All nutes in the same watering, or split it up???


Well-Known Member
hey guys and gals!

Quick question and yes I did search....

So I’m currently using :

CarbONaria (new millenium)
pH to 6.5 after letting nutes and water sit 24 hours mixed.

3rd week of flower white widows crop king seeds.

Vegged 6 weeks, currently 23” roughly.

Now I water every three days (soil) and that’s about right for the soil to be just dry enough.

Every other watering I’ll do nutes, so all four things one day, and plain water the next.

My nutes are always at half strength, as I started following the directions on the bottle and had HORRIBLE results (nute lockout) at first (full strength).

My question is, does anyone split stuff up?

Like maybe I can nute every other time I water like I’m doing now, OR i can nute every feeding by doing the oneness and ginormous one day and calimagic and CarbONaria the next, see what I mean?

I’m trying to think of ways to get the plant what it needs without stressing it out as much.

Would different feed schedules affect PPM? I just bought a meter and have to check run off.

Any thoughts are appreciated. It’s my first grow so I’m learning a lot.

All I’ve ever done is give it all at once and never split up feedings. Not sure if it would be good or bad to do what you suggest but I doubt you would stress them out with all at once if it was balanced. On another note, did you do a search on crop king before you bought the seeds? They were the worst purchase I’ve ever made with crap plants :(. Hopefully yours are different ;).
Yes, you can mix, but keep it simple.
There are a lot of snake oil salesmen out there, that want to sell all their shit too novices like you.
I like basic GH/Technaflora products which work and are economical, vs AN which are overpriced and complicated in my opinion.
Your plant is not going to tell the difference between a 2-5-5 that costs $15 vs one that costs $35, like what you will probably spend on a AN nute.
Currently I do Lucas Formula with this feeding schedule... 1 : 1 : 2/3 : 1/3 ..... repeat. I don't even bother checking the EC anymore or change the reservoir (I'm lazy). This is hydro but I think can be adapted to soil as well. So far, haven't seen any deficiency or toxicity, looks like the sweet spot for me as long as my ph is on point.
hey guys and gals!

Quick question and yes I did search....

So I’m currently using :

CarbONaria (new millenium)
pH to 6.5 after letting nutes and water sit 24 hours mixed.

3rd week of flower white widows crop king seeds.

Vegged 6 weeks, currently 23” roughly.

Now I water every three days (soil) and that’s about right for the soil to be just dry enough.

Every other watering I’ll do nutes, so all four things one day, and plain water the next.

My nutes are always at half strength, as I started following the directions on the bottle and had HORRIBLE results (nute lockout) at first (full strength).

My question is, does anyone split stuff up?

Like maybe I can nute every other time I water like I’m doing now, OR i can nute every feeding by doing the oneness and ginormous one day and calimagic and CarbONaria the next, see what I mean?

I’m trying to think of ways to get the plant what it needs without stressing it out as much.

Would different feed schedules affect PPM? I just bought a meter and have to check run off.

Any thoughts are appreciated. It’s my first grow so I’m learning a lot.

Bro if I can give you any advice at all, use one line. A cannabis specific line, so the company will talk to you. Start off with the easiest version on that line, and build up from there. That way you can ask the company for advice on issues you may be having. Using Frankenstein methods are most definitely for advanced, or experienced growers. Don’t take the stuff you read on the internet as the gospel. Good luck bro, you’ll get there!
Bro if I can give you any advice at all, use one line. A cannabis specific line, so the company will talk to you. Start off with the easiest version on that line, and build up from there. That way you can ask the company for advice on issues you may be having. Using Frankenstein methods are most definitely for advanced, or experienced growers. Don’t take the stuff you read on the internet as the gospel. Good luck bro, you’ll get there!
Why a canabis specific line? Is there really one anyways, other than advertising? Hell used miracle grow for years with great results.
There are a few mega crop for one.
He said cannabis specific so the company will talk to you if there is a problem wirh your crop.
I get what your saying as far as offered advice. I did try a small sample in my flooded setup but didn’t run it long enough to make an informed critique. Seems good except for the god awful smell. I have an outdoor garden and would be worried it would attract unwanted guests, like bears and skunks lol.
Lol my wife hates that i use megacrop now because of the smell when mixing. Thankfully the soil dosnt pick up the smell so its gone not long after feeding. Yes i imagin running hydro with it would suck lol
All I’ve ever done is give it all at once and never split up feedings. Not sure if it would be good or bad to do what you suggest but I doubt you would stress them out with all at once if it was balanced. On another note, did you do a search on crop king before you bought the seeds? They were the worst purchase I’ve ever made with crap plants :(. Hopefully yours are different ;).
I got some bad seeds from them too... and wHo would ever know what these Seed Banks are really selling you..........