What did you accomplish today?

No, it isn't personal, but it's certainly a display of weakness and pettiness. You'd prefer an inbred cess pool or an echo chamber.
No. Not at all.

It's just a fact that when a new member goes straight to toke and talk or politics as soon as joining usually it is a previous banned member.

Most of the time new members hang out in the grow sections first then make it here after being a member for a while.
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Spent most of yesterday refinishing my bathtub. Had to sand the shit out of it and spray it with epoxy. We attempted to brush it on but it wasn't as easy as we thought so I had to grab the hplv gun. Made the whole house stink. Looks new again though!

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We tried a few methods to clean the grooves of the textured base of our tub. Nothing seemed to work

My wife then bought some norwex brand
cleaning rags that you don't need to use chemicals/sprays just water and holy shit they cleaned it with ease. Amazing.

It is lined with silver and kills bacteria on contact. after using them for a year I got protein swab test and it they're still working like new.

Thanks, it just needed a little sanding and poly. I tend to chip it up by bringing car parts in to work on.

Lol my wife would probably physically attack me if I did such a thing. The car parts thing. Dope table though, like the butcher block look
We tried a few methods to clean the grooves of the textured base of our tub. Nothing seemed to work

My wife then bought some norwex brand
cleaning rags that you don't need to use chemicals/sprays just water and holy shit they cleaned it with ease. Amazing.

It is lined with silver and kills bacteria on contact. after using them for a year I got protein swab test and it they're still working like new.

Lol my wife would probably physically attack me if I did such a thing. The car parts thing. Dope table though, like the butcher block look

We have hard water so there were calcium spots and rust stains that we just couldn't remove anymore and we built the bathroom around the tub so the only way to replace it is ripping down a wall, the paint turned out better than we thought it would. And yeah, we use the table as a butcher block too so there were knife marks all over from that last cow we did. I got another table for that now though so hopefully this'll last a bit.
LOL assumptions, you just can't stop making them.

Irony... you just can't stop making it.

You know... if you really believe I'm a narcissist (as I do), then your inability to stop replying to me is sweet victory. Any attention is good attention for a narcissist. What's the DSM say about people who argue with people they believe are mentally ill?

Although I already enjoyed making you sound like a speaker at a Trump Stump on the border so much, I'm not sure what's left for me.

You are demonstrating narcissistic tendencies by being deliberately tone deaf to our culture. For example, you refer to us as 'The internet', while this is a subset of the internet it is a community to many of us with real relationships. But you dismiss that as easily as you dismissed LA culture summing up an extremely complex system with a generic label because you feel it applies. That is the face of narcissism. I'm glad we agree on that, have a good day.

Did Kellyanne Conway write this for you?
We have hard water so there were calcium spots and rust stains that we just couldn't remove anymore and we built the bathroom around the tub so the only way to replace it is ripping down a wall, the paint turned out better than we thought it would. And yeah, we use the table as a butcher block too so there were knife marks all over from that last cow we did. I got another table for that now though so hopefully this'll last a bit.

A buddy did all his counters in butcher block and I thought it wasnt gonna work, but turned out very nice. Wood grain goes with anything I reckon.

I've been looking for a nice block top moveable island for the kitchen. My wife just has her mind set it wont match.

I'll find one she likes someday:-?