I forgot who asked about the sous vide decarb, but I got my machine not long after mentioning it and I’ve had great success with the joule at 203f for an hour to decarb, amount of material doesn’t seem to matter, but it needs to be tightly packed together.
Then I hot extract with everclear in the same sous vide bag at 170f for twenty minutes, strain it and wash the product with some more ethanol.
That gives you alcohol tincture “green dragon”, but I want RSO, so I take the tincture and put it in a Pyrex dish in the water bath to evap the ethanol, only takes about an hour.
Then we use that RSO to make gummies or whatever. It’s the best tasting RSO I’ve tried, really not unpleasant to take by itself, it’s just really strong.
If I were doing this with fresh material I imagine that I’d have to take an extra step to wash out some chlorophyll, but I’m using dried and frozen and the taste isn’t strong.
Hot extract, about a #
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Sous vide works great to decarb with no smell.