First post, rookie question.


Well-Known Member
Nice rapid response. Foliar feeding is good for emergencies but should be reserved for that.

Since you are a coco newbie...why not tell us how you plan on feeding and that the coco experts can make sure you're on track...
I was told at the hydro shop to alternate. Feed then water.
His coco nutes for veg were back ordered so I picked up the optimum hydro veg. With a bottle of cal mag. I wa told the cal mag should be once a week.

The one thing I’m unsure of is this talk of run off when watering and should they be watered daily or when dry?


Well-Known Member
Feed with every watering. Giving just water can mess with the nute buffering. Ph your feedings to a coco/hydro level. 5.8 or 6 should be good.

There are many coco grinds. So you'll have to judge your coco. With really pithy coco, it can be overwatered while the coarse can use for hydro and water multiple times a day.

You don't let it go through a full on wet dry cycle like isn't soil.
Gotta run...breakfast is ready.


Well-Known Member
OK...I'm back,
Coco with it's high cec and tendency to hang on to some cations while releasing others...It can turn to shit in a heartbeat.

So people started doing a little flush with every watering. 20% seems like a popular number. That will keep nutrient salts from building up in the rootzone. I highly suggest you follow that protocol.


Well-Known Member
Quick update.

They rebounded and are nice and green. Can’t post a pic yet but will do so later. Thanks again to everyone for the responses.


Well-Known Member
The learning curve isn't quite as steep for an old grower getting back into buck up, you have a lovely looking plant there. And you learned a few things.
I’m slowly getting the hang of it again. Like ridding a bike lol.
Looks even better now it’s been tied down for 3 days.


Well-Known Member
Aero cloning, for me, is where it's at. I will never clone anything any other way. No hummidity dome needed. I fill the thing with water and a little clonex, drop my cuttings in and check them in a week. Near 100% success rate . . .


Well-Known Member
Your doing great. Be careful of the hydro store... There is a lot of overpriced stuff there designed to make it seem complicated and a mystery bottle to cure everything... I believe you chose the best and easiest medium to grow in. Coco is not hard to grow in imho...

Coco, Low concentration of Nutes, Fed as often as you can/want in a breathable pot is a recipe for success with little to no nute problems... I've had little to no real nute issues since going to that mantra... I beleive many nute problems are from the over-nuting that the nute companies push us to do...

You don't need to go crazy with nutes and spending oodles... They are overpriced for marketing sake... "It's expensive so it must be exquisite and excellent". The reason there are so many bottles is these companies "forget" to include the micronutrients in their base nutrients.... Lots of us coco guys just use Jacks Hydroponic dry nutes or similar... Two parts, three if you add Epsom salt now and again... Highly effective, simple to use and costs pennies on the dollar of Hydro store nute brands... Only thing I buy at the hydro store is coco and light bulbs...