First Grow - CFL


Active Member
Hey guys this is my first real grow. Tried once before when I lived with my parents but it never worked out. Now I have my own place with no interruptions and I'm free to do as I please. :)

Right now I have one plant that sprouted a couple days ago. Just some a seed I got in a bag of pretty shitty bud. I'm planning on buying better seeds real soon ( If anyone could recommend me some cheap ones I'd appreciate it ) but this is all I have to work with so far.

I have a 100 watt CFL on it right now but I have another 100 watt light to add once it gets bigger or I get more plants. Nothing else though. As basic as it gets I guess. What else should I get to make this plant as happy as possible and have a decent grow box?

EDIT - Reason it's in the corner is because I plants 2 seeds in each corner and only one sprouted. When I tried growing a while ago I had like a 100% sprouting rate on every seed that germinated and now it's about 5% for some reason... any ideas why?


Well-Known Member
Your soil looks like mud, I only water my seedling once, and then about 4 days after it has sprouted. Planting in the corner is also not a great idea, your roots are going to lose 180 degrees of growing space.


Well-Known Member
the sky is the limit. heres a few ideas....

get some mylar. build a box. put the mylar on the sides to increase lighting.
plant a few buddy seeds to liken your chances of a female.
purchase more lights or at least be ready to add to the current 1 light system.
decide whether your going to stay with cfl's or if you can go to HPS.
purchase nutrients.
get a fan blowing gently on the seedlings to strengthen the stem.
think about airflow in your grow rig to insure temps don't break upper 80's.

follow a few journals on riu to prepare for the future

make sure to have fun and enjoy your new hobbie. it can forever grant you with good smoke.


Well-Known Member
for sprouting i have found that if you use the paper towel method it works great.

put the seeds on a folded paper towel. fold the paper towel over the seeds. wet the paper towel. not dripping too much but not dry. put in a zip lock bag. place somewhere warm. i like putting mine on the hot water pipe directly above the water heater. in 2 to 4 days you should have seeds with legs. then plant them, legs down. about .5 inch deep in soil.


Active Member
the sky is the limit. heres a few ideas....

get some mylar. build a box. put the mylar on the sides to increase lighting.
plant a few buddy seeds to liken your chances of a female.
purchase more lights or at least be ready to add to the current 1 light system.
decide whether your going to stay with cfl's or if you can go to HPS.
purchase nutrients.
get a fan blowing gently on the seedlings to strengthen the stem.
think about airflow in your grow rig to insure temps don't break upper 80's.

follow a few journals on riu to prepare for the future

make sure to have fun and enjoy your new hobbie. it can forever grant you with good smoke.
Thanks for the help!

Well 2 more of the seeds in the same pot sprouted so it looks like I will repot them all into indivisual pots. But is it better to do it right away or wait until they mature a little? They look pretty healthy right now.



Active Member
Separated all the plants, got some soil and added a light. Also bought some high middle number plant food. Probably the worst grow box ever right now though. :) Getting a fan tonight and trying to find a place to buy mylar sometime this week.

The biggest looked really healthy and was growing a lot before separating but now it looks like it's at a stand still... could it just be stressed?



Well-Known Member
most likely is stressed due to the pot change. but it should take off well. glad to see you got them separated.
make sure to take it easy on the nutes at first. i don't add nutes until they reach about 5 nodes and then i start real easy.

no its not the worse grow box ever.!! i have seen threads of people try to confuse heaven with a similar grow box.

wondering if you could get the lights closer to the plants without getting them to hot?? just a thought. all though that's close enough if not.

do you have plans for the future? it happens so fast. one day your working with two lights and some 3 inch plants and the next your struggling to get more lights, space etc. they do really grow like weeds. I even think faster if the lights are plentiful.

what is the color rating on the lights? they look like daytime lights from the pic. if so thats good. (6500K).

are you growing 18/6 or 24/0?

looking good mate. :)


Active Member
most likely is stressed due to the pot change. but it should take off well. glad to see you got them separated.
make sure to take it easy on the nutes at first. i don't add nutes until they reach about 5 nodes and then i start real easy.

no its not the worse grow box ever.!! i have seen threads of people try to confuse heaven with a similar grow box.

wondering if you could get the lights closer to the plants without getting them to hot?? just a thought. all though that's close enough if not.

do you have plans for the future? it happens so fast. one day your working with two lights and some 3 inch plants and the next your struggling to get more lights, space etc. they do really grow like weeds. I even think faster if the lights are plentiful.

what is the color rating on the lights? they look like daytime lights from the pic. if so thats good. (6500K).

are you growing 18/6 or 24/0?

looking good mate. :)
Thanks for the help! I tried getting it closer but the one plant is about an inch bigger than the others and I saw it looked kinda stressed so I just put it up a little. The looks pretty high in the picture but it's actually only about 3 - 4 inches higher than the plant. The one plant was showing about a new node a day.

I figure once they get bigger I'll get gallon pots. If I need more space I have a closet that's actually really small but big enough to support like 5 - 6 good sized plants.

It's bright white ( didn't know about the different kinds ) and I'm using 24/0.


Active Member
Got a little bit of growth since repotting. The smallest plant didn't make it... :( but I'm germinating another really god seed that should be ready tonight or early tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
I first potted my biggest plant into a gallon pot. I found this hard to manage. I then transplanted to a medium sized pot. The plant grew much better going up increments. I could never get the pot to dry out completely without drying the plant up.

does that give you four plants still?


Active Member
Yeah I'm planning on staying with 4 and just raising the smaller ones closer to the light. I planted a germinated seed from some of the nicest weed I've smoked in a while yesterday. I'll post pics tonight or early tomorrow since they've been starting to grow more again.


Active Member
I've got pics...
From 3 days ago -

Now -

As you can see the one plant is messed up a bit but it's recovering pretty quick.


Well-Known Member
they are looking good.

what do you for see in 3 weeks as far as your setup?

growing, growing, grown. (almost!)


Well-Known Member
looking good, your grow space isnt as bad as your making it out to be, just add to it a little every week, or month, whichever you pay lies on, and just because you got some bagseed from some shit bud doesnt necesarily mean that if ou grow it, it will be turd to, the person who grew it originally most likely didnt grow it properly, may have picked it too early and so it had a grassy smell and taste maybes and didnt get you very high at all, but with the correct care and attention you could grow this bagseed into some killer bud! good luck



Active Member
looking good, your grow space isnt as bad as your making it out to be, just add to it a little every week, or month, whichever you pay lies on, and just because you got some bagseed from some shit bud doesnt necesarily mean that if ou grow it, it will be turd to, the person who grew it originally most likely didnt grow it properly, may have picked it too early and so it had a grassy smell and taste maybes and didnt get you very high at all, but with the correct care and attention you could grow this bagseed into some killer bud! good luck

It just doesn't look like good bud. I smoked a blunt with 3 people on it last night and got higher than I've ever been. :)

Yeah right now I'm trying to deal with some bills since I had to buy an amp but give it a little and I'll try to make it better.


Well-Known Member
When do you plan on transplanting? I would do it now into a gallon or 3 gallon pot.

i would imagine this mostly is dependent on personal care techniques. But i like to increase my pot size gradually. and repot into the largest pot about a week before flowering. i find that too large of a pot and your pot stays wet in the bottom and your plant remains thirsty. i also find larger pots lead to longer periods of wet as the plant can't consume as much as the pot holds.

just my opinion though. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I completely understand, I went from a 1 gallon to a 3 gallon, and my plants are great, but he should transplant regardless.