Manifolding (Menorah'n) Plants in a GreenHouse

What I've found is that a 6" square is not enough room for me to operate my blue-top pump spray bottle. I like to get in there with my entire arm and swing wildly from one side to the other. I don't like netting or grids that I have to fight with to work around. Bugs are bad enough, I cannot paint myself into restricted movement. I want the freedom to wail, and 6" squares are not conducive to getting crazy with my bug-gun. Listing Ads
You don't even use a wand sprayer....
To each his own.
I got one of these--41+zgA+-l9L._AC_SY400_.jpg
I still need a damn hand sprayer for the tiny girls, but yeah, I'd have to spray 'til dawn without the atomist.
The one gallon hand pump sprayer with wand from Home Depot. Works great, very reliable, no need to fill it full.

I've never found a small hand held unit that lasts.
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Here we have a too tall branch that needs "knuckling" (aka SuperCrop). One way is to use a pair of pliers!? and gently crush the stem all around, without breaking the skin. Then bend it 90-degrees. And that's all there is to it, I think. tmp_5042-20170617_151106666467908.jpg tmp_5042-20170617_1511221628890306.jpg
The (1) gal. HDX pump sprayers are great! Thanx ttystikk
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