What did you accomplish today?

Casual Friday

Just waiting for Brutus to bring his saw so we can get to drinking on the links before noon. Been waiting for him since 6 this morning. Fucker

Wifey took little man with her to Florida so I'm taking complete advantage of no dad duty this week. Fishing tomorrow morning? Yep. Fry some tenderloins in bacon grease in the house? Eh maybe, she's got a nose like a blood hound so probably not that.

Stay stoned, my friends
An abepology, that's where you apologize then take back the apology, while pointing out you are the actual 'victim'. You end by mocking my social mores driving home your fauxpology.

You are demonstrating narcissistic tendencies by being deliberately tone deaf to our culture. For example, you refer to us as 'The internet', while this is a subset of the internet it is a community to many of us with real relationships. But you dismiss that as easily as you dismissed LA culture summing up an extremely complex system with a generic label because you feel it applies. That is the face of narcissism. I'm glad we agree on that, have a good day.

Interesting perspective. Well, tell you what, I won't reply to you anymore and if you find me offensive, you could just ignore my posts.
Casual Friday

View attachment 4171778
Just waiting for Brutus to bring his saw so we can get to drinking on the links before noon. Been waiting for him since 6 this morning. Fucker

Wifey took little man with her to Florida so I'm taking complete advantage of no dad duty this week. Fishing tomorrow morning? Yep. Fry some tenderloins in bacon grease in the house? Eh maybe, she's got a nose like a blood hound so probably not that.

Stay stoned, my friends
Fry up some cabbage in that bacon fat and leave a half empty bottle of soy bacon bits around. Whatever you do don't eat them, the bacon bits, definitely eat the fried cabbage. That might throw her off the scent.

Interesting perspective. Well, tell you what, I won't reply to you anymore and if you find me offensive, you could just ignore my posts.
Good morning, I see Illinois threw you out too.
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...you could just ignore my posts.

Good morning, I see Illinois threw you out too.

Just couldn't do it, huh? :lol:

You realize of course that you need me. You're lost without Abe, like Batman with no Joker. As a self-proclaimed narcissist, I'll be your Abe, honey. Just keep needing me.

Let's just not talk. I know how this ends. We will fight like cats and dogs until that one day something really fucked up happens like your cat gets backed over by a steamroller. I'll message you an uncharacteristically sympathetic consolation after which you'll start crying and fly me to CA and we'll have sex.

I told you, I'm never coming back to LA. Unless you buy me sushi.
Fry up some cabbage in that bacon fat and leave a half empty bottle of soy bacon bits around. Whatever you do don't eat them the bacon bits, definitely eat the fried cabbage. That might throw her off the scent.

Good morning, I see Illinois threw you out too.
just cook it on the grill, eat it every day, wash the dishes, and brush your teeth.....perfect crime
Just couldn't do it, huh? :lol:

You realize of course that you need me. You're lost without Abe, like Batman with no Joker. As a self-proclaimed narcissist, I'll be your Abe, honey. Just keep needing me.

Let's just not talk. I know how this ends. We will fight like cats and dogs until that one day something really fucked up happens like your cat gets backed over by a steamroller. I'll message you an uncharacteristically sympathetic consolation after which you'll start crying and fly me to CA and we'll have sex.

I told you, I'm never coming back to LA. Unless you buy me sushi.

That's almost poetic. If it wasn't so fucking creepy. Do you drink wine by the box too?