Outdoor Guerilla Grow UK 2018


Active Member
Hey guys,

Just wanted to share my first proper guerilla grow :)

20 x Amnesia Autos from Original Sensible Seeds
10 x Northern Lights Autos from Royal Queen Seeds
1 x Auto Colorado Cookies

So I found a few locations to grow this year and am currently trying a little technique where I mix compost, worm castings, slow release ferts and water crystals then place them in 12L round fabric pots with chicken wire sitting inside the pot with slug pellets to keep them pesky slugs n snails away.

This seems to be working pretty well, girls have gotten really big with the heatwave n all. They are all about 2-3 weeks into flowering right now. I have lost a few to either rats or rabbits that have burrowed through the sides of the pots believe it or not so next year I will place the chicken wire around the outside of the pots and hopefully that will do the trick.

Anyway here are some pics :) let me know what you guys think!


This is one of the pots that got chewed through and the cage has come off so I left it off to see how it gets on this late in its growth. Its an Amnesia Auto about 5 weeks from seed.


Here is another Amnesia Auto but retaining its cage and looking mighty fine, also about 5 weeks from seed.


This is one of the better looking Auto Northern Lights, about 4-5 weeks from seed.


Here is a bunch of Amnesia Autos looking lovely.




Here is the Auto Colorado Cookies about 6 weeks from seed. A bit beaten up but is getting pretty frosty already. Originally started 7 of these but since I only germed inside then planted straight outside only 1 survived, learned to start them inside for at least 2 weeks before planting out.

Will keep you guys updated anyways :)
Friggin awesome to get that many out in UK, saw some of the grow pages for Ireland and Uk.
You guys got some real challenges with lattitude, weather, population density, LEO's, bird watchers, an abundace of council employees , and now drought leaving your bright green plants out like sore thumbs.

Don't know how much dryer you'll get or how concealed the grow is, you may want to put reed matting around the bottoms or get some burlap/cheap army surplus DDR camo bags.
Those cheap grass beach mats, cut in half and jagged ended facing up, wrapped around should blend nicely in the drought.
Might help break the pattern of black spots the eye sees from afar or above, and get some random sticks in there to break/blend patterns if that is what the surrounding area has.
I'd burn off that coating on the wire and let it rust for next year, or roll it up and spray paint them all blotchy colors, that would help it blend also.

I used to grow in a state that would throw you in big boy prison for 7 years first offense, so making the area mudane, and strategically placing dead limbs to deter the foot and the eye was always a priority.
Different circumstances nowdays, they are ornamentals around the yard.
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I've actually found a spot that will never be found, takes an hour to get to and can only be accessed by foot through thorns/nettles/brush, so it being discovered is not really a worry of mine lol I don't think these could even be spotted in the air tbh

But next year I'm planning to do them in the ground, prepare and amend the soil in the winter with some chicken manure and coco coir then put up a chicken wire fence around the perimeter. I'm hoping to do 100 Auto Devil XXL and about 10 Durban Poison photos to see how they get on :D
I've actually found a spot that will never be found, takes an hour to get to and can only be accessed by foot through thorns/nettles/brush, so it being discovered is not really a worry of mine lol I don't think these could even be spotted in the air tbh
Never underestimate people when there is jail time involved, but don't mind me.
Coke trade decades ago made me cautious. I'd still be rotting in a cell if I wasn't a bit paranoid in that line of work. Walked away clean and never touched it again, but the paranoia still comes in handy. I tried to get @ganga gurl420 to hide her grow with sticks too, lol. Should of suggested school busses to hide her patch.
Sounds great finding a spot where you can scale up.

Got any Trail Cams in mind? Just insurance against rippers and innocents and LEO's.
You want to see if anyone is watching the plot grow, or if anyone is waiting for harvest to nab you when scaling up like that.
100 autos isn't unreasonable to you and me, but Judges have a hard time believing anything more than 10 plants is just for fun and personal use.

Ok, enough paranoid rants, back to growing and chillax.
Can't wait to see the finish line for you, actually.
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Ok little update, everything is coming along nicely with some decent buds forming :)

Took the cages off some of them to see how they do now at this stage and to see if it lets the lower buds develop a bit more.


My favorite looking plant so far, this is an Amnesia auto. I'm thinking its about 3-4 weeks from harvest?


Ok so this Amnesia auto is pretty interesting, the cage fell over and kind of acted like a scrog type thing, many heads have formed :)


Lookin good :D
It says "around 65 days from seed" like 64-90 is around 65, but a smaller container would of got you 65 and half the yield.
They look friggin awesome, and the grass around them greened up nice too. Those are just so much fun to grow, quick and low maintenance.

If you put them on risers they might of turned a bit earlier, or just a late pheno this time.
Show us which plant will be all cured up for Christmas morning when you make that choice.
It says "around 65 days from seed" like 64-90 is around 65, but a smaller container would of got you 65 and half the yield.
They look friggin awesome, and the grass around them greened up nice too. Those are just so much fun to grow, quick and low maintenance.

If you put them on risers they might of turned a bit earlier, or just a late pheno this time.
Show us which plant will be all cured up for Christmas morning when you make that choice.

Sweet, yeah I've found another thread someone said that if they do go on for longer they generally yield more, so I'm just praying for an oz per plant now :)

Do you think I should top dress these with some guano and seaweed? or is it too close to harvest?
Nice setup man. I seen the buds and started to get worried about mine, then I remember their auto :p

Next year I’ll be digging holes and planting them in supersoil. Can’t be going up twice a week watering them that’s some hardship haha
Yeah man my spots would be ridiculous to get water to so I just used water crystals :cool: Next year I'm gonna try do like 100 photos lol
Also they look like they have mold but its actually some cotton like stuff from dandelions or something similar
So went down to the Amnesias today to have a peak and one plant was ready for harvest :)

It yeilded 28g total wet, so I reckon it will come out to about 8.5g dry, which I'm happy about seeing as its my first outdoor jobby and it required zero maintenance, also learned a good bit about what I will need to do next year to get much larger harvests.






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Ok sorry for the lack of updates, ended up harvesting most of the amnesias but still about 4/5 still out there and the buds look waaaay better than my last update. I don't have any pics right now but will upload some later today!

Looking like I will get about 8oz dry total off everything and I am more than delighted for a first time outdoor yield that required no maintenance :)

Also one of the plants still out there is turning purple so I am super excited for that one ;)
I've actually found a spot that will never be found, takes an hour to get to and can only be accessed by foot through thorns/nettles/brush, so it being discovered is not really a worry of mine lol I don't think these could even be spotted in the air tbh

But next year I'm planning to do them in the ground, prepare and amend the soil in the winter with some chicken manure and coco coir then put up a chicken wire fence around the perimeter. I'm hoping to do 100 Auto Devil XXL and about 10 Durban Poison photos to see how they get on :D

They would easily be spotted in the air with your lack of camo. If aerial surveillance isn't an issue in your area it shouldn't matter though.
Small update, with just 4 plants left and chopping in the next few days, 2 have gone purple and off the rest I yielded 5oz dry, the bud is actually really tasty and strong so I am happy out.

I expect another 2-4oz off the last 4 plants.

Here is some pics from last week :)


