Master grower couple on our way to Maine & need new friends

Once outside of York and Cumberland Counties property isn't that bad. Central and Northern Maine is pretty dam cheap and less population.
I keep finding super deals in N Maine, especially NE Maine. Less populated is pretty sweet too. Cheap property that's at least livable to fix up or build a cabin on with relative privacy is the goal :) We want to make some friends but when its time to go home it'd be nice to not be seen from the road. Most people can appreciate that.
The kid was called Yankee too, but the dad was still carrying that name a long time after he had been living here. Maybe the kid's kid is a Floridian.
Florida is super RedNecky in a bad way... it would be like putting a permanent KICK ME sign on a kids back to name them that officially here I believe.. lol
You need to live in the NE to carry a name like that around. I got shit in the south just for having lived in the NE of the USA as a kid. lol
I keep finding super deals in N Maine, especially NE Maine. Less populated is pretty sweet too. Cheap property that's at least livable to fix up or build a cabin on with relative privacy is the goal :) We want to make some friends but when its time to go home it'd be nice to not be seen from the road. Most people can appreciate that.
down east me= povety,addiction,no money, no jobs.i live in south west me, i can jumb on my atv an go 80 miles with out hitting tar, lots of mobiles here sitting on 5-10 acres for 100 g or less
Florida is super RedNecky in a bad way... it would be like putting a permanent KICK ME sign on a kids back to name them that officially here I believe.. lol
You need to live in the NE to carry a name like that around. I got shit in the south just for having lived in the NE of the USA as a kid. lol
It was a nickname, but everyone calls you by your nickname. I have friends that it was years before I knew there real names. And yes, Florida is rednecky in a bad way. We call this area LA for Lower Alabama. But folks are folks. If you can get by their politics, there are good people here.
A coworker of mine lives in Eliot, Me, very close to everything. I used to work in Kittery on and off, not bad either. Unfortunately southern Maine home prices have gone through the roof. Would love to get up that way and leave Mass in the past
It was a nickname, but everyone calls you by your nickname. I have friends that it was years before I knew there real names. And yes, Florida is rednecky in a bad way. We call this area LA for Lower Alabama. But folks are folks. If you can get by their politics, there are good people here.
I used to live in LA, dealing poker @ the greyhound track in Pensacola. It was far less Rednecky in a bad way than Pasco County. lol Also, the weather is worse, thunderstorms EVERY day.. fishing sucks too
I used to live in LA, dealing poker @ the greyhound track in Pensacola. It was far less Rednecky in a bad way than Pasco County. lol Also, the weather is worse, thunderstorms EVERY day.. fishing sucks too
I'm an hour or so east of there. I'm right in the middle of a thunderstorm now. My newer strains are flowering earlier, and I'm going to be in a world of hurt if the rain doesn't let up soon.

The folks in Destin won't like hearing you say that about the fishing. lol I stick to the ponds,rivers and creeks myself. There are so many tourists on the coast, I leave it to them.
I'm an hour or so east of there. I'm right in the middle of a thunderstorm now. My newer strains are flowering earlier, and I'm going to be in a world of hurt if the rain doesn't let up soon.

The folks in Destin won't like hearing you say that about the fishing. lol I stick to the ponds,rivers and creeks myself. There are so many tourists on the coast, I leave it to them.
I'm just N of Tampa. Destin is a paradise compared to this area.
They may have identical prices but the taxes in NH are far less than in Maine. Maine is a tax heavy state that manages to piss it all away.
not true nh doesn't have state employment tax but believe me they make it up hard on every thing else,land taxs up the ass,get caught speeding in nh OUCH!! caught with a dobbie OUCH!!on an on fuck NH no more good land in NH unless u in the mountains where nothing grows.mass holes ran that that place over yrs ago:bigjoint:
. . . . . . . . . ..mass holes ran that that place over yrs ago:bigjoint:
My best friend in the Navy was from Western Mass. His family had a cabin on Squam Lake {ie, lake from On Golden Pond} in Holderness NH. We were planning a trip up there and I ask something about the locals. He said, "no one lives in New Hampshire. They only come up for the weekend."
My best friend in the Navy was from Western Mass. His family had a cabin on Squam Lake {ie, lake from On Golden Pond} in Holderness NH. We were planning a trip up there and I ask something about the locals. He said, "no one lives in New Hampshire. They only come up for the weekend."
yes sir aint that the truth,still very nice over there just to many people from away for my liking
My best friend in the Navy was from Western Mass. His family had a cabin on Squam Lake {ie, lake from On Golden Pond} in Holderness NH. We were planning a trip up there and I ask something about the locals. He said, "no one lives in New Hampshire. They only come up for the weekend."
Oh, no . That's a perch hole, all yellow perch all day long. If you catch a perch, move. They eat all the trout, don't put it back.

Go to Newfound Lake or Umbagog for something to eat and brag, or Winnepesaukee 1 mile away, any point of land 30 ft down and catch 13 1/5" salmon and 17 1/2" Lake trout all day with some nice keepers here and there. Legal is 14/18".

The population can go up 800,000 on top of 1.2 m on weekends is an estimate. VT gets the same treatment from NY.
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Oh, no . That's a perch hole, all yellow perch all day long. If you catch a perch, move. They eat all the trout, don't put it back.

Go to Newfound Lake or Umbagog for something to eat and brag, or Winnepesaukee 1 mile away, any point of land 30 ft down and catch 13 1/5" salmon and 17 1/2" Lake trout all day with some nice keepers here and there. Legal is 14/18".
It was winter when we went. No fishing. We did take the boat across to the other side, but never unfurled the sails.