm, I found someone with the old strain of Durban Poison. Flowering time of 14 to 16 weeks. Waiting on the mailman now. From what I have read, if it finishes flowering faster it isn't landrace Durban but hybrid. These landraces are disappearing because people want jujubies x skunk x gumby. You guys are causing the disappearance of landraces just like Arjan and his trading fem seeds for landraces. The seeds he gets disappear from the public domain and are not seen again. Then he offers feminized crap you have to do contortions to breed.
Some accuracte infpormation is needed here.

The Kei is a river.
Trans kei means across the river and it is the name of an area that was isolated from South Africa and kept as a tribal area until after aparteid.

Ciskei is south of the river and is dryer that Transkei which is still a pretty dry area.

Ciskei is not a highland area.

Durban is a six hour drive north and is semi-tropical. like northern florda.

Durban is not an actual strain anymore and is also no longer a growing area. It is a city.

Most of the Transkei is occupied by Xhosa people.

In an area lives a people another tribal group known as the Amapondo people.

They have a specific landrace known as Pondo and its known for its extra potency.

Red Beard is a differenet variety
I love Durban and its a strain that is valuable for THC-V, a rare compound that hasn’t been mentioned yet and is very nice. Not many other strains have this compound as much as Durban, making it a strain that is worth growing anywhere.
I grew out 3 medium sized Durban Poison feminized seeds and harvest them about a month ago. The high is energetic and motivating - perfect all day smoke or before your favorite outdoor sport. I harvested at 75 days. Here is a picture one week before chop.DP-pic1.jpg