Master grower couple on our way to Maine & need new friends

NH is scaling up in anticipation, I see the the tells at th e little retirement farms the boomers are fixing up. They could use a consultant to hide it better, but I don't think anyone cares anymore.
They might be legal too by the time you move.
Even the most ardent opponent in the NH Senate has given up. . We're surrounded now, what's the point! "

I love NH! I had 20 acres in Derry up until 2011 now I'm a little further south living on a postage stamp of land on the coast wanting to get back north!

My friend sent me this picture tonight, she's up in the White Mountains, she has a beautiful lake house right on Sunapee, I'll be going up for a little visit soon :mrgreen: Live Free or Die mofo's!


I've been to Maine many many times in my life but I've never lived there, so I don't know about that, but the people in New Hampshire are some of the finest people I've ever met.

Good luck op, welcome to New England and thanks for your service!
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I love NH! I had 20 acres in Derry up until 2011 now I'm a little further south living on a postage stamp of land on the coast wanting to get back north!

My friend sent me this picture tonight, she's up in the White Mountains, I'll be going up for a little visit soon:mrgreen:, Live Free or Die mofo's!

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I've been to Maine many many times in my life but I've never lived there, so I don't know about that, but the people in New Hampshire are some of the finest people I've ever met.

Good luck op, welcome to New England and thanks for your service!
My wife and I will live free or die :) If you're not working on your dreams you're working on someone else's.. one of many reasons we haven't clocked in to a job since 2011 :) We're willing to endure a lot to keep that going. We only clock in for the plants since they truly don't GAF about anything. I'm tricking out our cargo van to be an RV if that's where we need to live while we build a cabin on some land or whatever we have to do. Few can match my skills growing or building a successful grow. Hell, I there's a rusty horse trailer at near 13k ft in the Rocky mnts popping out around 5lbs every 8 weeks still that I designed... no AC needed and it's a 4 season op. I can grow anywhere, just need a new opportunity since starting to feel a bit better after this asshat broke my back hitting us head on last Oct. Time to get back on the horse! lol
My wife and I will live free or die :) If you're not working on your dreams you're working on someone else's.. one of many reasons we haven't clocked in to a job since 2011 :) We're willing to endure a lot to keep that going. We only clock in for the plants since they truly don't GAF about anything. I'm tricking out our cargo van to be an RV if that's where we need to live while we build a cabin on some land or whatever we have to do. Few can match my skills growing or building a successful grow. Hell, I there's a rusty horse trailer at near 13k ft in the Rocky mnts popping out around 5lbs every 8 weeks still that I designed... no AC needed and it's a 4 season op. I can grow anywhere, just need a new opportunity since starting to feel a bit better after this asshat broke my back hitting us head on last Oct. Time to get back on the horse! lol
Semper Fi , Mac. I think your head's in the right place after reading your posts.
Lots of dreamers. Sure you understand and schemers too. Locals expect that. Be yourself, keep to yourself, keep your circle close. Three can keep a secret if two are dead. Ride free. Live free.
I'll take another look at the area now, but I don't think they can beat the deals in Maine. Plus I hear about Lobster roll or something like that in Maine. I think I could spend some cash on cheap lobster.. Nothing like fresh seafood after a nice sesh :)

After scrolling through the craigslist listings for both areas I'd say they are nearly identical for prices from empty lots without utilities all the way across the board. The biggest difference will be climate. Both weather wise and the difference in the legalization stage.
My wife and I will live free or die :) If you're not working on your dreams you're working on someone else's.. one of many reasons we haven't clocked in to a job since 2011 :) We're willing to endure a lot to keep that going. We only clock in for the plants since they truly don't GAF about anything. I'm tricking out our cargo van to be an RV if that's where we need to live while we build a cabin on some land or whatever we have to do. Few can match my skills growing or building a successful grow. Hell, I there's a rusty horse trailer at near 13k ft in the Rocky mnts popping out around 5lbs every 8 weeks still that I designed... no AC needed and it's a 4 season op. I can grow anywhere, just need a new opportunity since starting to feel a bit better after this asshat broke my back hitting us head on last Oct. Time to get back on the horse! lol

Is that horse trailer using something like the GAHT system from Ceres Greenhouse Solutions out of Colorado?
My wife and I will live free or die :) If you're not working on your dreams you're working on someone else's.. one of many reasons we haven't clocked in to a job since 2011 :) We're willing to endure a lot to keep that going. We only clock in for the plants since they truly don't GAF about anything. I'm tricking out our cargo van to be an RV if that's where we need to live while we build a cabin on some land or whatever we have to do. Few can match my skills growing or building a successful grow. Hell, I there's a rusty horse trailer at near 13k ft in the Rocky mnts popping out around 5lbs every 8 weeks still that I designed... no AC needed and it's a 4 season op. I can grow anywhere, just need a new opportunity since starting to feel a bit better after this asshat broke my back hitting us head on last Oct. Time to get back on the horse! lol

That's the state motto in New Hampshire, Live Free or Die, it's on the license plates so you're going to see that a lot in Maine with the border and all but I think you're going to like it! New England's nice especially north, hoping to move back up there before too long myself
My friend sent me this picture tonight, she's up in the White Mountains, she has a beautiful lake house right on Sunapee, I'll be going up for a little visit soon :mrgreen: Live Free or Die mofo's!
I've double parked Mitt Romney in twice in the last eight months up that way, and lied to him( only 2 minutes, sir...wait, that was Mitt?) I felt bad lying to him afterwards. But the 2nd time, I recognized his car and did it again anyway... and he was sitting in his car when I came back. Hi, again.:)
He's really nice, didn't yell or punch me in the face or anything. Like the Manchurian Pumpkin would.

"Welcome to NH, Run Fast or Die" is what my wife ribs me about.

I nearly ran over Lamar Alexander twice on his "Walk Across NH" campaign, Lamar's a runner, he can sprint like crazy!
Gary Bauer jumped off his Campaign bus with 50 reporters filming his big announcement , and missed my fender doing 30mph (the next day he fell off stage flipping pancakes, not a bright fellow) I really want a copy of that video,lol.
Another candidate chased me down the street in -14f weather and cornered me . Campaign workers hounding me on my trail, "a voter, a voter! " was the baying cry)
" I'm from Maine dude" I might as well kicked them.

Maury somebody was a candidate, he parked his motor home in front of bars for 4 years and bought beer, he was nice drunk with a $40 million dollar bar tab. His family tried committing him and cutting off our beer, the greedy bastards!
I miss Vermin Supreme, he had a wizard robe and a rubber boot for a wizard cap, and put curses on the other candidates for a price. Nowadays, he actually seems like a viable candidate. His magic based campaign doesn't seem outlandish at all compared to others.

I nearly hit a few more with my van too.I think they confuse my van with one of their billboards and don't see it .
I get a "campaign weather report" and avoid them all now, since at least 2 past videos would come back to haunt me at trial. Other people would say "Hey, that's the van that nearly got me! Call Alex Jones, its a conspiracy!"

Amazing how few are qualified to even cross the street. Worse than unattended chickens.
So watch out for candidates in NH, they have no sense or boundaries.. Keep your garden gate locked tight in Primary seasons
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Semper Fi , Mac. I think your head's in the right place after reading your posts.
Lots of dreamers. Sure you understand and schemers too. Locals expect that. Be yourself, keep to yourself, keep your circle close. Three can keep a secret if two are dead. Ride free. Live free.
You got 2 uncanny abilities, hotrodharley. Sizing people up quickly and giving good advice in as few words as possible.
Follow his advice Growbuddy.
Is that horse trailer using something like the GAHT system from Ceres Greenhouse Solutions out of Colorado?
the tack room in the front of the trailer houses the breaker box ( I had it wired up by a friend electrician ), ballasts for 3 1000watt XXXL Magnum hoods, built in shelves for nutes and PH/ PPM meter, 2 55gal drums with circulating pumps for the pre mixed nutes, and a pump on a hose w/a watering wand to hand water.
It was kept cool by a 12" inline fan on a thermostat to vent the hoods and another 12" on a thermostat to bring in cool air ( no AC required, it stays cool at that elevation ) it had an inexpensive radiator looking electric heater for those cold nights.
Insul board lined the grow area and entire floor with plywood over that on the floor, then the whole thing was lined with the white plastic. The windows were blacked out from the inside and all cracks filled with that spray foam. it looked like junk from the outside, but like a star ship on the inside. lol Pro Mix was the medium used.
I've double parked Mitt Romney in twice in the last eight months up that way, and lied to him( only 2 minutes, sir...wait, that was Mitt?) I felt bad lying to him afterwards. But the 2nd time, I recognized his car and did it again anyway... and he was sitting in his car when I came back. Hi, again.:)
He's really nice, didn't yell or punch me in the face or anything. Like the Manchurian Pumpkin would.

"Welcome to NH, Run Fast or Die" is what my wife ribs me about.

I nearly ran over Lamar Alexander twice on his "Walk Across NH" campaign, Lamar's a runner, he can sprint like crazy!
Gary Bauer jumped off his Campaign bus with 50 reporters filming his big announcement , and missed my fender doing 30mph (the next day he fell off stage flipping pancakes, not a bright fellow) I really want a copy of that video,lol.
Another candidate chased me down the street in -14f weather and cornered me . Campaign workers hounding me on my trail, "a voter, a voter! " was the baying cry)
" I'm from Maine dude" I might as well kicked them.

Maury somebody was a candidate, he parked his motor home in front of bars for 4 years and bought beer, he was nice drunk with a $40 million dollar bar tab. His family tried committing him and cutting off our beer, the greedy bastards!
I miss Vermin Supreme, he had a wizard robe and a rubber boot for a wizard cap, and put curses on the other candidates for a price. Nowadays, he actually seems like a viable candidate. His magic based campaign doesn't seem outlandish at all compared to others.

I nearly hit a few more with my van too.I think they confuse my van with one of their billboards and don't see it .
I get a "campaign weather report" and avoid them all now, since at least 2 past videos would come back to haunt me at trial. Other people would say "Hey, that's the van that nearly got me! Call Alex Jones, its a conspiracy!"

Amazing how few are qualified to even cross the street. Worse than unattended chickens.
So watch out for candidates in NH, they have no sense or boundaries.. Keep your garden gate locked tight in Primary seasons
I'm not sure if you were hunting these people, but I gotta' party with you! You're driving, and i'm leaving the .45 at home!! lmao - thanks for the laugh!
After scrolling through the craigslist listings for both areas I'd say they are nearly identical for prices from empty lots without utilities all the way across the board. The biggest difference will be climate. Both weather wise and the difference in the legalization stage.

They may have identical prices but the taxes in NH are far less than in Maine. Maine is a tax heavy state that manages to piss it all away.
They may have identical prices but the taxes in NH are far less than in Maine. Maine is a tax heavy state that manages to piss it all away.
NH only shows ONE property that fell into my criteria on Zillow's search. An old Mill site that sounds like it needs more work than I'm willing to do. At this point I'm thinking it's going to be Maine or Michigan.. Maine seems to be the more desirable state with a mix of fresh and salt water fishing, comparable hunting, and I must admit to wanting to hear that Maine accent over the Michigan/Minnesota accent. No offense to those states. lol
I even found in Maine a two story, two 2bed apartments above a store front on highway 1 in some tiny town. Its not out in the country but having a rental and a store front along with living quarters is appealing if not interesting..
I'm not sure if you were hunting these people, but I gotta' party with you! You're driving, and i'm leaving the .45 at home!! lmao - thanks for the laugh!
No, I'm telling you. They are a nuisance.
You come driving through a nowhere town in NH and there are 4 drooling fools with billboards jumping up and down on a corner, and another accosting you on the other side. Hey, it's Mitt again.Sorry, Mitt..that was close.
No, I'm telling you. They are a nuisance.
You come driving through a nowhere town in NH and there are 4 drooling fools with billboards jumping up and down on a corner, and another accosting you on the other side. Hey, it's Mitt again.Sorry, Mitt..that was close.
Delay your Presidential Preference Primary by a month, and you will never see them again. Ever.
Agree 100 percent
That's just disagreement on semantics for whats Southern ME and what constitutes good fishing and hunting.
For me, it's York Co, Cumberland Co,Portland and the coastal plains.

The freshwater fish have excess dioxin, not to mention mercury from tanneries a century ago, the deer have Lyme disease and another weird virus now, and the Moose catch a parasitic brain worm from deer in areas they overlap and density is too high in those coastal areas. Who the F*k in their right mind is going to eat that?

If you get elevation rises, then deer and moose segregate more, the river beds aren't lined with dioxin and the tick population plummets without the coastal scrub to thrive in. That's why I drive above the old industrialization line.