I've double parked Mitt Romney in twice in the last eight months up that way, and lied to him( only 2 minutes, sir...wait, that was Mitt?) I felt bad lying to him afterwards. But the 2nd time, I recognized his car and did it again anyway... and he was sitting in his car when I came back. Hi, again.

He's really nice, didn't yell or punch me in the face or anything. Like the Manchurian Pumpkin would.
"Welcome to NH, Run Fast or Die" is what my wife ribs me about.
I nearly ran over Lamar Alexander twice on his "Walk Across NH" campaign, Lamar's a runner, he can sprint like crazy!
Gary Bauer jumped off his Campaign bus with 50 reporters filming his big announcement , and missed my fender doing 30mph (the next day he fell off stage flipping pancakes, not a bright fellow) I really want a copy of that video,lol.
Another candidate chased me down the street in -14f weather and cornered me . Campaign workers hounding me on my trail, "a voter, a voter! " was the baying cry)
" I'm from Maine dude" I might as well kicked them.
Maury somebody was a candidate, he parked his motor home in front of bars for 4 years and bought beer, he was nice drunk with a $40 million dollar bar tab. His family tried committing him and cutting off our beer, the greedy bastards!
I miss Vermin Supreme, he had a wizard robe and a rubber boot for a wizard cap, and put curses on the other candidates for a price. Nowadays, he actually seems like a viable candidate. His magic based campaign doesn't seem outlandish at all compared to others.
I nearly hit a few more with my van too.I think they confuse my van with one of their billboards and don't see it .
I get a "campaign weather report" and avoid them all now, since at least 2 past videos would come back to haunt me at trial. Other people would say "Hey, that's the van that nearly got me! Call Alex Jones, its a conspiracy!"
Amazing how few are qualified to even cross the street. Worse than unattended chickens.
So watch out for candidates in NH, they have no sense or boundaries.. Keep your garden gate locked tight in Primary seasons